• Accountable, Responsive and Legitimate Government.
  • Reduction of inequality and Poverty.
  • Accommodation of social diversity.
  • Dignity and freedom of citizen
  • Conclusion


The aim of this chapter is to build an understanding that right, freedom, equality & accountability which are essential components of democracy provide the more suitable conditions for people to enjoy a life with dignity and economic prosperity. However in terms of outcome the idea of democracy does not bear the same fruits in all democratic systems. This is because the availability of political rights, education, economic opportunities and will of political leaders varies in all democratic countries e.g. democratic system in USA and in western European countries like UK, Germany, France etc. have been more successful in providing dignified life to their citizens. Same is true for Scandinavian countries namely Denmark, Norway, Finland etc. and also for Japan whereas democracies like Bangladesh lies on the other extreme. However democratic system in India, Brazil and South Africa has produced mixed outcomes. Although democracy offers opportunities for citizens for participation and taking part in policy making but its outcomes cannot be taken as for granted because every country has different group of peoples and they influence public policies in different manner. So outcome of democracy in different countries are different.

Democracy as a form of government is a rule based on the consent of the people.It implies that the ultimate authority of the government is vested in the common people so that the policy is made to conform to the will of the people and to serve the interest of the people.

This chapter is organized as follows

Section- 1-Recent trends in democratisation and recognized the need to evaluate the functioning of Democracy.

Section- 2 - Role played by democracy in reduction of Poverty.

Section -3- Acquire knowledge as to how democracy helps in accommodation of social diversity.

Section-4 - Analyses the conditions under which democracies promote dignity and freedom of individuals.

Section- 5- Draws conclusions and spells out implications for policy.



Accountable- Democracy ensures that decision making will be based on norms and procedures and if anybody wants to know if the decision is taken through the correct procedure or not he/she can find it out because in democracy people have the right and means to examine the procedure of decision making. This is known as Transparency. Nondemocratic government does not provide this feature. So, if we are trying to find out the Outcomes of democracy we must accept that democracy is a type of government that follows procedure and is acceptable to the people. It also develops a mechanism for citizens to take part in decision making.

How can we say that democracy produces an accountable government? ‘Accountability’ means that if you are accountable to someone for something that you do then you are responsible for it and must be prepared to justify your actions.

Democracy produces a responsible government because public officials can finally be held accountable for their actions. It further creates condition for responsible government in the sense that its actions are open to scrutiny and criticism by the legislative that has ability to remove it from power.

Government responsiveness to mass preferences is fundamental to most conceptions of democracy. If someone or something is responsive then he/she reacts quickly and favorably. In this matter democratic government is always ready to react quickly and in favor of the people than any other type of the government.

We all expect that the democratic government would be attentive to the needs and demands of the people and it should be largely free of corruption but it is not fair to expect such a high degree of quality because other forms of the government are also not free of corruption as Mr.Jawahar Lal Nehru says “Democracy is good. I say this because other systems are worse”.

Democratic government is certainly better than its alternatives. This government is legitimate and it is people’s own government. That is why everybody supports the idea of democracy.

Legitimacy:- The concept of legitimacy entails justification in terms of the prescribed norms and procedures. The term ‘Legitimacy’ has been derived from the Latin word ‘legitimara’ meaning ‘to declare lawful’. It broadly means rightfulness to secure legitimacy the Govt. has to justify its actions in terms of law. This ensures the social acceptance and effective implementation of rules, policies and decisions.


According to Abraham Lincoln Democracy is a “Government of the people, for the people and by the people”. All governments claim that they are the ‘government of the people’ but most of the governments keep people under control to raise taxes from them in order to run machinery of the government and to prevent the integrity and security of the country against all forces inside and outside the country.

Democratic government is a better government as it promotes equality among citizens, enhances the dignity of individuals, improves the equality of decision – making, provides a method to resolve conflicts and allows room to correct mistake. The outcomes of democracy may differ from nation to nation because it depends upon the social situations, economic achievements and the culture of the nation. But it produces: Accountable, Responsive and, legitimate government

Conditions essential for the success of Democracy.
  • Social: - Social justice, social unity, social education.
  • Economic: - Economic equality & economic security.
  • Political:- An atmosphere of liberty, equality, justice, rule of law, periodic and free elections, free press impartial judiciary, rights and liberties of people.
  • Moral: - Duty bound, concern for common interest, honesty-for the ruler and the ruled.
  • Intellectual: Common sense, toleration, openness, adaptiveness, flexibility

The most important outcome of democracy is that it produces a government that is accountable to citizens. Since democracy is based on the idea of deliberation and negotiations decision making may take some time.In democracy decision making is based on norms and procedures, its decisions will be more acceptable and effective for the people. The following measure can be helpful in measuring favourable outcomes of democracy-

  1. Regular, free and fair elections
  2. Open public debate on major policies and legislatures
  3. Citizen’s right to information aboutthe governments and its functioning Source : Political Science by N.D. Arora (Tata McGraw Hill)



The United States has been supporting democracy abroad for many decades. From WoodrowWilson’s efforts following World War- I to the reconstruction of Germany and Japan after World War II, U.S. policymakers have aimed to create a world of democratic nations. During the Cold War and the current war on terrorism, efforts to foster democracy have been inconsistent or have clashed with other strategic goals, but the U.S. commitment to the growth of democracy abroad has been repeatedly expressed. Over the past 25 years, the United States has made assistance for the development of democracy in other nations is a key element of its national security policy.

In recent years democracy assistance has become not merely a goal for diplomacy (although it remains that) but an increasingly frequent practical problem. A host of international and multilateral donor agencies and even military forces (both NATO and U.S.) have taken on the task of helping build democracies in highly challenging environments, including authoritarian and semi authoritarian states, recently emerging and transitional democracies, and societies scarcely out of, or even in the midst of, violent conflicts (e.g., Ukraine, Bosnia, Egypt, Afghanistan, Iraq, Haiti, Democratic Republic of the Congo). U.S. efforts to assist the spread of democracy encompass a host of activities: diplomatic pressures, trade sanctions, and economic development aid, military and political support for democratic forces or in some cases (e.g., Zaire, Philippines) withdrawal of support for dictators

Practice: - Worksheet 1


Democracy provides fair share to every citizen in the distribution of natural resources. It is based on political equality. It also tries to gives almost equitable distribution in production and income.
But if we look at the actual facts we will find that there are wide ranges of inequalities in democracy. /
Figure 1

A small proportion of population enjoys high share in income while large population has to live with very small share. In Africa, top 20% people have 60% share in income and bottom 20% people have less than 3% share in total income. In Bangladesh more than half of the population lives in poverty and the situation is not very encouraging in India and Brazil. Whereas result are mixed in nature in India and Srilanka

However, democracy has almost eliminated poverty in USA and Western European countries. In democratic setup only Economic inequality and disparity in society can be minimized, poverty and unemployment could be checked. In various democracies ‘Right to employment’ is given to its citizens.

Practice: Worksheet II

Almost every country in the world is a heterogeneous society. People differ from each other in terms of cast, religion, race and language etc. And democracy considered being the most suitable form of government to accommodate various diversities because in democracy equal rights and opportunities are given to every citizen /
Figure 2

No society can fully and permanently resolve conflicts among different citizens but we can certainly learn to respect these difference and we can also evolve the mechanism to negotiate these differences. Belgium is an example of how these differences were accommodated in citizens.

How Social diversity can be accommodated in different societies?

Some European countries are facing wide spread fear about immigrants, ethnic and religious diversity. Countries are facing problem in recognizing the maintenance of group difference and formation of ethno-culture and religious communities. New type of culture has emerged in the world which is called ‘multiculturalism’ but this integration is not an easy task and countries find great responsibilities to develop this kind of culture.

Arguments against multiculturalism

  • It leads to segregation
  • It leads to welfare dependency
  • Emigrants do not feel the responsibility.
  • It focuses on the cultural right of groups rather than the rights of an individual.
  • It concentrates on ‘ethnicculturalism

The social diversity can be accommodated by

Mutual Accommodation

Multiculturalism can be achieved to mutual accommodation but it cannot be achieved within a day because in this process the debate on recognition, family, relations, women and children will also arise. It is desirable that all the cultures should participate in creation of climate of trust and brotherhood. Democracy in India has been evolving in positive direction in terms of multicultural values. /
Figure 3.

Practice: Worksheet III

Every society is different in terms the religions followed, language spoken and the culture of the people. There can be people of different castes, cultures, and religion in a country, but it is only in a democracy that equal treatment is given to all the individuals. Democracy accommodates all the social diversity by guaranteeing dignity and freedom to all the citizens. /

Source: Google Images

  • Take for example the case of women. For a long time, they were denied equal rights, justice, dignity and freedom, but democracy has ensured all these to women. Now the principle of individual freedom and dignity has a legal as well as a moral force.
  • Take another example the conflict among various ethnic groups are minimized by giving them adequate representation in the government in different parts of the world it is also ensured that the rule of the majority is not by those who are in majority just in a number. The majority group needs to work in harmony with the minority group to ensure that interest and concern of every group are represented in the government.

