Tuesday 14th March 2017

Venue: Kia Oval, Kennington, SE11 5SS

Theme: Improving Well-being and Making Positive Change

Keeping Medicine Brilliant- Dr Hillary Cass

·  Discussed current problem in recruitment, retention and low morale in Paediatrics and Medicine on the whole

·  Review of ‘Keeping Medicine Brilliant’ publication from Royal College of Physicians and considered how we can implement guidance in Paediatrics

·  Task-finish group to carry project forward with Dr Hillary Cass and Affy

Neonatal Airway Project: Polly Robinson, Helen Macgloin, Dr William Barry

Trainee led project to improve confidence and competence in neonatal intubation. Discussed current problems in training:

·  Variability in exposure and opportunity to practice intubation during ST2/3 placements- site dependent

·  No formal log book

·  Cause of anxiety and stress for trainees


·  Task-finish project led by Polly

·  First stage will be reviewing draft survey to be sent around to trainees to collect data on experience and views

·  Trainee sign up to be involved in project

The Professional Support Unit

Talk from the ‘Professional Support Unit’ and services available. Please do share details with trainees and college tutors at local trust:

Careers Unit:

Coaching and mentoring:

Individual support team:

PHP HEE (London): Short term interventions for trainees with mental health and or addition issues: PHP HEE (London)

More information can be found here:

Update from the supporting trainees sub-group:

·  Learning Together Scheme: Presentation by Jo Cryer- Review of progress and outcomes of trainee led initiative to bring Paediatric trainees and Psych trainees together to improve learning and sharing of expertise.

·  Discussed new LTFT improvement project led by Marietta

Mindful Medics Workshop led by Reena

Workshop led by Mindful Medics- Theory behind Mindfulness and value in improving attention and productivity. Role of neuroplasticity. Fantastic practical workshop.

Courses available:

Tea & Empathy

National informal peer-peer support group for those in NHS. Many initiatives and ideas to help foster a caring and supportive environment in the workplace. Join FB group to find out more. Search ‘tea and empathy’. Can also be found on Twitter.

Afternoon Meeting with College Tutors

·  Workshop led by Dr Bob Klaber and Dr Hillary Cass on the role of the Educational Supervisor (Changing ES with each post Vs keeping same ES for longer period). Role of Mentorship in the School of Paediatrics


Ace the Written - Pass the MRCPCH Theory and Science

Free training event

Wednesday 3rd May 2017 - 1745

Senate House, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HU

£15 deposit will be refunded after attendance.

Please email

Transition to Leadership (ST3-4 Transition course)

Free 3 day course for ST3 Trainees

Available dates: Day 1 and 2 either: 2nd and 3rd May OR 22nd and 23rd June 2017

Day 3 date in October TBC

To apply:

RSM Clinical Leadership Evening Events