Page 2, Position Description for Associate Director of Cyclical, Presbytery of Los Ranchos


  1. Nurturing theDevelopmentandSustainabilityofNewWorshiping Communities(NWCs)
  1. Facilitate plans and systems for finding potential leaders of NWCs, including recruitment of, and working with, a Cyclical Liaison.
  2. Identify systems for assessing potential leaders of NWCs.
  3. Implementsystems for training leaders of NWCs. (“Starters Lunches” and “Discerners Dinners.”)
  4. Become familiar with systems and people for coaching leaders of NWCs.
  5. In collaboration with the Strategic Coordinating Team, create metrics and protocols for when to dissolve NWCs.
  6. Encourage the imagination and theological importance of starting NWCs within the everyday practices of particular churches in the presbytery.


  1. Develop appropriatelegalstructuresforthe CyclicalNetwork.
  2. Developandgrowasustainablebudgetforthe CyclicalNetwork.
  3. Regularcommunicationandmutualformationwith anyonewhohasquestionsand insightsaroundstartingNWCs.
  4. Workin collaborationwith otherCyclicalNetworks,presbyteries,synods,andthe PresbyterianMissionAgency.
  5. Arrangebigpictureperspectivesforthe presbytery,in coordinationwith the liaison,especiallyfor the ExecutivePresbytertounderstandthe variousprojects.
  6. Createframesfordiscerninghowmuchmoneytoinvestin differentprojects.

C. Contact with Cyclical

  1. Maintain annual communication with Cyclical Executive Director.
  2. Maintain regular communications with Cyclical Developer.
  3. Participate in Cyclical protocols and events.
  4. Openness to the quality control suggestion of Cyclical Developer and Cyclical Executive Director.



  1. Experience and knowledge in the PCUSA at congregational and presbytery level.
  2. Understanding of the landscape of national church planting movements.
  3. Commitment to the theology, polity, and mission of the PCUSA.
  4. Ruling Elder or Teaching Elder in the PCUSA.
  5. Committed to embodying/promotingthe 12 Core Values of Cyclical.

Personal Characteristics

  1. Willingness and capacity to work with persons of diverse cultures and points of view.
  2. Optimism and ability to communicate the vision of NWCs.
  3. Attitude of openness and sharing of power with other members of the Presbytery.
  4. Ability to govern one’s own life and work within clear boundaries.

Ministry Skills

  1. Ability to look at a situation and grasp the most important issues.
  2. Ability to manage conflict.
  3. Ability to listen and respond to people in the presbytery.
  4. Ability to lead others toward the presbytery’s vision.


  1. Ability to plan and stay organized.
  2. Ability to answer questions concisely.
  3. Ability to write clearly.


  1. Ability to understand budgetary process.
  2. Ability to overseethe work of a team.
  3. Ability to work with other staff.


  1. Values individual contributions.
  2. Ability to lead a group.
  3. Skilled in group process skills.


  1. Has ability to articulate the vision of the Cyclical Network.
  2. Will take risks.
  3. Gains trust and respect of others.


12 hours / week

Salary and Housing = $25,000/year

Medical and Retirement = $6,000/year

Vacation = 4 weeks

Additional Budgetary Items:

$200forrecruitingandprofessionalexpenses or $2,400/year

$30forcell phone or $360/year

$150mileage or $1,800/year

Total Annual Budget for position = $35,560

Annual Fee to Cyclical LA = $14,000


Accountable to the Presbytery Leader for Vision & Mission and the Strategic Coordinating Team.