Parent and Student Handbook

Manor ISD

2017–18 School Year



Board of Trustees

Marlin Thomas, Board President

Elmer Fisher Jr., Vice President John Jonse, Board Trustee

Ana Cortez, Secretary Janie Serna, Board Trustee

Monique Celedon, Board Trustee Johnny R. Velasco, Board Trustee

The Manor ISD Board of Trustees, as a standard, holds monthly meetings on the 3rd Monday of the month and begin at 6:00 pm. Board of Trustee meetings are held at the Manor ISD administration building, located at 10335 US Hwy 290 E., Manor, TX 78653. The general public is welcomed to attend these meetings.

Manor Independent School District Administration

Dr. Royce Avery Superintendent of Schools

Dr. Brian Yearwood Assistant Superintendent for Academics & Accountability

Dr. Scott Moger Assistant Superintendent of Construction & Operations

Michael Perkins Executive Director for Academics and School Improvement

TBD Executive Director of Special Programs

Freedom from Discrimination

It is the policy of Manor ISD not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or ethnicity in its programs, services, or activities that it operates, or in employment matters, as required by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended; Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; and section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, or any other reason prohibited by law as well as in accordance with Board Policy not to discriminate in such a manner. For inquiries regarding the non-discrimination policies, contact: Executive Director of Human Resources (512) 2784027 or Director of Communications, PR, & Policy (512) 278-4456.

Manor Independent School District

Vision Statement

“Growth Through Innovation”

Mission Statement

Together, we will ensure the social, emotional, and academic development of every student so they will become successful, responsible citizens and quality contributors.


Goal 1: Create instructional improvement systems for the district in all areas to support academic achievement for all students.

Goal 2: Improve the Culture of Manor ISD to promote teaching and learning for all students and educators in a dynamic learning environment.

Goal 3: Implement effective communication strategies throughout the District.


Together we are committed to:

Responsibility - Being accountable for honesty, integrity, and transparency, with commitment to a strong work ethic, and high moral standards.

Respect - Honoring oneself, one another, the District, and the community at all times.

Culture - Promoting a positive community that ensures diversity, collaboration, and a standard of excellence.

Service - Dedicated to providing quality customer service and effective communication.

Discovery - Developing all stakeholders to become lifelong learners, focused on continuous improvement



The Board of Trustees adopted the Graduate Profile for Manor ISD. In keeping with our philosophy of 21st century learning skills being essential to student success in life, the following skills are those that all Manor ISD graduates should possess or demonstrate:

Collaboration - Learning, sharing knowledge, and working together toward a common goal.

Communication - The process of effectively sharing and receiving information to expand understanding.

Critical Thinking - Using reason to investigate questions, analyze information, and solve problems.

Digital Citizenship - The responsible use of technology, including hardware, software, and online resources, to enhance learning, productivity, communication, and performance.

Work Ethic - The practice of producing quality work demonstrated by personal responsibility, commitment to team, and completion of tasks.



The following District staff members have been designated to coordinate compliance with these requirements:

·  Title IX Coordinators, for concerns regarding compliance with non-discrimination requirements:

Marivel Sedillo, Executive Director of Human Resources (512) 278-4027

·  Section 504/Dyslexia Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of disability:

Lauri Webb, Coordinator of 504/Dyslexia (512) 278-4401

Deborah Ewald, Director of Special Education (512) 278-4418

·  Special Education Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination on the basis of disability:

Deborah Ewald, Director of Special Education (512) 278-4418

·  Bilingual/ESL Coordinator, for concerns regarding discrimination and compliance:

Meredith Roddy, Director of Bilingual/ESL (512) 278-4457

·  Parent Involvement Coordinator, who works with parents of students participating in Title I programs:

Gena Padillia, Title I Parent Liaison (512) 278-4200

Dr. Christopher Harvey, Director of State and Federal Programs (512) 278-4454

·  Homeless Coordinator and Liaison for children and youth, who coordinates services for homeless students:

Jerretta Jimmerson-Davenport, Homeless and Foster Care Liaison (512) 278-4099

Becky Lott, Director of Student and Family Support Services (512) 278-4462

·  For other campus concerns contact:

Dr. Keith Brooks, Executive Director of Student Services (512) 278-4437

·  All other concerns:

