The 2016Western Australian Youth Worker Awards
The Western Australian Youth Worker Awards are an opportunity to acknowledge,celebrateand recognise outstanding youth workers in Western Australia.
Youth Work WAis now seeking nominations that provide evidence of outstanding commitment and performance from individualscurrently serving as a youth worker or a leader in youth work.
We welcome the nomination of any persons you think are exceptional and deserve to be recognised for their work andachievements as a youth worker or leader in youth work, be it someone you work with, someone you have had contact with in the sector or someone you know. We encourage people who have previously been nominated to nominate again.
The objectives of theWAYouth Work Awards are to:
- recognise outstanding youth workers, services, groups and projects that modelbest practice in youth work
- celebrate great stories of youth work
- promote the value of youth work and youth workers inWAto government andthe community
Important Dates
EntriescloseSunday October 16th
ShortlistingFriday October 21st
Interviewswith finalists will occurthe week beginning October 24th
Winnerswill beannounced at the WA Youth Awards Sundowner on Friday11th November, 6pm onwardsat The GeorgePerth
In 2016there will bethreeawards:
Category 1 –Youth Affairs Council of WA Emerging Youth Worker Award
Category 2 –Youth Work WAProfessionalYouth WorkerAward
Category 3 –Youth Futures WA Youth Work Leader Award
Selection Criteria
All Youth Workers nominated need to be members or apply for membership to Youth Work WA, which entails working within the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WA
It is preferred that Finalists are able to attend the WA Youth Worker Awards Sundowner, which will be held during Youth Work Week on Friday November, 11, 2016 where the winners for the Year 2016 will be formally announced.
The winners will be asked to agree that Youth Work WA can use their profile and photographs in all publicity about the awards and ceremony.
Category 1–Youth Affairs Council of WA Emerging Youth Worker Award
This categoryrecognisesa WA Youth Workerwith 1 –4years’ experiencein the Industry that:
- Demonstrates exceptional youth work skills to makea difference in their work with young people
- Has seen outstanding outcomes with young people with whom they work
- Models the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WA for best practice youth work
- Has applied for or is an Associate Member ofYouthWork WA
Category2–TheYouth Work WAProfessionalYouth WorkerAward
This category recognises a WA youth worker that:
- Demonstrates anextraordinary dedication to their work
- Has seen outstanding outcomes with the young people with whom they work
- Models the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WA for best practice youth work
- Has applied for is a full member ofYouth Work WA
Category 3 –Youth Futures WA Youth Work Leader Award
This category recognises an individual with outstanding leadership qualities who:
- Has passionately advanced the cause of young people and/or youth work in WA
- Has consistently achieved outstanding outcomes in their leadership role
- Models the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WA for best practice youth work
- Has applied for or is a full member of Youth Work WA
Remember you can nominate more than one youth worker, but they need to beseparateapplications.
All nominations must be received bySunday October 14th
What do you need to do?
Encourage others to nominate a youth worker by completing the nomination form,givingas much information as possible.Completed forms should be emailed , or posted to;
Youth Work WA
PO BOX 286
WA 6902
2016 Nomination Form
Section A
Which category are you entering?
☐Category 1 – Youth Affairs Council of WA Emerging Youth Worker Award(page 6)
☐Category 2 – Youth Work WA Professional Youth Worker Award(page 7)
☐Category 3 – Youth Futures WA Youth Work Leader Award(page 8)
Please tick one category only
Section B – Nominee Details
(who would you like to nominate?)
Nominee’s name:Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text.
Postcode:Click here to enter text.
Contact number:Click here to enter text.
Email:Click here to enter text.
Section C:Nominator details
(tell us about yourself)
Name:Click here to enter text.
In what capacity do you know thenominee?Click here to enter text.
Address:Click here to enter text.
Postcode:Click here to enter text.
Postal Address:Click here to enter text.
Postcode:Click here to enter text.
Contact phone:Click here to enter text.
Email:Click here to enter text.
I understand the information contained in this entry may be used to promote the WA YouthWorkerAwards. To the best of my knowledge, this information is true and correct.
(If you are submitting an electronic form, simply type your name below)
Signature:Click here to enter text.
Date:Click here to enter text.
Section D:Contents of your entry
Please include the following items in your entry:
☐A completed nomination form(pages 3-4)
☐A written response (maximum 1000 words, preferably typed including a word count) outlining the achievements of the nominee (by completing the relevant section below for your chosen category)
☐Ahigh-resolution digital imageof the individual(can be supplied later)
Section E:Referee details
Please give the details of a referee whom we can contact to supply further information about the individual you have nominated. Please note, the referee should not be related to thenominee.
Name of referee:Click here to enter text.
Postal Address:Click here to enter text.
Postcode:Click here to enter text.
Work Telephone:Click here to enter text.
Mobile:Click here to enter text.
Email:Click here to enter text.
Job title/organisation:Click here to enter text.
In what capacity does the referee know this individual?Click here to enter text.
Section F:Responses to the selection criteria
In addressing the criteria for each category, please provide a written response of no more than 1000 words, preferably typed including a word count. Please note that content in the application that exceeds the 1000-word count will not be considered. In the criteria please explain the achievements of the person you are nominating, or yourself (if you are nominating yourself). Please address the selection criteria and provide specific examples of the outcomes the youth worker has achieved.
Category One: Youth Affairs Council of WA Emerging Youth Worker Award
1. The nominee is or has applied to be an Associate Member of Youth Work WA
☐Not sure (we will make contact with the nominee if your nomination is successful)
2. The nomineehas 1-4years’ experienceas a youth worker
☐Not sure (we will make contact with the nominee if your nomination is successful)
3. By making specific reference to the Australian Definition of Youth Work describe at least two situations in which the nominee has used their skills to achieve outstanding outcomes with young people.
Click here to enter text.
4. Choose 3 principles from the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WA and provide specific examples of how the nominee modelled those principles in their practice
Click here to enter text.
Ensure you have completed pages 3-5 then return by email to or by post to Youth Work WA, PO BOX 286, Leederville, WA 6902.
Category Two: Youth Work WA Professional Youth Worker Award
1. The nominee has applied or is aFull Member of Youth Work WA
☐Not sure (we will make contact with the nominee if your nomination is successful)
2. The nominee has had a minimum of 8 years as a youth worker (this can include youth work study at Certificate IV and above)
☐Not sure (we will make contact with the nominee if your nomination is successful)
3. Describe at least four tangible community level outcomes the nominee has achieved within their area of youth work.
Click here to enter text.
4. Describe situations where the nominee has demonstrated exceptional skills resulting in outstanding outcomes with young people.(Please use skills outlined in the Australian Definition of Youth Workas a reference)
Click here to enter text.
5. Choose 3 principles from the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WA and provide specific examples of how the nominee modelled those principles in their practice.
Click here to enter text.
Ensure you have completed pages 3-5 then return by email to or by post to Youth Work WA, PO BOX 286, Leederville, WA 6902.
Category Three: Youth Futures WA Youth Work Leader Award
1. The nominee has applied or is a Full Member of Youth Work WA
☐Not sure (we will make contact with the nominee if your nomination is successful)
2. Describe how the nominee inspires high quality youth work practice in the Youth Work Sector
Click here to enter text.
3. Provide at least two examples of the nominee significantly advancing the cause of young people/and or youth work in WA through their leadership role.
Click here to enter text.
4. Choose 3 principles from the Code of Ethics for Youth Workers in WAand provide specific examples of how the nominee modelled those principles in their practice
Click here to enter text.
Ensure you have completed pages 3-5 then return by email to or by post to Youth Work WA, PO BOX 286, Leederville, WA 6902.