(Publications and international activities)

Jacques TEGHEM

Civil Status.

Born at Brussels, February 3, 1948.

Nationality: Belgian

Maried, one child

Military service (from 1/08/74 till 30/07/75).

  1. Scientific Career.

A.1. Studies and teaching activities.

- Diploma of secondary degree school at Athénée Royal de Saint Gilles (1965).

- Diploma of master in mathematics at Université Libre de Bruxelles(1969)

- PhD in sciences (mathematic group) at Université Libre de Bruxelles (1976)

- Research grand of FNRS (Fonds National de la Recherche Scientifique). Renouncement due to a nomination at the Faculté Polytechnique de Mons (1969)

- Faculté Polytechnique de Mons: assistant (1/09/69); associated professor (1/01/90); full professor («professeur ordinaire») (1/10/92); emeritus professor and scientific adviser (1/10/08). Teaching of mathematics (Algebra, Calculus, Probability) and Operations Research ( Mathematical programming; graph theory; production management; multi- criteria aid; stochastic models).

- Université Libre de Bruxelles: professor partim (30h.) (1/09/81); honorary professor (1/09/08). Teaching of Probability.

- Inter-university master in Transportation and Logistics: professor partim (30h.). (1/09/91 – 30/07/05). Teaching of models in transportation management.

- Hautes Etudes commerciales (HEC) de Liège: Professor partim (30h) (1/09/79- 30/07/85). Teaching of operations research.

A.2. Prizes.

- Winner of eloquence tournament «Paul Henri Spaak» (1965)

- Laureate of a CERN grant: scientific sojourn at CERN-Geneva (7/07/68 – 30/09/68).

- Laureate of the Belgian national presentation at IFORS conference (Japan – 07/75)

- Laureate of the Japanese grant «Matsumae International Foundation»: scientific sojourn at Kyoto university (1/09/84 – 28/02/85)

- Prize «Za Zaslugu dla uczelni» de l’Université Polytechnique de Poznan (Pologne). Médaille du mérite pour trente années de collaboration scientifique.


B.1. Books,

1)Stochastic versus fuzzy approaches to Multi-objective mathematical programming under uncertainty, (with R.Slowinski). "Theory and Decision Library, Series D: System Theory, Knowledge Engineering and Problem Solving" (D. Reidel Publishing Company),(426 pages), 1986.

2)Programmation linéaire. Editions Ellipses et de l'Université de Bruxelles - Collection Statistique et Mathématiques appliquées (374 pages), 1996. Second edition 2003.

3) Optimisation rapprochée en Recherche Opérationnelle, (with M.Pirlot). Traité IC2 (Information, Commande, Communication), Editions Hermès Science Publications,(215 pages), 2002.

4) Résolution de problèmes de Recherche Opérationnelle par les métaheuristiques (with M.Pirlot). Traité IC2 (Information, Commande, Communication), Editions Hermès Science Publications,(253 pages), 2003..

5) Recherche Opérationnelle, Tome 1: Méthodes d’optimisation. Ellipses, (624 pages), 2012.

6) Recherche Opérationnelle, Tome 2: Gestion de production; modèlesaléatoires; aide multicritère. Ellipses, (624 pages), 2013.

7) Metaheuristics for Production scheduling, (with B. Jarboui and P. Siarry),

Wiley-Iste,(501 pages), 2013.

8) Métaheuristiques pour l’ordonnancement monocritère des ateliers de production. (with B.Jarboui and P. Siarry), Hermès Publications/Lavoisier. (266 pages), 2013

9) Métaheuristiques pour l’ordonnancement multicritère et les problèmes detransport. (with B. Jarboui and P. Siarry), Hermès Publications/Lavoisier, (323 pages), 2013.

B. 2 Chapters in book and documents as editors.

1)Comparaison des approches floue et stochastique en P.L. multicritère en avenir incertain (with R. Slowinski), Document n° 35, Lamsade (98 pages) - Université Paris-Dauphine. 1986

2)Mathematical Programming: a tool for Engineering, guest editor (with M. Save) double special issue of the journal "Engineering Optimization", vol 18, n°1-3 (234 pages), 1991.

3)) Dynamic programming in production scheduling: models, heuristics and case studies in "Optimization models and concepts in production Management" Ed. by Brandimarte P. and Villa A., Gordon and Breach Pb. pp. 71-104. 1995

4)OR and Statistics in the universities of Mons, guest editor, double special issue of the «Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science”, (JORBEL), vol. 41, n° 1-2 (121 pages), 2001.

5) O.R. for innovation and quality of life, guest editor (with B.Matarazzo), EJOR 139/2, 2002.

6)) La programmation linéaire multicritère, in «Concepts et méthodes pour l’aide à la décision» (Eds.D. Bouyssou, D. Dubois, M. Pirlot and H. Prade), Traité IC2, Hermès Publications, pp. 215-285, 2006.

7) Multiple objective linear programming, in «Concepts and methods for decision aid» (Eds D. Bouyssou, D. Dubois, M. Pirlot and H. Prade), chapter 6, pp. 199-264, John Wiley, 2009.

8) Comparaison de métaheuristiques de recherche locale sur un problème d’optimisation hiérarchique d’un flow-shop avec délais entre les opérations d’une même tâche» (with E. Dhouib and T. Loukil) in «Métaheuristiques pour l’ordonnancement monocritère des ateliers de production» (Eds: B. Jarboui, P. Siarry and J. Teghem), chapter 4, 29 pages, Hermès/ Lavoisier, 2013.

9)A comparison of local search metaheuristics for a hierarchical flow shop optimization problem with time lags (with E. Dhouib and T. Loukil) in «Metaheuristics for production scheduling» (Eds: B. Jarboui, P. Siarry and J. Teghem), pp. 69-90, Wiley-Iste, 2013.

B. 3. Articles.

1)Processus de décision markovien : tactique "bias-optimal", C.C.E.R.O., vol. 13, n° 3, pp. 124-140 (1971).

2)Un problème particulier d'ordonnancement de la production, R.B.S.T.A.R.O., vol. 14, n° 4, pp. 15-21 (1974).

3)Properties of (0,k) policies in a M/G/1 queue and optimal joining rules in a M/M/1 queue with removable server, Operational Research '75, pp. 229-259 - North Holland Publishing Company (1976).

4)Optimal pricing and operating policies in a queueing system. Advances in Operations Research, pp.489-496, North Holland Publishing Company (1977).

5)Use of discrete transforms for the study of a GI/M/S queue with impatient customer phenomena, Z.O.R., Bda 23, pp. 95-106 (1979).

6)On uniform hysteretic policies in a queueing system with variable service rates, C.C.E.R.O., vol. 21, n° 2, pp. 121-126 (1979).

7)Optimal control of queueing system: a survey, Operations Research in progress - D. Reidel Publishing Company, pp. 333-349 (1982).

8)Un problème de localisation dans le domaine de la santé publique (with L. Berghmans and P. Schoovaerts), C.C.E.R.O., vol. 25, n° 3-4, pp. 231-240 (1983).

9)Multi-objective and stochastic linear programming, Foundations of Computing and decision science, vol. 8, n° 3-4, pp. 225-232 (1983).

10)Implementation of Health Facilities in a new city (with L. Berghmans and P. Schoovaerts), J.O.R.S. vol. 35, n° 12, pp. 1047-1054 (1984).

11)Application of Multi-objective linear and stochastic programming to power system planning (with P. Kunsch), ENCOST, pp. 83-89, (1985).

12)Multi-objective decision making under uncertainty : an example for power system (with P. Kunsch), Eds. Y. Haimes and V. Chankong "Decision Making with multiple objectives", Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, n° 242, pp. 443-456 (1985).

13)Optimal control of queues: Removable servers, J.O.R.B.E.L., vol. 25, n° 2-3, pp. 99-128 (1985).

14)Control of the service process in a queueing system (Invited Review), E.J.O.R., vol. 23, n° 2, pp. 141-158 (1986).

15)Théorie des matroïdes et optimisation combinatoire (with D. Tuyttens), J.O.R.B.E.L., vol. 26, n° 1, pp. 27-62 (1986).

16)An optimization method for energy systems planning (with P. Kunsch), Eds. R.P. Shaw et al. "Innovative Numerical methods in Engineering", Springer Verlag, pp. 687-694 (1986).

17)STRANGE: an interactive method for multi-objective linear programming under uncertainty (with D. Dufrane, M. Thauvoye and P. Kunsch), E.J.O.R., vol. 26, n° 1, pp. 65-82 (1986).

18)Interactive method for multi-objective integer linear programming (with P. Kunsch), Eds. Fandel, Grauer, Kurzhanski, Wierzbicki "Large Scale Modelling and Interactive Decision analysis", Springer Verlag, pp. 75-87 (1986).

19)Survey of Techniques to determine the efficient solutions for multi-Objective Integer Linear Programming (with P.Kunsch), Asia-Pacific Journal of Operations Research, vol. 3, pp. 95-108.(1986)

20)Nuclear fuel cycle optimization using multi-objective Integer Linear Programming (with P. Kunsch), E.J.O.R. (International), vol. 31, 2, pp. 240-249.(1987).

21)Optimal control of a removable server in an M/G/1/ queue with finite capacity, E.J.O.R. , vol. 31, 3, pp. 358-367.(1987)

22)Comparison of methodologies for multicriteria fuzzy and multiple objective stochastic interactive linear programming methods (with M. Roubens) Eds. (J. Kacprzyk, M.Fedrizzi), "Combining fuzzy imprecision with probabilistic uncertainty in Decision Making", Springer Verlag, pp. 240-265.(1988).

23)An interactive DSS for multi-objective investment planning, Eds. D.Mitra et al. "Mathematical models for Decision Support", Springer Verlag, pp. 123-134. (1988).

24)Stochastic and fuzzy approaches for multi-objective linear programming under uncertainty (with R. Slowinski), N.R.L., Vol. 35, pp. 673-695. (1988).

25)An interactive DSS for multi-criteria decision aid (with C.Delhaye, P. Kunsch), Journal of mathematical modelling, vol. 12, n° 10/11, pp. 1311-1320. (1989)

26)Production scheduling: a case study in the chemical industry (withM. Roba), ENCOST, 17, pp. 35-42. (1989).

27)A personal computer version of the MCDA approach STRANGE (with C. Delhaye, F.Bourgeois, P. Kunsch) in Eds. (C. Bana e Costa), Multi-criteria decision making: software and applications, Springer Verlag, pp. 492-511. (1990).

28)Multi-objective programming under uncertainty: scope and goals of the book, in Eds.R. Slowinski andJ. Teghem "Fuzzy vs. stochastic approaches to Multi-objective mathematical programming under uncertainty", D. Reidel, pp. 3-6. (1990)

29)"STRANGE": an interactive method for multi-objective stochastic linear programming and "STRANGE-MOMIX" its extension to integer variables in Eds. R. Slowinski and J. Teghem "Stochastic vs. Fuzzy approaches to Multi-objective mathematical under uncertainty", D.Reidel, pp. 103-115. (1990).

30)A comparison study of "STRANGE" and "FLIP" (with R. SLOWINSKI) in Eds. R. Slowinski and J. Teghem "Stochastic vs. Fuzzy approaches to Multi-objective mathematical under uncertainty", D.Reidel , pp. 365-393. (1990)

31)Comparison of methodologies for fuzzy and stochastic multi-objective programming (withM. ROUBENS), Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 42, pp. 119-132. (1991).

32)Application of the ORESTE method to a nuclear waste management problem (with C. DELHAYE and P. KUNSCH), ENCOST, 24, 29-39. (1991)

33)Use of rough sets method to draw premonitory factors for earthquakes by emphasing gas geochemistry : the case of a low seismic activity context, in Belgium (with J.M. CHARLET) in Ed. R. SLOWINSKI, "Decision support by experiences - applications of rough sets theory" , Kluwer Publ., pp. 165-180 (1992).

34)Some experiments to compare rough sets theory and ordinal statistical methods (with M. BENJELLOUN) in Ed. R. SLOWINSKI, "Decision support by experiences - applications or rough sets theory", Kluwer Publ. pp. 267-286 (1992).

35)Balanced grouping through Simulated Annealing (with B. LIEGEOIS, M. PIRLOT, E. TRAUWAERT and D. TUYTTENS) in Ed. R.V.V. Vidal "Applied Simulated Annealing" Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems, Springer, 396, pp. 276-290 (1993).

36)Assignment of available products to orders with the MCDM software ORESTE (with P. MERCIER and H. PASTIJN), Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computation, 54, pp. 183-196 (1993).

37)New developments in multi-objective stochastic linear programming.

in"Applied Stochastic models and data analysis". Eds.J. Janssen; C.H. Skiadias, World Scientific, pp. 938-948. (1993).

38)Multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems: a survey (with E.L. ULUNGU), Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis, vol. 3, (1994), pp. 83-104.

39)Homogeneous grouping of nuclear fuel cans through Simulated Annealing (with D. TUYTTENS; M. PIRLOT; E. TRAUWAERT; B. LIEGEOIS), Annals of Operation Research, 50, pp. 575-607. (1994).

40)Optimization of production scheduling in a plastic processing industry (with C. BATTA); Belgian Journal of Operations Research, Statistics and Computer Science, vol. 34 (2), pp. 55-78. (1995).

41)The two phases method: an efficient procedure to solve bi-objective combinatorial optimization problems" (with ULUNGU E.L.), Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, vol. 20, n° 2, pp. 149-165. (1995).

42)Portfolio selection by MOLP using an interactive Branch and Bound(with H. L'HOIR), Foundations of Computing and decision sciences vol. 20, n° 3, pp. 175-185. (1995).

43)Embedding of linear programming in a simulated annealing algorithm for solving a mixed integer production planning problem (with M. Pirlot, C. Antoniadis) Journal of Computational and applied mathematics, 64, pp. 91-102. (1995).

44) Duality for fractional transportation problem (with A.M. Stancu-Minasian) in CCERO, vol. 37, pp. 121-133. (1995).

45) Belgian Operations Research in Three Movements (with J.P. Brans and F. Broeckx) in JORBEL vol.35 (1) (1995)

46)A production scheduling case study in a chemical firm using metaheuristics (with Ph. Fortemps; C. Ost; M; Pirlot; J. Teghem; D. Tuyttens), Journal of Production Economics (1996); 46-77, pp. 13-26. (1996).

47)Solving multi-objective knapsack problem by a branch and bound procedure (with E.L. Ulungu) in Ed. J.N. CLIMACO, Multicriteria Analysis, Springer Verlag, pp. 269-278. (1997).

48)Two-phases method and Branch and Bound procedures to solve the bi-objective knapsack problem (with Visé M., Pirlot M. and Ulungu E.L.), Journal of Global Optimization, 12, pp. 139-155. (1998).

49)Efficiency of interactive multi-objective simulated annealing through a case-study (with Ulungu E.L. and Ost Ch.), JORS, 49, pp. 1044-1050. (1998).

50) The MOSA (Multiple objective Simulated Annealing) (with Ulungu E.L., Fortemps Ph. and Tuyttens D.), JMCDA, 8, 221-236. (1999).

51) An interactive heuristic method for multi-objective combinatorial optimization (with D. Tuyttens and E.L. Ulungu) Computers and Operations Research, vol. 27, pp. 621-634 (2000).

52) Performance of the MOSA method for the bi-criteria assignment problem (with D. Tuyttens, Ph. Fortemps and K. Van Nieuwenhuyze) Journal of Heuristics, vol. 6, pp. 295-310(2000).

53) Multiple objective Fuzzy Linear programming: the MOFAC method (with Fortemps Ph.) in “Preferences and Decisions under Incomplete Knowledge”, Eds. J. Fodor, B. De Baets and P. Perny, Springer Verlag, 11-32. (2000).

54) Solving multi-objective scheduling problems with tabu search (with Loukil T. and Fortemps Ph.), Control and Cybernetics, vol. 29, pp. 819-828. (2000).

55) Multi-objective integer linear programming in “Encyclopedia of Optimization”, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001).

56) Multi-objective combinatorial optimization in “Encyclopedia of Optimization”, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001).

57) Bi-objective assignment problem in “Encyclopedia of Optimization”, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2001).

58) Methodologies for solving multi-objective combinatorial optimization, book in honour of Prof. B. Roy. Eds: D. Bouyssou, E. Jacquet-Lagrèze, P. Perny, R. Slowinski, D. Vanderpooten, P. Vincke, Kluwer Academic, (21 pages). (2001).

59) Efficiency of metaheuristics to solve complex flexible job shop (with H. El Maqrini), Jorbel, 41, pp. 83-102. (2001).

60) Implémentation des métaheuristiques: etudes de cas (with D. Tuyttens and M. Pirlot) in «Résolution de problèmes de R.O. par les métaheuristiques» Eds (M. Pirlot, J. Teghem). Editions Hermès, pp. 91-126. (2003).

61) Adaptation des métaheuristiques en optimisation multicritère (with B. Ulungu, D. Tuyttens and Ph. Fortemps) dans «Résolution de problèmes de R.O. par les métaheuristiques Eds (M. Pirlot, J. Teghem). Editions Hermès, pp. 197-228. (2003).

62) A particular multi-objective vehicle routing problem solved by simulated annealing (with D. Tuyttens and N.A. El Sherbeny). Lecture Notes in Economics and Mathematical Systems (Springer Verlag), 535, pp. 133-152. (2004).

63) Solving multiple objective scheduling problem using metaheuristics (with T. Loukil and D. Tuyttens). European Journal of Operational Research, 161, pp. 42-61. (2005à.

64) A heuristic algorithm for scheduling the steelmaking continuous casting process (with A. Bellabdaoui et A. Fiordaliso). Pacific Journal of Optimization, vol. 1, n°3, pp. 447-464. (2005).

65) A mixed-integer linear programming model for the continuous casting planning (with A. Bellabdaoui). International Journal of Production Economics, 104, pp. 260-270. (2006).

66)The Pareto Fitness Genetic algorithm (with S. Elaoud et T. Loukil). European Journal of Operational Research, 177, pp. 1703-1719. (2007).

67) Genetic algorithms to solve the cover printing problem (with S. Elaoud and B. Bouaziz). Computers and Operations Research, 34 (11),pp. 3346-3361. (2007).

68) A multi-objective production scheduling case study solved by simulated annealing (with T. Loukil and Ph. Fortemps), European Journal of Operational Research 179, pp. 709-722. (2007).

69)Relationship between Pareto optimality in multi-objective 0-1 linear programming and DEA efficiency (with J. Yougbare) European Journal of Operational Research, 183 (2), pp. 608-617. (2007).

70)MEMOTS: a memetic algorithm integrating tabu search for combinatorial multi-objective optimization (with T. Lust), RAIRO, vol. 42 (1), pp. 3-33. (2008).

71)Genetic algorithm based approach for the integrated airline crew pairing and rostering problem(with N. Souai), European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 199 (3), pp. 674-683. (2009).

72)Two-phase Pareto local search for the bi-objective travelingsalesman problem (with T. Lust), Journal of Heuristics, vol. 16 (3), pp. 475-510. (2010).

73)The multi-objective travelling salesman problem: a survey and a new approach (with T. Lust) in Eds. C. Coello Coello, C. Dhaenens, L. Jourdan “Advances in multi-objective nature inspired computing” , chapter 6, pp. 119-141, Springer. (2010).

74)Metaheuristics. From design to implementation, book review, European Journal of Operational Research, 205 (2), pp. 486-487. (2010).

75)A hybrid grouping genetic algorithms for the inventory routing problem with multi-tours of the vehicle (with A. Sadok and H. Chabchoub), International Journal of combinatorial optimization problems and Informatics, vol. 1 (2), pp. 42-61. (2010).

76)A genetic algorithm to minimize the makespan in the k-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem (withW. Besbes and T. Loukil). Foundations of Computing and Decision Sciences, 32 (1), pp. 3-25. (2010).

77)Multiple crossover genetic algorithm for the multio-bjective traveling salesman problem.(with S.Elaoud and T.Loukil). Electronic notes in Discrete Mathematics, vol.36,pp.939-946. (2010).

78)Scheduling hybrid flow shop problem with non-fixed availability constraints (with W. Besbes and T. Loukil), European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 4(4), pp. 413-433, (2010).

79) Very large-scale neighbourhood search for solving multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems ( with T. Lust and D. Tuyttens), Lecture Notes in Computer Science subseries in Artificial Intelligence 6576, pp. 254-268, (2011.).

80)The multi-objective multidimensional knapsack problem: a survey and a new approach (with T. Lust). International Transactions in Operational Research, 19(4), pp. 495-520, (2012).

81)Minimizing the number of tardy jobs in a permutation flowshop scheduling problem with setup times and time lags (with E. Dhouib et T. Loukil), Journal of mathematical modeling and algorithms, 12(1), pp. 85-99, (2013).

82)Lexicographic optimization of a permutation flow-shop scheduling problem with time-lag constraints,(with E. Dhouib and T. Loukil), International Transactions in Operational Research, 20(2), pp. 213-232. (2013).

83)Grouping genetic algorithms for a bi-objective inventory routing problem (with A. Sadok and H. Chabchoub), International Journal of Multi-criteria Decision Making, 3(2/3), pp. 256-276, (2013).

84)Solving a mixed interger linear program with time set-up for the steel-continuous casting planning and scheduling problem (with A.Shibi, A. Bellabdaoui), International Journal of Production Reseacrh, to appear, (2014).

B.4. Papers in conference proceedings.

1)Optimal joining rules and toll charges in a queue with reneging (abstract), Proceedings of the first European Congress on Operations Research, p. 47, North Holland Publishing Company (1975).

