JUNE 2016

A Meeting of Gillingham Parish Council was held at the village hall on Wednesday,
1st June, at 7:30pm.

Parish Ten - parishioners slot.

Three members of the public attended (one from Gillingham and two from Waterloo). Kings Dam potholes have been reported by a village resident which are getting worse due to theprevious repair being of poor quality, the retention of water in them is hindered by the soakaways being blocked. Clerk to report again and request clearance of drains.

Minutes of Last Meeting - The minutes from the May 2016 general meeting were approved by the council and signed by Councillor Massingham. No matters arising.

Apologies: - Cllrs Chris Hoare & Paul Buggs Davison, Dist Cllr Kay Billig, and County Cllr Margaret Stone.

Declaration of Interests - none.

The clerk asked the councillors to bring their previous Declaration of Interests forms up to date.

Village upkeep
Footpaths either side of the road at The Boundaries need cutting, hole on the Gillingham Dam footpath near the sign needs attention.sunken drain on the road near the the village hall bus shelter, all reported for repair.
The clerk reported she had asked Cllr Stone to get in touch with the bus company running the X2 about its attitude to missing out Gillingham when Northgate is closed. Matter requires further investigation to ensure they display notices at the bus stop advising lack of buses through the village to Norwich (which was not done) and where they are prepared to stop on the bypass when requested to do so.
Contractor requested to sort out the moles and brambles on the play ground – he is concerned about setting mole traps but will endeavour to deal with the brambles.
Non-urgent correspondence in the general file for distribution,

Planning Matters

Signing off of 2015/2016 Accounts and associated paperwork– duly completed, agreed by all councillors present and signed by the Chairman before submission to the Auditor.
Additional late payment of £35.00 rents during 2015/16 finance year
Return of £10 Octogenarian gift during 2015/16 finance year
Payment to PJ Services £109.38 (installation of gutter at the bus shelter)
Chris Cook £35.00 audit prior to submission to Audit Commission
Donation to Tidings - £100.00
Donation to Village Hall - £300.00

Any Other Business

Anybody who suspects that a vehicle which is on the public highway is untaxed can check this out at the following website:

You will need the make and registration number to make the online enquiry
Cllr Thrower said that she had been spoken to about the condition of the churchyard, Clerk to ask the vicar if it is likely to be cut.
A request has been received about making Hemmant Way a 20mph zone. Also complaints about cars parking on pavements have been received – clerk to investigate whether prevention can be enforced.
Date of Next Meeting: Please note that the next meeting of the parish council will be Wednesday 6thJuly, which will start at 7.30pm. Everybody is welcome to attend.

Clerk’s email address:

Gillingham Parish Council website:

District Councillor Kay Billig email:
County Councillor: