School Site Council (SSC)

Agenda/Minutes 2013-2014


School Name: San Juan High School

Principal: Gloria Ervin SSC Chair: Gina Timm

Meeting Date: 1/21/2014 / Meeting Location: SJHS
Starting Time: 3:01 pm / Ending Time: 3:30 pm

Participants: Elected SSC Council Members. All staff, parents and members of the public invited.

Item/Time Limit / Actions Requested / Person Responsible
1. Call to Order
(1 minute) / Chair
Comments/Parent Advice
2. Roll Call
(1 minute) / Secretary
Comments/Parent Advice
In attendance: Gloria Ervin, Alicia Johnson, Robin Durkee, Thomas Nelson, Gina Timm, Jesse Walth
3. Additions/Changes to Agenda
(5 min.) / Chair
Comments/Parent Advice
4. Reading and Approval of Minutes
( 5 min.) / Secretary
Comments/Parent Advice
Reviewed November SSC minutes, motioned and voted to approve November minutes.
5. Reports of Officers/Committees
Recommendations from DAC and DELAC
(_min.) / Chair
Comments/Parent Advice
No report from ELAC.
6. Public Comment/Parent Liason Report(_min.) / Chair
Comments/Parent Advice
No report from parent liason.

*Under the Open Meeting Law, no action related to public comment may be acted upon at the meeting. Issues raised at the meeting may be scheduled for another SSC meeting, as approved by the council. Public comment is generally limited to two minutes per person.

7. Unfinished Business (_ min.) / See items below / Principal
8. New Business (_ min.) / See items below / Chair/Principal
a.  Site Strategic Plan update from Howard Cadenhead: going well. One more meeting before the February report back to the planning team.
b.  Common Core (Gloria): for the next couple of years, learning needs to focus on Common Core. Leadership Team and SSC needs to have conversations about common core needs at SJHS and funds to help meet those needs. Our Single Plan for Student Achievement will need to focus on this. Currently using the 10% of Title 1 set aside for PD to help cover these costs.
c.  Title 1 Budget (Gloria): Gloria updated SSC on current Title 1 monies (what is spent, what is encumbered, etc). Next year we can expect at least $30,000 less in Title 1 funds. State funding schools using new process (LCAP). Gloria has attended district meetings regarding LCAP. All spending will go through district, not via state as in some cases before. We will need to look at other sources for funds (City of Citrus Heights, Grants, PTA/Boosters) . No new S3 grant money. Will only have funds to cover Bobby Clark but no supplies.
d.  Instructional Rounds (Gloria): currently being paid for by Title 1 PD. Departments are rotating through their turn with rounds.
e.  Student Presentation on Before School Room (Davion Johnson): Davion did not show so this item is tabled for now.
f.  SSC Secretary (Gina Timm): Mitzi Defer has resigned from SSC. Her term was up in June of 2014. SSC needs a new secretary. No one volunteered. Gina will be chair/secretary in the interim until a new volunteer is found. Mitzi’s position will be left open until elections in May (for Robin and Mitzi’s positions).
g.  Single Plan for Student Achievement –current plan-(Gloria ): State came back on our current plan with 5 main areas that need to be modified..
a.  Cross Cultural Plan needs a descriptor of the connection between CTE and regular Ed.
b.  $30,000 for technology needs to explain not for implementation of Common Core on computers.
c.  Justification on using Title 1 to pay for PSAT and AP tests…explain why this cannot be spend through general fund.
d.  Justify and describe the position that $11,000 is paying for.
e.  Justify the use of $$ for PASS supervisor.
Gloria will work on these items for the SPSA and send them out to the SSC via email. We will then have a discussion/vote via email for approval of the changes to our current plan per the State recommendations.
9. Adjournment
(1 min.) / Chair
Comments/Parent Advice
Adjourned Meeting at 3:30 pm.