Appendix A: Chairman’s Report.

Dunston Village Hall Management Committee

AGM 23 February 2015

Chairman’s Report

Thanks to all the members of the Committee for their support over the past year. It has been a very busy year and particular thanks go to our Treasurer, Helen Duncan, who has had to deal with the added complications of accounting for restricted funds – grants for particular projects and to Kim Stansfield for taking over as Secretary, Robert Ford in his positive support for hirers, to Julie Robinson the cleaner for her excellent work and our handyman Ken Hunter and Patrick Packwood as handyman’s assistant. .

Refurbishment, Maintenance & Repair.

With a grant of £14,104 from LCC & NKDC and a contribution from DVHMC, the Parish Council carried out essential structural work to repair the subsidence and damaged drains, remove of asbestos debris in the roof void, install roof and cavity wall insulation and construct a concrete path for the fire escape route from the rear of the building, This work was completed by the end of February 2014 enabling us to progress with the agreed plan of internal refurbishment of the hall.

During the last accounting year we spent £5011.48 from reserves on refurbishment (including the £980 for insulation in Phase1)

  • The front facing windows of the Main Hall were replaced with energy efficient double glazed units with more accessible openings.
  • The remaining 4 old electric heaters were replaced with energy efficient electric radiators and all 6 radiators in the Main Hall are linked on a radio controlled system for temperature and timing.
  • The coin meters for the heating in the Main Hall & the Lamyman Room were removed and cost of heating was included in the new hire rates implemented in October.
  • The cleaner’s cupboard was refitted to provide easier access and control of supplies.
  • The storage cupboard by the stage was refitted following installation of internal insulation to the single brick wall.
  • A purpose built trolley for the carpet bowls mats was made by Patrick Packwood to make storage and use of the mats.
  • An instant water heater was installed in the Lamyman Room bar area part funded by a grant of £250 from Cllr M Overton.
  • Purchased kitchen units, sink and fittings for the bar/cellar area in the Lamyman Room from Howdens at one third of the trade price (£543.60)

The heavy rain in autumn found its way through the roof causing some damage to the ceiling in the Gents Toilets and above the door into the hall and the Parish Council insurers agreed to cover the cost of repairs.

Many of our regular users from the past have welcomed the improvements in heating, removal of the coin meters and general improvements in appearance of the Village Hall and are supportive of the committee’s plans to improve the toilet facilities and to renovate the kitchen.

We have received very positive feedback from casual users about the general improvements.


Lincolnshire Co-operative Community Champions Grant.

From February through to September, this grant enabled us to provide a range of workshops in ballet, Bollywood, Musical Theatre, Street Dance, Have a Go at playing a brass instrument, Crafts and Scarecrow making as well as running two weekly street dance classes –one for primary school age group and one for secondary ages. A written report on the activities and an account of the expenditure was sent to the Lincolnshire Co-Operative Society offices in Lincoln and to the Metheringham store manager.They were very pleased with the report.. The Grant was primarily use to pay instructors fees.Participants paid a nominal fee which paid for the room hire.

Rural Access Grant

In October we were successful with a grant application to LCC for £678.60 - 75% of the cost of £904.80 for installing cycle racks which were fitted in November. They will be of benefit to residents and visitors as well as users of the hall.

Awards For All

With considerable help from Hester Kapur at Lincolnshire County Council, we submitted grant applications to the Big Lottery Fund, Awards for All for £9290 and the Bernard Sunley Foundation for £4,500 towards the £18,500 cost of refurbishing the toilet facilities. The Parish Council have also donated £2,000 from the 2014-15 precept to this project. We have received a donation of 2 toilets units worth £200 from a local businessman and allocated £2,525 from reserves to this project.

Hall Use

BingoSadly in August we said goodbye to the weekly Bingo Session in September when Pop Revell retired and could find no-one to take over. (Bingo 2 hours per week – Main Hall)

Caravan Weekends. The last Caravan weekend booking was held in October. The field adjoining the Village Hall is no longer available for Caravan use.

Red Lion Bar no longer available to provide a bar facility

New regular activities started in the year

Holistic Fitness – Yoga & Rejuvenation Exercise/Pilates2 hours per weekMain Hall

Sewing BeeLamyman Room2 hours weekly (Co-Op Grant starter funding)

both with a high percentage of participants being Dunston residents.

Scarecrow Weekend

Many thanks to Mike Credland, Phil & Les Sands, Lesley Lilley, Diana Hammond & Patrick Packwood for entrusting us with your treasured possessions; Dunston St Peter’s Primary School for the mural and WW1 project work & Steve Moore for researching the memorials of young men from Dunston who died in WW1 - all of which were used in our Exhibition of WW1 Military & Domestic Memorabilia over the Scarecrow Weekend. Many people said how much they enjoyed the exhibition even if it had evoked sad personal memories.

The vintage style sweets and preserves on sale were a great success.


Scarecrow Weekend raised £200.00

  • £100 from sale of sweets and preserves
  • £100 from Hybrid Heating
  • £ 10.85 from other contributions

Fashion Show in October–with IDEAS raised £150.00

Donations received £95.

Included £45 at the Scarecrow Weekend.