(a) Equality of Women

Figure6 /

For societies which have been built for long on the basis of subordination and domination, it is not a simple matter to recognize that all individuals are equal. Take the case of dignity of women. Most societies across the world were historically male dominated societies. Long struggles by women have created some sensitivity today that respect to and equal treatment of women are necessary ingredients of a democratic society. That does not mean that women are actually always treated with respect. But once the principle is recognised, it becomes easier for women to wage a struggle against what is now unacceptable legally and morally. In a non-democratic set up, this unacceptability would not have legal basis because the principle of individual freedom and dignity would not have the legal and moral force there.

Efforts to fight inequality

World bodies have defined gender equality in terms of human rights, especially women's rights, and economic development. UNICEFdefines gender equality as "leveling the playing field for girls and women by ensuring that all children have equal opportunity to develop their talents."

The United Nations Population Fund has declared that women have a right to equality. "Gender equity" is one of the goals of the United Nations Millennium Project, to end world poverty by 2015; the project claims,"Every single Goal is directly related to women's rights and societies where women are not afforded equal rights as men can never achieve development in a sustainable manner." Thus, promoting gender equality is seen as an encouragement to greater economic prosperity. For example, nations of the Arab world that deny equality of opportunity to women were warned in a 2008 United Nations-sponsored report that this disempowerment is a critical factor crippling these nations' return to the first rank of global leaders in commerce, learning and culture.

In 2010, the European Union opened the European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) in Vilnius, Lithuania to promote gender equality and to fight sex discrimination

(b)Caste Inequalities
The same is true of caste inequalities. Democracy in India has strengthened the claims of the disadvantaged and discriminated castes for equal status and equal opportunity. Perhaps it is the recognition that makes ordinary citizens values their democratic rights. /
  • Equality
  • Everyone is equal before the law and has the right to equal protection and benefit of the law.
  • Human dignity
  • Everyone has inherent dignity and the right to have their dignity respected and protected
  • Life
  • Everyone has the right to life.
  • Freedom and security of the person
  • Everyone has the right to freedom and security of the person, which includes the right
  • Everyone has the right to bodily and psychological integrity, which includes the right Slavery, servitude and forced labour,No one may be subjected to slavery, servitude or forced labour.
  • Privacy
  • Everyone has the right to privacy
  • Freedom of religion, belief and opinion
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience, religion, thought, belief and opinion.
  • Religious observances may be conducted at state or state-aided institutions, provided that
  • Freedom of expression
  • Everyone has the right to freedom of expression, which includes
  • freedom of the press and other media;
  • freedom to receive or impart information or ideas;
  • freedom of artistic creativity; and
  • Academic freedom and freedom of scientific research.

Fundamental Rights in constitution of India has granted citizens of the country to live with dignity and freedom. Fundamental rights of the citizens are too liberal that there is too little that a citizen of this great country can complain about. Fundamental rights are protected by Supreme Court. /
  • There are SIX fundamental rights in the constitution of India and they are
    *Right to equality (Articles 14-18)
    *Right to freedom (Articles 19-22)
    *Right to freedom from exploitation(Articles 23-24)
    *Right to freedom of religion(Articles 25-28)
    *Cultural and educational rights (Articles 29-30)
    *The right to constitutional remedies(Article 32)
    *Right to Property (7th F.R deleted since 44th amendment,1978)
    *Right for equality
    a)Equality before law: Everyone is treated equally before law. No privileges to anyone.
    b) Equal protection of the law: All people are governed and protected by law equally. No exception to President or Governor.
    *Right to freedom
    a) Freedom of speech and expression: Everyone has a right to express his/her opinions freely, by orally , writing, pictures or electronic media or in any other manner.
    b) Freedom to Assemble: People have the rights to assemble and hold demonstrations, take out processions, conduct public meetings etc, on Religious or non-religious matters.
    c) Freedom to form associations or unions: People have rights to form associations or unions and continue them.
    D) Freedom of Movement and residence: Ensures every citizen the freedom to move anywhere in the country.
    e) Freedom of Reside and settle: Guaranties every citizen the freedom to settle in any part of the country.
    f) Freedom of Profession: Every citizen is free to practice any profession, any occupation, trade or business.
    *Cultural and educational rights
    Guarantees the rights of any sections of citizens residing in any part of India having language, scripts or culture of its own, to conserve the same.
    *Right to constitutional remedies
    a) Grants freedom to move the Supreme Court in case of violation of fundamental rights.
    B) Supreme Court to issue writs for enforcement of any of the rights

Some important fundamental rights guaranteed by different constitutions