Second Regional Meeting of ACTO Member Countries Forest Authorities and Preparatory Meeting for the 10th Session of United Nations Forum on Forests
Tena, Ecuador, February 26-28, 2013
Subtopic: Forests:
Objective: Integrated, integral 2 and sustainable forest management and conservation that result in real benefits for the local populations.
Activity / Implementation Actions / Instruments / Current Context Report(2011-2013)
- Design a methodology for economic and environmental valuation of forests[1]
- Forest cover monitoring and forest control
- Projectimplementing
- (7)Seven observation rooms have been installed in the countries (Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela).In order to start operating,national consultants have been hired and computer equipmenthas been provided.
- (40)Fortyrepresentatives from member countries have been trained through(3)threetrainingmodulesonthe use of deforestation monitoring systems (Terra Amazon Systemfrom the National Institute for Space Research, INPE).
- The first meeting of CDP project steering committee was held in Cochabamba, Bolivia, May 2012
- The Observation rooms are preparing anAmazonDeforestationRegional Map 2000-2010.
- Countries have started the National Monitoring Plans for the Forest Cover development process.
- Working with BNDES Amazonia Fund will allow continuous monitoring in the countries.
- Preparingthe second meeting ofthe CDP project steering committee in Georgetown, Guyana Mach 21-22, 2013.
2.2 Prepare a proposal to “Harmonize and validate the Tarapoto and ITTO criteria and indicators (C&I) for sustainable forest management” /
- Projectimplementing
- A harmonizationproposalbased onconsultations in the member countrieswas written, and presented in a regional workshop on May 2012 in Paramaribo, Suriname.
Five online meetings (three in Spanish and two in English) among member countries on the criteria and indicators harmonization.
It is expected tofinish reviewing and to present theadjusted and updated proposal by March 2013.
ACTO- ITTO signed an addendum to continue with the harmonization of criteria and indicators stage as established in the Paramaribo workshop in May 2012.
- Promote and strengthen collaborative forest management[2].
- Projectimplementing
In this event the publication that compiles the experiences of the project ``Sustainable Forest Management in Native Forests and Legal Timber Marketing Chain in the Mid-Southern Ecuadorian Amazon Region`` was presented.
3.2 Exchange of information about the promotion and strengthening of Communal Forest Management through the establishment of a virtual forum. / Combinedproposalof theRegional Workshop on Community Forest Management in the Amazon region: Successful cases.Puyo, Ecuador,August29- 30 2012
3.3 Execution of CFM project in TCO PILCOL – Bolivia.
iv. Promote and strengthen social participation in forest management. / 4.1. Training on forest use of low impact to communal, technicians, leaders and organizations that provides technical support within the support of activity (iii) / Combined proposal ofthe Regional Workshop on Community Forest Management in the Amazon Region: Successful cases.Puyo, Ecuador, August 29-30 2012.
Drafting and implementing aRegional Program of Training, TechnicalAssistanceandCommunity Forest ManagementExtension– takinginto account, among other topics,financialand human resourcesmanagement, community organizationaldevelopment,training for trainers.
4.2 Data and knowledge exchange related to the Amazonian commodities rubber and Brazil nuts in the MAP region (Madre de Dios-Acre-Pando).
4.3 Systematization and dissemination in the website of ACTO regarding different legislations ruling forest management in Countries Members.
v. Facilitate capacity-leveling and study spaces for global dialogue (UNFF and UNFCCC). / 5.1 Follow the progress made in the UNFF and UNFCCC global dialogue processes through the institutionalization of a virtual forum of exchange of information and capacity-leveling, seeking the formulation of regional positions in the mid and long term. / ACTO permanentSecretariatprepared,circulated to member countries and forwarded to the Secretariat of the Forum the Regional report of the actions implemented on forests for its presentation at the next session.
In the II Meeting of Environmental Ministries Lima (March 2012) it was agreed to promote regional cooperation actions to fight illegal logging.
CDP Cochabamba, May 2012,sought todevelop aregional map proposal as a cooperation indicator.
La Paz, Bolivia, September 25-26, 2012. First regional technical workshop on planning methodologies for adaptation to climate change and the presentation of mitigation and adaptation mechanisms for the integrated and sustainable management of forests.
Bolivia presented and supported its proposal on Mitigation and Adaptation Mechanisms for the Integraland sustainable management of Forests andMother Earth, to buildan Amazon perspective with ACTO Member countries, which focuseson: support forthe conservation of forests through its integraland sustainable management and restoration of areas with forestry aptitude, with an impacton the reduction of deforestation; developing an enabling environment to build resilience and reduce vulnerability of humans and ecosystems to climate change; supporting institutiondevelopment and indigenous people.