2)Management of a ingot mould park (en collaboration avec M. Ha Van Binh), Proceedings of the 5th International Seminar "Algorithms for Production Control and Scheduling" (Karlovy Vary), pp. 250-265 (1976).

3)Multi-objective analysis of dispersed power systems. A case study (withP.L. Kunsch), Energy Economics and management in Industry, pp. 65-69, Pergamon Press (England) (1984).

4)Optimal joining rules in a service facility for customers with limited available time,in Ed. T. Hasegawa "Operations Research and Systems", Kyoto University, pp. 54-76 (1985).

5)The multi-objective shortest path problem: a survey (with E.L. Ulungu), Proceedings of the International Workshop on Multi-criteria decision making (Prague), Ed. M. Cerny et al, pp. 176-188 (1991).

6)La programmation mathématique multicritère en avenir incertain : une synthèse et de nouveaux développements. Ed. Aissani, Proceedings du colloque "Modélisation, Optmisation et Aide à la Décision" Bejaïa (1992).

7)Heuristics for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems by simulated annealing (with Uungu E. L. and Fortemps Ph.). Ed. Gu Jifa; Proceedings of the 6th National Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making (1995).

8)Optimization combinatoire multicritère : méthodes exactes et heuristiques. Actes des journées du LIPN - Université Paris-Nord (1995).

9)Scheduling complex and flexible jobshop problems (with H. El Maqrini) in Proceedings of ETFA '95, INRIA/IEEE (1995), 541-549.

10) Efficiency of metaheuristics to schedule general flexible jobshop problems (with H. El Maqrini). Proceedings of the Ninth International Working Seminar on Production Economics (Austria) (1995), pp. 343-365.

11) Solving Multi-objective combinatorial optimization with Metaheuristics. Proceedings of the Metaheuristics International Conférence, Porto (2001), pp. 673-677.

12) Solving multi-objective production scheduling problems using Metaheuristics (with T. Loukil). Proceedings of the International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Québec (2001), pp. 385-399.

13) PRTS + D et Memots: nouvelles métaheuristiques pour l’optimisaiton combinatoiremulticritère (with T. Lust). Proceedings de la 7ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (2006), pp. 137-152.

14) Ordonnancement de projets multi-modes sous contraintes de ressources:un algorithme évolutionnaire basé sur l’information de l’efficacité (with S. Elloumi and T. Loukil). Proceedings de la 7ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d’Aide à la Décision (2006), pp. 237-252.

15) L’hybridation d’un algorithme génétique et du recuit simulé pour la résolution duproblème d’affectation des équipages aériens (with N. Souai). Proceedings de la 7ème conférence de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et de l’Aide à la Décision 2006), pp. 323-344.

16) Multicriteria Maintenance Problem resolved by Tabu Search (with Th. Lust). Proceedings de la conference INCOM’06, pp. 481-486.

17)MEMOTS. A memetic algorithm scheme for multi-objectiveoptimization (with Th. Lust). Proceedings de la conférence MOPGP (2006), (5 pages).

18)Using genetic algorithm in the multiprocessor flowshop to minimize themakespan (with W. Besbes and T. Loukil), Proceedings of the International conference Services Systems and Services Management (2006), vol. 2, pp. 1228-1233.

19) PRTS + D. et MEMOTS: nouvelles métaheuristiques pour l’optimisation combinatoire multicritère (with T. Lust). Conférence ROADEF (2006). Presses universitaires de Valenciennes, pp. 137-151.

20) Two-phase stochastic local search algorithms for the bi-objective traveling salesman problem (with T. Lust), conference Stochastic Local Search (SLS), IRIDIA, Brussels, 2007, pp. 21-25.

21)Maintenanceprédictive avec des dates de début flexibles dans un flow shop hybride (with W. Besbesand T. Loukil), Proceedings de la conférence MOSIM’08 (2008), 8 pages.

22) Minimizing the number of tardy jobs in a permutation flowshop scheduling with minimal and maximal time lags constraints (with E. Dhouib and T. Loukil), Proceedings de la conference MOSIM’08 (2008), pp. 1057-1066.

23) Mult-iobjective decomposition of positive integer matrices: application to radio therapy (with T. Lust), Proceedings of the 4th International Conference ou Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization (EMO’2009), Nantes (France), 2009, pp. 335-349.

24) Reschedunling of a permutation flow shop under the arrival of a new set of jobs (with A. Ben Tayef and T. Loukil) in …….