Internal balance Technology Working Group (IBTWG) II
04 January 2016, San Diego, CA
0800-1600 in City View A
- Walked through the draft document – Ray provided the updated draft prior to the meeting (AIAA-R-091-20XX Draft October 2015 - v7)
- Specific notes taken with actions noted – including hold overs from the last list
- Foreword: update to include current members/contributors
- 2.0 Concepts: decision made, content will be added with recommendations
- 2.2 Balance Axis System and Moment Reference Center: Add additional system acknowledgment and add graphic to the Annex– Ray
- Change balance picture captions to say of different types p. 5
- Add pictures of flow-thru, water-cooled…other types of balances p. 9
- Add NIST web site to p.10
- Update chart to match list on p. 10
- Add interactions references – Ray
- Correct equations that are subsets (re-develop) – Ray
- Remove warnings from p. 14 (recommendations are in general)
- 3.1.2(a) only squared terms, make consistent with model
- State balances a single piece and from 1 to 6 components (could be semi span or canard types) where single piece is used for the first time
- Pressure and temperature effects: do not use bellows reference other than as an example but the more generic balance is bridged with pressure lines. Too difficult to have a one model fits all but talk about items to consider models for in these cases such as: zero, mass terms, higher order effects. Reference to a sequential approach to the calibration by adding additional cal points as needed to improve the math model based on the results. Telecon suggested with Dave, Norbert, Jan, Wink, Robin, Stan, Paul, Ryan, Iwan, Ken– Ray (February time frame)
- NTF semi-span, Ss12, 16 ft document, triumph experience
- Add points from original text back into 3.1.4
- 3.3.1 #2 where does this comment belong – maybe in execution?
- Add emphasis of evaluation techniques before and after design (follow flow chart)
- P. 24 more explanation for R2 for cautions
- Add mean square error as metric?
- Add content back in for % contribution since a reference is not available. Stan, Norbert inputs
- Address the term selection processes that can be used based on statistical significance as well as include % contribution and experience as additional criteria - Ray
- Review hierarchy theory and impact of not using: do we have a recommendation and why?– Ray
- Use remove note on back-computed residuals (this is on the forward model); 2 sigma not recommended in first document, remove from text
- 3.6 – report 1 sigma value and max min, for cal and zero returns
- Add references for confidence and prediction intervals and what they do for you as well as equations fro computing (including to engr. Units)
- Repeatability – how to determine and quote to adequately address how it is used
- Check loads- reword clunk and how it is determined
- Elaborate on sting/balance deflections and how they are determined and maybe brief on what use for
- FAVOR test lessons learned (anything to add?)
- Add pictures of example check load systems provided by group members
- Add more detailed discussion of the metric part and non-metric definitions to the glossary – Ray
- Add example calculation, 2 or 3 components, showing all techniques discussed. – Ray and Sean (when we are ready)
- Henry B. (through Mark K.) to update text on the balance static and dynamic load monitoring section: provide summary and examples of current techniques
- Ray to update the concluding remarks section
- Add section to show how to use calculations in the tunnel.- ask others how they handle zlos in the tunnel (ETW, Boeing..) as well as tare process – Ray (new action not discussed at this meeting)
- Add comment on needing help – to contact someone on the working group listed at the beginning of the document – Ray
- Comments from Eric Schuch
- Page viii and 1: Change Veridian Engineering (formerly Calspan) to Calspan
- Page 3: The first figure shown is numbered Figure 2...not sure if there is supposed to be another figure before it or if this is a typo.
- Page 15: The first equation number should be 3.1.2a. It is showing the same equation as 3.1.2. Should it not have the cubic term removed as it is suggested in the sentence which precedes it?
- Add documents to AIAA server and possibly Triumph server - Ray
- Interactions reference – low speed wind tunnel text and others – Ray
- Mathtype SW for equations if needed
- Change selection chart to test objectives and not researcher
- Need to develop final recommendation list as an executive summary
- Keep cal execution as separate section?
- Add check loads to cal schedule (if know ahead of time) for direct comparison purposes
- Move PRESS to 3rd on list as a technique and define PRESS
- Move example plots in annex to main part of document
- Change check loads under bridge sensitivities to a different title
- Rearrange USE section (maybe a better title) to incorporate new sections
- Add bullets and titles to troubleshooting list
- Add warning on use section about issues of changing input voltage from what was used in cal and possible issues
- Preloading on what it is and what it can indicate -consistent with model and balance and additional hardware fits and parts
- P&T – general approach, references listed and cal schedule to accommodate – model form?
- Balance monitoring- how and why, other methods used (Safety of flight, ONERA…BLAMS…) references needed
- Keep sections from report section in main report where makes sense
- Consider normal probability charts instead of histograms as a diagnostic
- Talk with Jan
- Photos – Ryan flow-thru; Matt – water-cooled
- Add sample calculation from pg 20 of old report and one for statistics as well.
- File updates
- New version from meeting changes will be provided by end of February.
- 18 attendees to the meeting