History Honors I.N. Table of Contents

Table of Contents1-6


Syllabus Notes9

World Map (colored)10

World Map Cornell Notes11

Syllabus Quiz12

World Map Quiz13

Great Awakening TB 139 CN14

I.N. Rules15

Distinct Colonial Regions Develop TB 109-110 CN16

Thirteen Colonies Cornell Notes17

Thirteen Colonies Map18

American Indians BrainPOP CN19

How to Create Cornell Notes CN20

Great Awakening Pop Quiz21

French & Indian War TB 151 #1-422

13 Colonies Quiz23

4x4 Instructions24

Warm Up: Week of 09/02/1425

The Road to Revolution Ch. 6 4x426

Causes of Am. Revolution Brainpop CN27

Warm Up: Week of 09/08/1428

French & Indian War Pop Quiz29

Causes of Am. Revolution Quiz 09/12/1430

Warm Up: Week of 09/15/1431

Political Power Intro CN32

Causes of Am. Rev. Quiz #2 33

Road to Rev. Vocab Matrix34

Warm Up: Week of 09/22/1435

Am. Rev. Brainpop & 6.3 #1-436

“John Adams” Pt. 1 CN37

I.N. Check 7-30 &
Student Assignments and Grades Report 10/01/1438

Causes of the Am Rev Graphic Org39

Warm Up: Week of 09/29/1440

Declaration of Independence BP CN41

D of I Quotes & Causes of Am Rev Graphic Org 242

PBL Important Information43

Warm Up: Week of 10/06/1444

Warm Up: Week of 10/13/1445

PBL Rough Drafts46

“An Important Decision” Reading47

“An Important Decision” CN48

6.3 Quiz 49

“An Important Decision” Quiz50

PBL Presentation Worksheet51

PBL Rubric & Task List52

Warm Up: Week of 10/27/1453

An American Hero Reading54

An American Hero CN55

An American Hero Quiz56

Confederation to Constitution Ch.8 4x457

Political Party Origins Brainpop CN58

Warm Up: Week of 11/10/1459

Alexander Hamilton CN60

Thomas Jefferson CN61

Hamilton & Jefferson Reading62

Hamilton & Jefferson Graphic Org63

Constitution Brainpop CN64

Three Branches Brainpop CN65

Hamilton & Jefferson Quiz66

Congress Makes Laws CN67

Powers of Congress CN68

Powers of the President CN69

Warm Up: Week of 12/08/1470

Warm Up: Week of 12/01/1471

Three Branches of Fed.Govt Chart72

Periodic Assessment #173

Constitution Quiz74

Powers of the Judicial Branch Notes75

Congress & President Quiz76

Warm Up: Week of 11/03/1477

The Constitution CN78

The Constitution Reading79

Bill of Rights 1-5 Graphic Org80

Bill of Rights 6-10 Graphic Org81

Warm Up: Week of 01/12/1582

Recognizing Your Rights83

Three Branches Pamphlet84

Warm Up: Week of 01/19/1585

Warm Up: Week of 01/26/1586

The Louisiana Purchase: Rough Draft87

Jefferson Era Ch.10 4x488

The Louisiana Purchase: 2nd Draft89

Bill of Rights Quiz90

Common Core PA Rubric91

Writing Frequently Asked Questions92

Warm Up: Week of 02/02/1593

I.N. Check 80-92 & Grade Report 02/10/1594

Lewis & Clark Notes95

Lewis & Clark: Great Journey West Video CN96

Warm Up: Week of 02/09/1597

Warm Up: Week of 02/16/1598

“Washington, Slave Catcher” Article99

“Washington, Slave Catcher” CN100

LouisianaPurchase Final Draft & Grade101

Louisiana Purchase Packet102

Warm Up: Week of 02/23/15103

Career Day 2015104

Lewis & Clark: Rough Draft105

George Washington, Slave Catcher Quiz106

Warm Up: Week of 03/02/15107

Lewis & Clark Packet108

Lewis & Clark Claim Evidence Graphic Org109

Trail of Tears Worksheet110

Trail of Tears CN111

Lewis & Clark 2nd Draft112

Warm Up: Week of 03/09/15113

Andrew Jackson Brainpop CN114

Trail of Tears Quiz115

Andrew Jackson Graphic Organizer116

Warm Up: Week of 03/16/15117

Manifest Destiny: Packet 118

Manifest Destiny: Rough Draft119
Manifest Destiny: 2nd Draft120

Manifest Destiny: Final121

Warm Up: Week of 03/23/15122

Mexican American War BP CN123

Women’s Suffrage Vocab Matrix124

Women’s Suffrage BP CN125

Grade Report 03/25/15126