5.2 To support the participation of MC Delegates in meetings of UNFF and UNFCCC Conferences. / The permanent Secretariatcollaborates with the dissemination of information about the support offered to the Member Countries by the Government of Turkey.
vi. Liaise sustainable funding for the forest sector. / 6.1 Expert Regional Workshop to identify
financial, priority feasible mechanism
for forest management, as input to activity
vii. Seek and identify new and additional funds to preserve the forest. / 7.1 Regional project proposal, forest protection, biodiversity conservation and climate change” (KfW). / Remaining stages are being preparedalong with project preparation.
From a technical viewpoint of the Forestry sector, it is advisable to start a regional consultation process for the initiative.
7.2 Project proposal for the management of forest biodiversity taken into account the following lines as basis:(i) the support to Amazon countries for implementing CBD's Program of Work on Forest Biodiversity; (ii) promoting the implementation of the ITTO/IUCN Guidelines on Biodiversity Conservation in Tropical Timber Production Forests; (iii) promoting the development and consolidation of the trans-boundary conservation in the Amazon region (SCDB/ITTO/ACTO) /
- ProjectPlanning
- Due to ACTO´s participation in COP 10 Nagoya and in the UNFF 9, ITTO´s and CBD Secretariats offered to support the Amazonian Cooperation Strategic Agenda. ACTO Permanent Secretariat, along with CBD Secretariat and ITTO,preparedtheproject proposal to be presented to Member Countries.
- A Memorandum of Understanding between ACTO and ITTO to start with project implementation activities has been signed.
7.3 Identification of priority, new and additional finance mechanisms for the forest preservation.
viii Promote incentives mechanisms for the reforestation / 8.1 Regional Workshop of experiences exchange regarding incentives for the reforestation and restoration of degraded ecosystems.
ix. Promote forest awareness among the Amazonian population. / 9.1 Prepare and implement an agenda of awareness activities in the framework of the International Year of Forests 2011. / An agenda for the activities of the international year of Forests 2011of ACTOmember countries was approved inthe1stMeeting of Forestry AuthoritiesinBogota, March 2011. This was donewith several activities which were developed jointly with the member countries and consolidated in a document, presented during theRio Summit2012
-UNFF New York. January-February 2011
-ACTO Web page related to the topic
-Photography contest
-Poster preparation
-Forest spokespersons or messengers
-Compilation of activities of member countries in the International Year of Forests 2011.
- Presentation of the vision of the Member Countries on the Amazon forest. Earth Summit. Rio +20
x. Promote international technical and financial cooperation to combat illegal logging. / 10.1 Exchange Workshop regarding experiences and information for the implementation of computer systems to control timber origin and destination.[3] (as complement of activity ii) / Regional workshop on control mechanisms of origin and traceability of the wood.Bogota, February 14-16, 2012
Member countries expressed their support for the activities and processesthatACTOPermanentSecretariat is doing regarding control, origin and traceability of wood in the Amazon region, requesting that it continue to develop this to strengthen capacities in the countries.
10.2 Consideration of a proposal to implement electronic key of commercial timber identification (as complement of activity ii) /
- Projectplanning
The scope of the project proposal is being reviewed using the infrared technique.
The start date for the first stage of implementation will be April 2013.
xi. Promote prevention actions and control forest fires. / 11.1 Prepare a technical cooperation and mutual assistance protocol between the Member Countries of ACTO to fight forest fires. / The 2nd Regional Workshop on cooperation and mutual assistance to combat forest fires in the Amazon regionwasheld in Brasíliaon February20-21,2013.
The following documents have been sent to the member countries for consideration: (1)the event Aide memoire, (2) the proposal of the framework agreement and its annexes: (i) the rules of operation; (ii) Glossary of technical terms; and, (iii) the form for the identification of people and support brigades.
11.2 Develop regional capacity-building modules for forest fire fighting and prevention brigades and multipliers.
xii. Promote conservation, rehabilitation, reforestation and maintenance activities for forests and degraded areas. / 12.1 Execute, systematize and disseminate the experiences of the Acre-Ucayali project (Peru-Brazil) /
- ImplementedProject
A closing workshop was held in Pucallpa, Peru. July 5-6, 2012.
The project was evaluated in orderto collect experiences and outcomes which will be socialized by means of a publication.
Experiences and results of this project should be published by June 2013.
12.2 Experience´s compilation of activities implementation about conservation of forests and restoration of degraded areas in the Member Countries, taking as input the information generated in activity (viii)
12. 3 Identify options of south-south cooperation in terms of recovery and restoration of ecosystems.
xiii. Promote the design and implementation of economic valuation instruments for forest its goods and services to serve as reference for executing programs and projects geared to conservation and sustainable management.[4]
[1]All activities related to economic and environmental valuation of forests and environmental services will be developed based on the national legislations of the Member Countries.
[2]Peru believes that forest management should be coordinated between the central, regional and local governments with the participation of the local inhabitants and forest users.
[3]This activity will be developed in coordination with the activity of the subtopic Management, monitoring and control of wild flora and fauna species endangered by trade. Study marketing chains of wild fauna and flora species endangered by trade.
[4]The national legislations of Venezuela and Bolivia do not include the term environmental services.