Michael Perkins, Executive Director of School Improvement and Accountability

(512) 278-4421

Pam Howard, Executive Director of Special Programs (512) 278-4468

Dr. Brian Yearwood, Assistant Superintendent for Academics and Accountability

(512) 278-4016

Manor Independent School District Administration offices are located at

10335 290 E, Manor, Texas 78653

Manor Independent School District Helpline (512) 278-4000


Blake Manor Elementary / 18010 Blake Manor Rd / 512-278-4200 / Jamie Haywood
Bluebonnet Trail Elementary / 11316 Farmhaven / 512-278-4125 / Angel DeLuna
Decker Elementary / 8500 Decker Lane / 512-278-4150 / Brandon Powell
Lagos Elementary / 11817 Murchison Street / 512-278-XXXX / Malaki Hawkins
Manor Elementary / 129 Blake Manor Rd / 512-278-4100 / Dr. Niccole Delestre
Oak Meadows Elementary / 5600 Decker Lane / 512-278-4175 / Salvador Vega
Pioneer Crossing Elementary / 11300 Samsung Blvd / 512-278-4250 / Ryan Marcum
Presidential Meadows Elementary / 13252 Shadowglen Trace / 512-278-4225 / LaNica Failey
Shadowglen Elementary / 12000 Shadowglen Trace / 512-278-4700 / Andrea Easley


Decker Middle School / 8104 Decker Lane / 512-278-4630 / Dayna Anthony-Swain
Manor Middle School / 12900 Gregg Manor Rd / 512-278-4600 / Donald Wise
Manor New Tech Middle School / 12116 Joyce Turner Dr. / 512-278-4700 / Christopher Smith


Manor High School / 12700 Gregg Manor RD / 512-278-4800 / John Bailey
Manor Jr/Sr High School / 512-278-XXXX / Debra Aceves
Manor New Tech High School / 10323 US Hwy 290 / 512-278-4875 / Bobby Garcia
Manor Excel Academy / 600 East Parsons Street / 512-278-4851 / New Hire
Manor Alternative Program / 10335 US Hwy 290 E / 512-278-4866 / Dr. Marcus Jones
Manor ACC/Certification Center / 312 West Murray / 512-278-7450 / Barry Bacom (Director)

Table of Contents

Table of Contents 8

Preface 17

Section I: Parental Rights 19

Consent, Opt-Out, and Refusal Rights 19

Consent to Conduct a Psychological Evaluation 19

Consent to Display a Student’s Original Works and Personal Information 19

Consent to Receive Parenting and Paternity Awareness Instruction if Student is Under Age 14 19

Consent to Video or Audio Record a Student When Not Otherwise Permitted by Law 19

Prohibiting the Use of Corporal Punishment 20

Limiting Electronic Communications with Students by District Employees 20

Objecting to the Release of Directory Information 20

Objecting to the Release of Student Information to Military Recruiters and Institutions of Higher Education (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 21

Participation in Third-Party Surveys 22

Consent Required Before Student Participation in a Federally Funded Survey, Analysis, or Evaluation 22

“Opting Out” of Participation in Other Types of Surveys or Screenings and the Disclosure of Personal Information 22

Removing a Student from Instruction or Excusing a Student from a Required Component of Instruction 23

Human Sexuality Instruction 23

Reciting a Portion of the Declaration of Independence in Grades 3–12 24

Reciting the Pledges to the U.S. and Texas Flags 24

Religious or Moral Beliefs 24

Tutoring or Test Preparation 24

Right of Access to Student Records, Curriculum Materials, and District Records/Policies 25

Instructional Materials 25

Notices of Certain Student Misconduct to Noncustodial Parent 25

Participation in Federally Required, State-Mandated, and District Assessments 25

Student Records 25

Accessing Student Records 25

Authorized Inspection and Use of Student Records 26

Teacher and Staff Professional Qualifications 30

Students with Exceptionalities or Special Circumstances 30

Children of Military Families 30

Parental Role in Certain Classroom and School Assignments 31

Multiple Birth Siblings 31

Safety Transfers/Assignments 31

Service/Assistance Animal Use by Students 31

Students in the Conservatorship of the State (Foster Care) 31

Students Who Are Homeless 32

Students Who Have Learning Difficulties or Who Need Special Education Services 33

Students Who Receive Special Education Services with Other School-Aged Children in the Home 34

Students Who Speak a Primary Language Other than English 34

Students with Physical or Mental Impairments Protected Under Section 504 34

Section II: Other Important Information for Students and Parents 35

Absences/Attendance 35

Compulsory Attendance 35

Age 19 and Older 35

Between Ages 6 and 19 35

Prekindergarten and Kindergarten 36

Exemptions to Compulsory Attendance 36

All Grade Levels 36

Secondary Grade Levels 36

Failure to Comply with Compulsory Attendance 37

All Grade Levels 37

Students with Disabilities 37

Age 19 and Older 37

Between Ages 6 and 19 37

Attendance for Credit or Final Grade (Kindergarten–Grade 12) 38

Official Attendance-Taking Time (All Grade Levels) 39

Documentation after an Absence (All Grade Levels) 39

Doctor’s Note after an Absence for Illness (All Grade Levels) 40

Driver License Attendance Verification (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 40

Accountability under State and Federal Law (All Grade Levels) 40

Bullying (All Grade Levels) 41

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Programs (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 42

Celebrations (All Grade Levels) 42

Child Sexual Abuse and Other Maltreatment of Children (All Grade Levels) 43

Class Rank/Highest-Ranking Student (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 44

Class Schedules (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 44

College and University Admissions (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 44

College Credit Courses (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 45

Communications—Automated 46

Emergency 46

Nonemergency 46

Complaints and Concerns (All Grade Levels) 46

Conduct (All Grade Levels) 46

Applicability of School Rules 46

Campus Behavior Coordinator 47

Disruptions of School Operations 47

Social Events 48

Counseling 48

Academic Counseling 48

Elementary and Middle/Junior High School Grade Levels 48

High School Grade Levels 48

Personal Counseling (All Grade Levels) 48

Course Credit (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 49

Credit by Examination—If a Student Has Taken the Course/Subject (All Grade Levels) 49

Credit by Examination for Advancement/Acceleration—If a Student Has Not Taken the Course/Subject 49

Kindergarten Acceleration 50

Students in Grades 1–5 50

Students in Grades 6–12 50

Dating Violence, Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation (All Grade Levels) 50

Dating Violence 50

Discrimination 51

Harassment 51

Sexual Harassment and Gender-Based Harassment 51

Retaliation 52

Reporting Procedures 52

Investigation of Report 53

Discrimination 53

Distance Learning 53

All Grade Levels 53

Texas Virtual School Network (TxVSN) (Secondary Grade Levels) 54

Distribution of Literature, Published Materials, or Other Documents (All Grade Levels) 54

School Materials 54

Non-school Materials 54

From Students 54

From Others 55

Dress and Grooming (All Grade Levels) 55

Electronic Devices and Technology Resources (All Grade Levels) 59

Possession and Use of Personal Telecommunications Devices, Including Mobile Telephones 59

Possession and Use of Other Personal Electronic Devices 59

Instructional Use of Personal Telecommunications and Other Electronic Devices 60

Acceptable Use of District Technology Resources 60

Unacceptable and Inappropriate Use of Technology Resources 60

End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments 61

English Language Learners (All Grade Levels) 61

Extracurricular Activities, Clubs, and Organizations (All Grade Levels) 61

Standards of Behavior 63

Offices and Elections 63

Fees (All Grade Levels) 63

Fundraising (All Grade Levels) 64

Gang-Free Zones (All Grade Levels) 64

Gender-Based Harassment 64

Grade-Level Classification (Grades 9–12 Only) 64

Grading Guidelines (All Grade Levels) 65

Graduation (Secondary Grade Levels Only) 65

Requirements for a Diploma Beginning with the 2014–15 School Year 65

Testing Requirements for Graduation 65

Foundation Graduation Program 66

Credits Required 66

Available Endorsements 68

Personal Graduation Plans 68

Available Course Options for All Graduation Programs 68

Certificates of Coursework Completion 69

Students with Disabilities 69

Graduation Activities 69

Graduation Speakers 70

Graduation Expenses 70

Scholarships and Grants 70

Harassment 70

Hazing (All Grade Levels) 70

Health-Related Matters 71

Student Illness (All Grade Levels) 71

Bacterial Meningitis (All Grade Levels) 71

· What is meningitis? 71

· What are the symptoms? 71

· How serious is bacterial meningitis? 72

· How is bacterial meningitis spread? 72

· How can bacterial meningitis be prevented? 72

· What should you do if you think you or a friend might have bacterial meningitis? 72

· Where can you get more information? 72

Food Allergies (All Grade Levels) 73

Head Lice (All Grade Levels) 73

Physical Activity Requirements 74

Elementary School 74

Junior High/Middle School 74

School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) (All Grade Levels) 74

Student Wellness Policy/Wellness Plan (All Grade Levels) 74

Other Health-Related Matters 74

Physical Fitness Assessment (Grades 3–12) 74

Vending Machines (All Grade Levels) 75

Tobacco and E-Cigarettes Prohibited (All Grade Levels and All Others on School Property) 75

Asbestos Management Plan (All Grade Levels) 75

Pest Management Plan (All Grade Levels) 75

Homeless Students (All Grade Levels) 75

Homework (All Grade Levels) 76

Illness 76

Immunization (All Grade Levels) 76

Law Enforcement Agencies (All Grade Levels) 77

Questioning of Students 77

Students Taken Into Custody 77

Notification of Law Violations 78

Leaving Campus (All Grade Levels) 78

During Lunch 79

At Any Other Time During the School Day 79

Lost and Found (All Grade Levels) 79

Makeup Work 80

Makeup Work Because of Absence (All Grade Levels) 80

DAEP Makeup Work 80

Grades 9–12 80

In-School Suspension (ISS) Makeup Work (All Grade Levels) 80

Medicine at School (All Grade Levels) 81

Psychotropic Drugs 82

Nondiscrimination Statement (All Grade Levels) 82

Nontraditional Academic Programs (All Grade Levels) 83

Parent and Family Engagement (All Grade Levels) 83