Pennbrook Middle School
Friday, February9, 2018
“E” Day
Last Day of the Book Fair
Valentine’s Dance Tickets on Sale during Lunches
5-11 Knight of Jazz @ NPHS
7-9 Valentine’s Dance
Incoming 7th Grade Course Selection - rescheduled for Monday, February 12 at 7PM.
Valentines Dance:8th and 9th graders! Get ready for a night of fun, prizes and food for our 2018 Valentines dance on February 9th from 7-9. You may bring a guest from a North Penn school between grades 8-10. Tickets will be on sale Feb. 7, 8, & 9 are $5 during lunches or $7 at the door. Hope to see you there!
Pennbrook Book FairYou can go to the Book Fair site using the following link: The dates of the fair are Monday-Friday February 5-9 during school and Tuesday and Thursday evenings during course selection night.
Baking ClubThe next meeting will be Tuesday February 20 and Thursday February 23, we will be baking for the Basketball Classic.
Lost & Found:please check cafeteria windowsills for items from Lost and Found cabinet for lunch boxes, clothing, gym bags. Unclaimed items will be donated to charity Feb. 15.
March Madnesswill take place on Tuesday, February 20th, after school in the new gym. Each team will have 5 players. Students will sign up in the Guidance Office. Each team will sign up under a color and that team will wear that color shirt on February 20th. Signups will end on Tuesday, February 13th. Each student must fill out an Insurance Form and an Athletic Emergency from and give them to Mr. Lucas in Room 39. Students that played basketball for Pennbrook this year are not eligible to play. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Lucas in Room 39.
Spring Musical:Come see Pennbrook's 2018 musical: Seussical! Fun for all ages, it is based on the works of Dr. Seuss and weaves together his most famous tales and characters from at least fifteen of his books. The show follows the adventures of Horton, an elephant who one day hears voices coming from a speck of dust. Traveling everywhere from the Jungle of Nool to McEligott’s Pool, some of the characters fall in love, some have desperate adventures, and some even save the world. The show runs March 8th, 9th, and 10th at 7 pm, and on March 11th at 2:00 pm. Tickets are $8. To order tickets, please call 215-699-9287 or go to Don't wait! We expect to sell out!
Who Inspires You?Nominate your 2018 All-Star Teacher! On May 11, the Phillies will honor educators in the region during the 18th annual Teacher Appreciation Night. This is your chance to salute a teacher who has made a difference in the lives of his/her students. Administrators, parents, peers and students past and present may submit a nomination for their All-Star Teacher. To nominate a teacher, go to . Entry deadline is on March 23. Ten winners (both teacher and nominator) will receive complimentary tickets and will participate in an awards ceremony prior to the Phillies game on May 11.
Writing CenterNeed help writing a paper? Need help editing a paper? Need help revising a paper you already wrote? Come see Ms. Bacchi in the Writing Center! The Writing Center is open at Penn Time in Room 21 on A,B,C,D and E days. Please get a purple pass from your teacher.
Math Support is available all students every morning at 7:40AM in the IMC-7. The Math Center is also open at Penn Time in Room 89. Please bring your books and handouts! Please get a purple pass from your Penn Time teacher. For Math Tutorials, please go to the Math tab on Pennbrook’s webpage.
Sports: For the most up-to-date and complete Pennbrook sports information, please visit Pennbrook’s Athletic Welcome Page. This can be found under the “Our School” tab: “Pennbrook Athletics”. Sports schedules are posted here.
For sports information/questions, please call 215-853-1603 or email Mrs. Pugliese at
Date / Sport / Location / Dismiss / Pick UpMon
2/6 / 9 Boys’ Basketball
9 Girls’ Basketball
7/8 Boys’ Basketball / @Pennfield
Home / 2:10
2/7 / 9 Girls’ Basketball / Home / 2:50
2/9 / 7/8 Boys’ Basketball / Home / 2:50
Date / High School Sport
(all 9th graders) / Location / Dismiss / Pick Up
2/6 / Boys JV & Varsity Basketball / @CB South / Shuttle
2/7 / Girls Winter Track Meet
Boys Winter Track Meet / @Swathmore
@Westtown HS / Shuttle
2/8 / Girls JV & Varsity Basketball / @Pennridge / Shuttle
High School Sports Announcements:
Online Registration For North Penn High School Athletes
Includes incoming 9th graders who will try-out for a sport at North Penn High School
Do not register online if playing a 9th, 8th or 7th grade sport at Pennbrook
The Middle Schools are still using paper registration forms.
If you do not have computer access, please contact the NPHS Athletic Dept. - 215-853-1319
Directions to Register Online can be found on the Pennbrook Athletic Welcome Page
After School Pickup:
Pennbrook parents: please be aware that we encourage those parents picking students up in the front of the building at dismissal to please move as far up to the front of the building as possible when parking and waiting for your child. This will help to alleviate the back up of traffic onto North Wales Road. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Bus Pass Reminder: No bus passes will be issued per the Transportation Department.
Pennbrook Sports . . .Late Buses run onTuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00pm.
High School Sports . . .Late Buses from North Penn run Tuesdays, Wednesdays& Thursdays.
There is a 3:00 pm Sports shuttle from Pennbrook to the High School. Look for bus #43
To schedule an appointment with Mr. Galante, please call 215-853-1600 or email Mrs. McConaghy at
Please leave parent/ guardian name, student name, reason for absence and date
Pennbrook Attendance
Call Mrs. Pett at 215-853-1602 or
Due to recent changes in federal regulations, it is imperative that we receive a phone call, note, or e-mail for this absence.To prevent further action, please contact your attendance office asstudents with 3 unexcused absences will be scheduled for an attendance improvement conference with school officials and students with 6 unexcused absences will be classified as habitually truant.
NPSD Permissible Reasons For Absence From School:
1.Personal illness
2.Quarantine of the individual’s home
3.Death in the immediate family
4.Impassable roads
5.Educational trip with parent or guardian. This must include written request and prior pre-approval by administration
6.Religious holiday
7.Suspension from school
8.Required Court Appearance
9.Exceptional urgent reasons - must pertain to student as determinedby principal or assistant principal
All absences should be made by a phone call, note, or email. If you have reported the absence to attendance by anyone of these means, you DO NOT have to notify the school in any other way. If your student arrives late, they must present an excuse for tardiness at the attendance office. If a phone call, email, or note is not received by the attendance office, the absence will be unexcused.
Fax: 215-699-0151 Attn: Attendance Office
Call: Attendance at 215-853-1602 or the main office at 215-699-9287
Days Absent: When a student is absent for three or more days a request can be made for missed assignments through Mrs. Behrens or by emailing You can also check your student’s teacher’s web page on Pennbrook’s website. Most teachers post their assignments on a regular basis.
Vacation: If going on vacation during the school year please make sure to send a note at least one week in advance to the Attendance Office. If your absence will exceed ten school days, you will need to contact Mrs. Jennifer Toften, Registrar, at 215-368-0400 to make an appointment to re-register before returning to school.
Student Pickup: For questions or information on picking up your child during the school day, please call 215-853-1601 or email Mrs. Behrens at
Lunch Accounts:Remember to put money into your child’s lunch account. It is very easy with the new program:and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account. There is a convenience charge each time a deposit is made through schoolcafe. Payments by cash or check can also be sent into school with your student.
Visitors: All visitors to Pennbrook are required to show their NPSD staff ID or a driver’s license at our reception desk. If you are coming to an IEP, Team or Teacher meeting or to volunteer, you must show your license and register with our new security system.
Student Illness/Nurse:Students should not be using cell phones to call home when they are ill. Students need to visit the Nurse and the Nurse should contact the parents to come and pick up their student. Please remind your children regarding this rule.
Id Cards are available from Mrs. Lancia in the Guidance Office for $3.00.
Late Bus: North Penn School District runs a late bus every Tuesday and Thursday. Students are picked up from Pennbrook at 5:15PM.
INFORMATION CHANGES: If the home address, home/cell phone number or guardianship of your child changes, please contact the Guidance Secretary, Mrs. Lancia at or call 215-853-1610.
Parents Please Note: If you are withdrawing your student from Pennbrook due to a family move or changing to another school within the District or out of state – please email Mrs. Lancia, Guidance Secretary, , so records can be copied and sent. Mrs. Lancia will email you the forms necessary so she can withdraw your student.