Hotel Information
No. / Hotel Name / Hotel to expo center / Room Type / Special Rate forExhibitors & Visitors
B1 / The Great Wall Sheraton Hotel Beijing ★★★★★ / 0.5km / Deluxe Room / RMB 1150+15%+Breakfast
B2 / Zhaolong Hotel
★★★★★ / 1.5km / Deluxe/Business Room / RMB 780/880+Breakfast
Business Suite / RMB 1300+Breakfast
B3 / Landmark Towers Hotel
★★★★ / 1km / Standard/Senior / RMB 750 / 850+Breakfast
B4 / Comfort Inn & Suites Beijing
★★★★ / 1.7km / Deluxe/Business / RMB 698/798+Breakfast
B5 / Home Inns Nongzhanguan Hotel
★★★ / 1.2 km / Standard/Business / RMB 329/349
B6 / Shanghai Four Seasons Hotel
★★★★★ (Shanghai Tasting) / 0km / Deluxe Room / RMB 1700+15%+Breakfast
l Because of the special rate for exhibitors and visitors, the numbers of the hotel rooms is limited; please ahead send us your reservation form.
l The above hotels are far away in 30 minutes drive from Capital International Airport.
l The hotel reservation form will be found the following.
Hotel Reservation Form
Deadline: August 23, 2013
According to the above hotel information, please complete the following form:
Surname / given name / Hotel choice / Sex / Room Type / Breakfast / Date1st / 2nd / Check in / Check out
1. We ______person (3) need the service of Airport pick up to hotel on the date of ______by flight ______. Price: Euro 80 per taxi (no more than 4 persons).
2. I will guarantee my room booking with: □American Express □Master □Visa □Diners □JCB
Credit Card No.: ______Expiry Date: ______
Name as on Card: ______Signature: ______
3. Please return the form by email or fax to: Beijing Regalland Convention & Exhibition Co., Ltd.
4. Later than the deadline, the special rate will not be applicable.
Exhibitor: / E-mail:Name of Person In Charge: / DATE:
Tel: / Fax:
Please send the above form by email To:
Contact: Ms. Jenny Yang E-mail: / SIGNATURE: