Minutes P & C Meeting

Meeting / P and C Meeting Minutes
Date / Tuesday 18th June, 2013
Attendees / As per attendance book
Apologies / Phil Wall, Natalie Macky, Corinne Jacquin Sneddon., Renu Pandey, Theresa Bui
Minutes by / Rosemary Payne
Item / Action / When
  1. Welcome
Rebecca opened the meeting at 7.30pm and welcomed everyone. Special welcome to Craig Butler, HT Welfare as our guest speaker at this meeting. Craig about a proposed curriculum change and structure of week. Currently 6 day cycle. Model being assessed. Positives and negatives about each proposal. Outline of current and new proposal was distributed. Further discussion to be held at school executive level. Hopefully a finalised proposal will come before staff in week 3 of next term. Importance of allowing time to be built in for study development in years 7 and 8. Looking at most efficient use of time and timetabling. Need for change is apparent for staff. Meeting times are needed for staff with students. That the change is advantageous educationally is most valuable. Also need to look at staffing ramifications. Decision needs to be made by week 6 or 7 next term to allow for implementation in 2014. Craig asked P and C to look at proposal and email any responses back to school. Dom moved that P and C support change to 10 day cycle. Mark seconded. Passed. Rebecca thanked Craig.
  1. Minutes of Previous Meeting/Business Arising
Minutes of previous meeting 25th May were emailed to attendees by Rebecca. Thank you.
Moved Michael, seconded Deb, that the minutes be accepted.
Business arising from previous minutes
Leftover Envelopes- Keep on thinking about possible uses.
Honour board for P & C - Matter to be placed on hold. Nice idea but not necessary. Idea is to entice other parents to come forward and join in, with recognition for service. Suggested it be tabled at a future meeting for a vote. Also discussed the possibility of putting something in Clarke House or use of inscribed pavers around school.
Communication by text messaging - Discussion was held. Rebecca to keep working with the school on this. School also has difficulty in database, obtaining right email addresses with some 250 students’ families. Costing needs to be considered. Discussed how we can get every family on board. Raised possibility of using an app on smart phone to contact parents. Could check into this. Michael to bring more details next meeting.
P and C Annual conference – Rebecca and Michael are our current representatives. Rebecca nominated Rosemary to also attend. Dom seconded. Passed.
Buses in Horningsea Park – Kerrie has finally has a reply after numerous attempts. Bus company is looking into it. Manager is trying to work out possible routes and times. Thank you, Kerrie. / Michael / Next meeting
3. Correspondence
Illuminated water bottles fundraising
Banners from Vistaprint
South West Sydney P & C. Rebecca attended a meeting and learned about Gonski funding. Teachers Federation offered a rep to visit P & C meeting to talk about Gonski. Not to be taken up at this time. Further information is available at a Gonski presentation to be made at district office or by reference to the I Give a Gonski website.
Parent workshop - guiding gifted and talented children. To be held on 1st September at Ashfield.
Letter from Theresa Ejsak. Thank you to P & C for welfare support.
National excellence in teaching - nomination form is available
  1. General Business
Public transport safety for our students – reported incident occurred on 31st May. Kerrie reported that the school supported students involved, contacted parents and called police. A parent contacted Rebecca and expressed concern, especially about train travel. Parents who have contacted the school have been supported. Suggested that a senior and junior student buddy system is useful. Morning duty gives vision of train station area. Teachers are sent down when issues arise. Suggested that parents be informed that they should contact the school if a problem arises. Suggested that this be formalised through materials sent out at Orientation or shortly afterwards, in terms of helping students gain confidence in public transport, rather than causing fear.
4. Reports
Principal’s report –copy of report was tabled. Gifted education work being done by teaching and learning teams with academic mentor. School Development Day presentation being done next term. Literacy and explicit teaching strategies have resulted in positive results. Prac teachers have been warmly welcomed. Subject selection nights for year 9 and 11 were well supported. Students have been encouraged to take subjects that they really like and for which they can develop a passion.
Successes celebrated by students. Expo attendance encouraging applications for future boarders. Need to continue to promote HAHS by word of mouth and in whatever way we can. Orchestra leaving for Cooma and Jindabyne on Sunday. Sick bay - medications are to be put into Webster-paks to enable ease of administration and checking.
P & C Treasurer’s report - change of signatories held off. Still no changeover as the auditor is still not finished (voluntary auditor.) Deb to follow up again with Natalie to contact Dean who has done it for free. May need to get another auditor andpay for it. A matter of increasing urgency.
Canteen - treasury statement not yet available until next meeting as bank statement only arrived today. Canteen facade painting - Kerrie has authorised it to proceed. Wonderful fundraising by canteen with cross country. Many thanks to volunteers. Wireless speakers were donated by a company to canteen and this is to bedonated to Country Fair.
Uniform shop - Update on new sports uniform. Finance report to come through later. Some samples were shown of shirts, shorts, tracksuits. Progress is being made! Many thanks to the committee. Designs need to be well thought out. Could possibly be an optional implementation in 2014 with full implementation in the following year.
International club - no activity, so no report
Country Fair - No P & C meeting for 2 months. Need for authorisation of expenses - marquee expenditures, power cords. Email not possible. Is a meeting needed? Dom moved that the CF sub-committee be given a budget of $2000 to spend on activities and equipment needed. Seconded by Rebecca. Passed.
CF Publicity –question was raised that a flyer design was decided upon and then changedbyfront office staff. Kerrie responded that proof reading was essential. Details must be included such as the school crest, address, contact details, etc. Normal process is that it goes to Vicki Healey to be checked so that we have consistent application of key elements in what goes out. Christine Castle has expertise and will be working further with office staff. Suggested that Vicki join in sub committees to ensure that key elements are included. Protocols will be developed, implemented, communicated and adhered to. Kerrie explained all this and was sure that no future problems would be encountered. Now that P & C are aware of these guidelines, they can be included in the future.
Ensemble / band - band going from Sunday to Wednesday to Cooma and Jindabyne. Also playing at the school musical “Guys and Dolls” this Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7pm. A second double has been purchased. Needs tuning. Country Fair music - pops orchestra has been invited to play. Confirmation to be sent through later.
Working bee –a meeting held after last P & C meeting. TAS department and Kirsten McQueen interested in working on design for canteen facade. Corinne isto contact them. Andrew to follow up with Corinne. / Deb,
Andrew / a.s.a.p.
5. Further Business
Constitution and by-laws – the only copy seems to be a photocopy dated from 2008. Certification of incorporation does not seem to be held. Suggested we purchase a hard and soft copy. Rebecca to follow this up. Records may be kept in archives in library. Need to access a record of changes since last copy of by-laws dated 2008. Jo to look through archives to find records for us. Thank you! A central storage space is required for P & C records. A filing cabinet is available in the library for P & C use. By-laws need to updated....a huge job. Further discussion will be required at a future meeting with particular input by present and past P & C executive. / Rebecca
Jo / asap
Meeting was closed at 9.27pm.
Next Country Fair meeting Saturday 20 July at 1pm in Clarke House.
Date of next meeting Saturday 10 August at 2pm in Clarke House.

C:\Users\Owner\Documents\Word Files\Hurlstone P and C 2013\P and C Meeting Minutes 18-6-13.docx