Page 2, Position Description for Associate Director of Cyclical, Presbytery of Los Ranchos
- Nurturing theDevelopmentandSustainabilityofNewWorshiping Communities(NWCs)
- Facilitate plans and systems for finding potential leaders of NWCs, including recruitment of, and working with, a Cyclical Liaison.
- Identify systems for assessing potential leaders of NWCs.
- Implementsystems for training leaders of NWCs. (“Starters Lunches” and “Discerners Dinners.”)
- Become familiar with systems and people for coaching leaders of NWCs.
- In collaboration with the Strategic Coordinating Team, create metrics and protocols for when to dissolve NWCs.
- Encourage the imagination and theological importance of starting NWCs within the everyday practices of particular churches in the presbytery.
- Develop appropriatelegalstructuresforthe CyclicalNetwork.
- Developandgrowasustainablebudgetforthe CyclicalNetwork.
- Regularcommunicationandmutualformationwith anyonewhohasquestionsand insightsaroundstartingNWCs.
- Workin collaborationwith otherCyclicalNetworks,presbyteries,synods,andthe PresbyterianMissionAgency.
- Arrangebigpictureperspectivesforthe presbytery,in coordinationwith the liaison,especiallyfor the ExecutivePresbytertounderstandthe variousprojects.
- Createframesfordiscerninghowmuchmoneytoinvestin differentprojects.
C. Contact with Cyclical
- Maintain annual communication with Cyclical Executive Director.
- Maintain regular communications with Cyclical Developer.
- Participate in Cyclical protocols and events.
- Openness to the quality control suggestion of Cyclical Developer and Cyclical Executive Director.
- Experience and knowledge in the PCUSA at congregational and presbytery level.
- Understanding of the landscape of national church planting movements.
- Commitment to the theology, polity, and mission of the PCUSA.
- Ruling Elder or Teaching Elder in the PCUSA.
- Committed to embodying/promotingthe 12 Core Values of Cyclical.
Personal Characteristics
- Willingness and capacity to work with persons of diverse cultures and points of view.
- Optimism and ability to communicate the vision of NWCs.
- Attitude of openness and sharing of power with other members of the Presbytery.
- Ability to govern one’s own life and work within clear boundaries.
Ministry Skills
- Ability to look at a situation and grasp the most important issues.
- Ability to manage conflict.
- Ability to listen and respond to people in the presbytery.
- Ability to lead others toward the presbytery’s vision.
- Ability to plan and stay organized.
- Ability to answer questions concisely.
- Ability to write clearly.
- Ability to understand budgetary process.
- Ability to overseethe work of a team.
- Ability to work with other staff.
- Values individual contributions.
- Ability to lead a group.
- Skilled in group process skills.
- Has ability to articulate the vision of the Cyclical Network.
- Will take risks.
- Gains trust and respect of others.
12 hours / week
Salary and Housing = $25,000/year
Medical and Retirement = $6,000/year
Vacation = 4 weeks
Additional Budgetary Items:
$200forrecruitingandprofessionalexpenses or $2,400/year
$30forcell phone or $360/year
$150mileage or $1,800/year
Total Annual Budget for position = $35,560
Annual Fee to Cyclical LA = $14,000
Accountable to the Presbytery Leader for Vision & Mission and the Strategic Coordinating Team.