Scholarship of Engagement Travel Grants Application

Due Dates:


ESC Funding: March 20, 2015

IARSCLSE Funding: March 20, 2015

The Offices of Service-Learning, Research, and Outreach and Engagement are offering small grants to Ohio State faculty, staff, and students that offset the cost of travel to present their scholarly work atconferences or participate in workshops that advance the scholarship of engagement across teaching and research.

Funding of up to $1,000 for individuals and $2,000 for teams of two or more will be offered for meetings that include theIUPUI Service-Learning Research Institute,the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, and theInternational Association for Research on Service-Learning and Civic Engagement. This application will allow you to submit a request for funding for our review. To complete the application, also provide a simplified budget explaining your travel costs.

Submit completed application in a single PDF document to Mark McCann in the Office of Outreach and Engagement, at , not later than the submission deadline for your event.

1. Contact Information:




Department Chair/Director:

Campus Address:




Email Address:

Phone Number:

2. Select the travel opportunity that you are applying to fund:

☐IUPUI Service-Learning Research InstituteMay 13-15, 2015, Indianapolis, IN. Registration now open.

☐Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference Sep. 29-30, 2015, Penn State University, State College, PA.Proposal deadline: Mar. 20, 2015.

☐International Association for Research on Service-Learning and Civic EngagementNov. 16-18, 2015, Boston, MA. Application Due:March 20, 2015.

☐Other (Provide Name, Location, Dates of Event, and Due Date of Application)

3. Briefly summarize your activities as they relate to community engagement. Note any service-learning courses taught, advisor/mentoring relationships that involve an engagement component, publication in outreach and engagement oriented journals, and any other relevant details that support your involvement in outreach and engagement

(500 Words Max):

4. Provide a brief explanation of how your participation in this opportunity will enable you to further contribute to the scholarship of engagement across your research and teaching.

(500 Words Max):

5. Please provide your budget below, including full grant funding requested (up to $1,000 for individuals or $2,000 for teams of two or more), funding sources, and matching funds (max $1,000 for individuals or $2,000 for teams of two or more):

Budget Items / Funding Source / Estimated Cost
Total Amount Requested: / (Up to $1,000/individual or $2,000/team)

6. This grant requires a minimum 25% cash match (of the amount of funding requested). Document a budget summary below that includes source(s) of your intended cash match and the amounts to be provided by each source.

(500 Words max)

Submission Checklist

Please use the following checklist to assemble additional materials and ensure your application is complete. All materials should be compiled into one PDF document in the order listed below. Incomplete or incorrectly formatted applications will not be evaluated.

☐Mini-Grant Application completed

☐Director/Chair listed in application notified of intent to apply

☐Application submitted to by close-of-business on appropriate due date (see heading).

Thank you for supporting the scholarship of engagement.

The Office of Service-Learning

The Office of Research

The Office of Outreach and Engagement