Pleasant Plains Township

830 Michigan Avenue

Baldwin, MI 49304

Planning Commission Meeting

November 8, 2017

Call to Order: Meeting was called to order at 6:00pm

Roll Call: Chairman, Randy Eling, present; Vice-Chair, Mike Oostmeyer, present; Secretary, Kevin Braddy, present; Members Rand Lauritzen, present; Berna Ward, present; Su Eling, present; Ex-Officio Trustee Clint Jackson, present.

Approval of Agenda: Motion made to approve the agenda by Kevin Braddy, second by Mike Oostmeyer. Motion approved.

Reading of Minutes: The minutes for August 2017 were reviewed. Motion made by Kevin Braddy to approve the minutes, second by Rand Lauritzen. Motion approved.

Communications: none

Guests: Supervisor Tammy Ghent and Dave Ghent

Audience Comments: Dave Ghent presented a copy of a letter he had written to Mac McLellan about the noise at the airport during the RC plane events. He requested that the Planning Commission look into it and see if there was anything that could be done. The Planning Commission will look into it at their next meeting.


A)Ex-Officio Trustee Clint Jackson: none

B)Zoning: Bob Sanders submitted 2 months of reports..

C)Commission Members: Rand Lauritzen asked Supervisor Ghent to correct the ZBA by placing a member of the Planning Commission on it. The Supervisor asked for a volunteer. Mike Oostmeyer said that he would be willing to sit on the ZBA. Kevin Braddy reported that the grading work had started at the new Township property for the temporary fire barn. He also said that he now has the capability to make copies of the updated Zoning Map and will make sure everyone has it for the next meeting.

D) Special Committees: The Citizen Committee for Medical Marihuana made their report. Su Eling stated that there would be a Public Hearing on 11/11/17 at 11:00 to hear comments on the 2 ordinances. Combined with that will be the 2 ordinance changes to the Zoning Ordinance and the proposed Junk Ordinance.

Old Business:

A) The Commission went through the proposal that Rand Lauritzen had submitted. Discussion was held. Chair Randy Eling offered to type up the new proposal with the discussion items included, to be reviewed at the next meeting.

New Business:

A) It was decided to hold a meeting on December 13, 2017.

Open Discussion/ Future Projects:

A)  Next meeting date is December 13, 2017.

Adjournment: With no further business, Berna Ward made the motion, second by Rand Lauritzen to adjourn. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:15p.m.

Submitted by:

Kevin Braddy, Secretary ______

Randy Eling, Chairman______