2010-11 Agricultural Education Enrollment Summary: SCHOOL______

***RETURN by February 1stto:Luke Allen, District II FCAE Program Advisor

17840 W. Laraway Rd.

Joliet, IL 60433

*or* District 1 Schools: Send toDistrict 1 FCAE, PO Box 190, Joy, IL 61260

Part I – HAVE YOUR GUIDANCE COUNSELOR PRINT A CLASS LIST FOR EACH OF YOUR CLASSES THAT YOU TEACH for both first and second semesters, INCLUDING AGRICULTURE COURSES, SAE COURSES, JUNIOR HIGH COURSES, AND NON-AGRICULTURE COURSES. The class list must include the following items. Each school’s computer student database program should be able to print the below information.

-School Course Title (If school course title is different from the approved state title, be sure to write in the approved state title.)Please indicate if the course is a non-agriculture class.

-Course Length – Year or Semester

-First and Last Name of Student

-Grade Level of Student

-Gender – Male or Female

-Demographics - After the class lists are printed, it will be the teacher’s responsibility to identify each student’s demographics.

Demographic identification is not needed for NON-AGRICULTURE CLASSES.

By each student’s name, identify as follows:

-FARM - Living on a farm where 50% or more of the family’s income is generated by the farm.

-SAE – Circle the student’s name if this student had or will have a SAE project during the

08-09 school year.

****Be sure that your class rosters include first and second semester enrollments, so that all students are accounted for.


2010-11 Agricultural Education Enrollment Summary SCHOOL______

***RETURN by February 1stto:Luke Allen, District II FCAE Program Advisor

17840 W. Laraway Rd.

Joliet, IL 60433

*or* District 1 Schools: Send toDistrict 1 FCAE, PO Box 190, Joy, IL 61260

Part II: Answer each item. Do not leave blank. If the answer is zero, place a “0” in the blank.

The agriculture department/FFA website is:

Total number of IEP(Individualized Educational Program) students:

Total number of non-white students in your program:______Male_____Female

Total number of SAE visits made in 2010:

Total Net SAE Earnings, as of 12/31/10, from All Students having an SAE: $

Percent of students using the online SAE record book?(circle one) 100 75 50 25 <10 0

Unduplicated Students last school year that participated in any FFA county, section, district, or state activity above the chapter level______

Equipment in your program(circle all that apply)

DTN Ag Ed Network Laptop DVD Smartboard TV/PC LCD Projector GPS Receiver

What type of computerized grading do you use?(circle all that apply) Do Not Use STI Classroom Excel GradeQuick GradeBook GradeMachine Other(list)______

Program budget change for the 10-11 school year?(circle one) Increase Decrease Same as Last

Contract Length in months: (circle and include a stipend amount if any.)

Teacher #1 Name______9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 Stipend Amount-$______

Adjusted contract length with stipend included is - 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12

Teacher #2 Name______9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 Stipend Amount -$______

Adjusted contract length with stipend included is - 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12

Teacher #3 Name______9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12 Stipend Amount-$______

Adjusted contract length with stipend included is - 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 12

List agriculture course titles that fulfill academic graduation requirements in:



Consumer Education______


Social Science______

FFA Banquet Date: _____/_____/_11_

IAVAT Dues Paid by: (circle one) Myself FFA/FFA Alumni School Other______

Prep Time for each teacher: