PPS 8.10 Form 1A
A. Name: Cynthia L. Opheim, Ph.D. Title: Professor
B. Educational Background
Degree / Year / University / Major / Thesis/DissertationPh.D / 1984 / The University of Texas / Government / Dissertation: The Politics of Oversight: Sunset Reform in Texas
M.A / 1978 / Texas Tech University / Political Science / Thesis: Calhoun and Concurrent Majority: An Analysis of Conflict.
B.A / 1974, / Angelo State University / Government
C. University Experience
Position / University / DatesProfessor of Political Science / Texas State University / 1996-present
Associate Professor of Political Science / Texas State University / 1990-1995
Assistant Professor of Political Science / Texas State University / 1988-1989
Lecturer of Political Science / Texas State University / 1987-1988
Assistant Professor of Government / Angelo State University / 1984-1987
Instructor / Angelo State University / 1978-1984 (On leave of absence, 1979-1982)
Teaching Assistant / University of Texas at Austin / September, 1980-Decmeber, 1980
High School Teacher, Government and Economics / San Angelo Texas Independent School District / September, 1976-May, 1978
D. Relevant Professional Experience
Position / Entity / DatesParticipant / Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research, Summer Training Program in Quantitative Methods, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan. / July 29, 1985-August 23, 1985
E. Other Professional Credentials (licensure, certification, etc.)
A. Teaching Honors and Awards:
Alpha Delta Pi Honored Professor, October 2006.
Honorary Member, Golden Key National Honor Society, Inducted in 1996 for outstanding teaching.
Teacher of the Year Nominee, 1984-85, Angelo State University Student Association
B. Courses Taught:
Texas State University, 1987-present:
PoSi 2310, Principles of American and State Politics
PoSi 5350, Legislative Process (Graduate)
PoSi 5341, The American Policy Process (Graduate)
PoSi. 1309, Introduction to Political Science
PoSi. 2310, Principles of American Government
PoSi. 4398, Practicum in Political Science (Internet)
PoSi. 4399, Senior Seminar in American Government
PoSi. 3308, Congress and the Legislative Process
General Studies Freshman Orientation Course
Angelo State University, 1979-1987:
Gov. 2301 and 2302, American Federal and State Government
Gov. 3301, Introduction to Political Science
Gov. 3311, American Political Culture
Gov. 3341, American Political Theory
Gov. 4313, American Intergovernmental Relations
Gov. 4381, The Politics of the Women's Movement
Gov. 6323, American Intergovernmental Relations (Graduate)
Gov. 6381, Government and American Business (Graduate)
C. Graduate Theses/Dissertations, Honors Theses, or Exit Committees (if supervisor, please
Chair, Thesis Committee – Kyle Robinson, “Analysis of 2010 Mid-term Elections”
Oral Committees: Thomas Beauchamp, Jessica Frego, Yvette Salinas, Justin Perkins, Sarah Stone, Amanda Kitt, Taurie Randermann, Blake Hudson
Chair, Oral Examination Non-thesis Committee – Elvira Lathrop
Member, Oral Examination non-thesis Committee – Aundra Hawkins
Thesis Committee – Robert Fyrst “The Politics of the Vice-Presidency”
Thesis Committee – Tom Miles
Chair, Thesis Committee- Robert Samuelson, “The Evolution of Legislative Oversight An Examination of Conflicts of Power”
D. Courses Prepared and Curriculum Development:
Participant, C-SPAN Seminar for Professors, “Using C-SPAN in the Classroom,” Washington D.C., January 1998.
Summer Institute on Courseware Development Grant, Faculty Advancement Center, "Courseware for American Government: Using Aldus Persuasion and Macro-Mind Director." Total funding, $500. Purpose: to develop courseware for the introductory course, Political Science 2310, Summer 1992.
E. Funded External Teaching Grants and Contracts:
F. Submitted, but not Funded, External Teaching Grants and Contracts:
G. Funded Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:
Merrick Teaching Grant, Texas State University, Spring 2005
University Lecture Series Grant, September 1989. Total funding of $600 was to bring Professor Henry Abraham, a well-known scholar on the Federal Judiciary, to Southwest Texas State.
University Lecture Series Grant, November 1988. Total funding of $700 was to bring Professor Thomas Cronin, a well-known scholar on the American Presidency, to Southwest Texas State.
H. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Teaching Grants and Contracts:
I. Other:
Participating Professor, Texas State in England, Summer 1999, 2002, 2004, and 2007 (Director in 2004).
A. Works in Print (including works accepted, forthcoming, in press)
1. Books (if not refereed, please indicate)
a. Scholarly Monographs:
b. Textbooks:
Co-Author, State and Local Politics: The Individual and the Governments (New York: HarperCollins, 1991, 1996-2nd ed.).
c. Edited Books:
d. Chapters in Books:
“Political Parties in Texas.” American Government and Politics Today. Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C. Shelley II, Barbara A. Bardes, William Earl Maxwell. And Ernest Crain, eds. Belmont, CA: Thompson Wadsworth.
Yun, Hyun Jung and Cynthia Opheim. New Technology Communication in American State Governments: The Impact on Citizen Participation. Handbook of Research on e-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, e-Participation, and Legal Frameworks. (forthcoming).
Contributing Author, Chapter 4- "Parties, Campaigns, and Factions," in Earl E. Maxwell and Ernest Crain, Texas Politics Today, 5th- 12th Eds. New York: Thompson Wadworth, 1990, 1992, 1995, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2009-2010.
Contributing Author, Chapter 21- “Political Parties in Texas,” in Steffen W. Schmidt, Mack C. Shelley II, Barbara A. Bardes, William Earl Maxwell, and Ernest Crain. American Government and Politics Today, 2006-07, 2008-09 Eds. Thompson Wadsworth.
e. Creative Books:
2. Articles
a. Refereed Journal Articles:
“Multi-level Political Careers in the USA: The Cases of African Americans and Women,” with Gary Copeland. Regional and Federal Studies 21(2011): 579-602.
“Building on Success: The Diffusion of E-Government in the American States”, with Hyun Jung Yun. Electronic Journal of E-Government 8 (2010): 71-82.
“Power, Professionalism, and Independence: Changes in the Office of the Mayor,” with Bill De Soto and Hassan Tajalli. State and Local Government Review. 38(2006): 156-64.
“Strategies for Closing the Gap: Predicting Student Performance in Economically Disadvantaged Schools,” with Hassan Tajalli. Education Research Quarterly 28(June 2005): 44-54.
“Apples and Oranges: Comparing the Attitudes of Public Policy versus Public Administration Students,” with Bill De Soto and Hassan Tajalli. American Review of Public Administration 29(March 1999): 77-91.
"Using 'Capitol Hill CD ROM to Teach Undergraduate Political Science Courses," with Willard B. Stouffer. PS: Political Science and Politics. 30(March 1997): 68-70.
"Reinventing Images: State Legislative Attempts to Reach the Public." State and Local Government Review. 28(Spring 1996): 135-146.
"Evaluating Year-Round Schools in Texas," with Kristine Hopkins Mohajer and Robert Read. Education 116(Fall 1995): 115-120.
"Sunset as Oversight: Establishing Realistic Objectives," with Landon Curry and Patricia Shields. American Review of Public Administration 24(September 1994): 253-268.
"The Effect of State Legislative Term Limits Revisited," Legislative Studies Quarterly 19(February 1994): 49-59.
"Explaining the Differences in State Lobby Regulation," Western Political Quarterly (June 1991): 405-421.
"Sunset as Oversight: Establishing Realistic Objectives." Institute of Governmental Studies, University of California at Berkeley, Working Paper 90-20. (with Landon Curry and Patricia Shields).
"Teaching Teachers the Constitution: A Bicentennial Institute," Teaching History (Spring 1990): 12-20.
"Sunset and Occupational Regulation: A Case Study." Public Administration Review. 46 (May/June 1986): 241-245.
b. Non-refereed Articles:
"Making Democracy Work," Graduate Commencement Speech, delivered August 2000 and subsequently published in Vital Speeches of the Day, Vol. 67, November 1, 2000.
“Comments on Sick Legislatures: The Rest of the Story.” In Extension of Remarks: APSA Legislative Studies Section Newsletter 21(January 1998): 8-9, 15.
"Changing Teacher Education in Texas: Eliminating the "E" Word," Comparative State Politics Newsletter (November 1989), pp. 64-66.
"Sunset Reform in Texas: A Controversial Reform Comes of Age." In Eugene V. Jones, Joe E. Ericson, Lyle C. Brown, and Robert S. Trotter, Jr., Practicing Texas Politics, 7th ed. Boston: Houghton-Mifflin Co., 1988.
"Fiscal Prospects for Texas: How Washington Affects the Future." In Beryl E. Pettus and Randall Bland, Texas Government Today, 4th ed. New York: The Dorsey Press, 1986, pp. 429-432.
3. Conference Proceedings
a. Refereed Conference Proceedings:
b. Non-refereed:
4. Abstracts:
5. Reports:
6. Book Reviews:
Barbara Hinckley and Sheldon Goldman, American Politics and Government: Structure, Processes, Institutions, and Policies (Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Foresman/Little, Brown, 1990).
Susan Welch, John Gruhl, Michael Steinman, and John C. Conner, American Government (St. Paul: West Publishing Co., 1986).
7. Other Works in Print:
Review of book chapter: “A Snapshot Overview of Digital Divide, e-Inclusion and e-Government in the Zambian Context,” for possible inclusion in Handbook of Research on E-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks.
Newspaper Columns:
"Gramm will make Good Republican," San Angelo Standard Times Guest Column, 1983.
"Supreme Court Decision Impractical," San Angelo Standard Times Guest Column, 1983.
B. Works not in Print
1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:
"Digital Government in American State Government: Beyond Traditional Professionalism," with Hyun Jung Yun. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Aug/Sept. 2008
“Professionalism/Careerism and the Office of Mayor,” with Hassan Tajalli and Bill De Soto. Annual meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 2005.
“Half Empty or Half Full: The Election of African Americans and Women to State Legislatures and their Career Progression, “with Gary Copeland and Carolyn Pickthorn, University of Oklahoma, Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 2004.
“Strategies for Closing the Gap: Predicting Student Performance in Economically Disadvantaged Schools” with Hassan Tajalli. Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, March 2004.
“The Effect of State Legislature Professionalization on Multi-Level Political Careers in the United States,” presented at Political Careers in Multi-Level Systems Conference, Kloster Seeon, Germany 2004 Sponsored by Center for European and North American Studies, University of Goettingen.
"Reinventing Images: State Legislative Efforts to Reach the Public," presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, August/September 1995.
"Using 'Capitol Hill' CD ROM to Teach Undergraduate Political Science Courses," presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois, August/September 1995.
"A Survey of State Professional Versus Citizen Legislators," presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, San Francisco, California, August 31, 1990.
"The Response of Higher Education to Public School Reform in Texas," presented at the annual meeting of the Western Social Science Association, Albuquerque, New Mexico, April 26, 1989.
"State Regulation of Lobbies: Professional Versus Citizen Legislatures," presented at the annual meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Convention, Little Rock, Ark., March 30, 1989.
"Teaching Teachers the Constitution," presented at the annual meeting of the National Social Science Association, San Antonio, Texas, October 20, 1988
"Centralized Legislative Structure and Oversight: A Case Study," presented at the Annual Meeting of the Western Political Science Association, Las Vegas, Nevada, Spring, 1985. Also presented at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Houston, Texas, Spring, 1985.
"Establishing Standards of Productivity: Sunset Reform in Texas," Annual Meeting of the Western Social Science Convention, Albuquerque, New Mexico, Spring, 1983.
2. Invited Talks, Lectures, and Presentations:
“Latino Partisanship in the United States,” with Hassan Tajalli. Poster session. Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), August/September 2006.
Roundtable: “Research Agendas for State Legislatures,” Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Association, Corpus Christi, Texas, March 1998
Discussant: "Coalition Behavior in Legislative Bodies," Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Social Science Association, Dallas, Texas, March 23-25, 1995.
Discussant: "Ideology and Education Policy," at the Annual Meeting of the
Northeastern Political Science Association, Providence, Rhode Island, November 1992.
Discussant: "State Legislative Budgeting and Oversight," at the Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Political Science Convention, Ft. Worth, Texas, March 29-31, 1990.
"The Politics of Oversight: Sunset Reform in Texas," Annual Meeting of the Texas
Academy of Science, San Angelo, Texas, Spring, 1982.
3. Consultancies:
4. Workshops:
"Writing and Submitting Grant Proposals," conducted for the faculty of the School of Technology, SWT, Spring 1994.
"Problems in Grant Administration," Open Forum for Southwest Texas State Faculty, October, 9, 1993
"Women's Political Clout," conducted for the Concho Valley Business and Professional Women's Club, October 15, 1984.
"The Young Working Woman: A Discussion of Lifestyles," hosted by San Angelo Commission on the Status of Women, April 21, 1979.
5. Other Works not in Print:
a. Works “submitted” or “under review”
b. Works “ in progress”
c. Other works not in print
Review of the following book chapter: “A Snapshot Overview of Digital Divide, e-Inclusion and e-Government in the Zambian Context,” for possible inclusion in Handbook of Research on E-Government in Emerging Economies: Adoption, E-Participation, and Legal Frameworks
“The Role of the Internet in American Politics.” Inklings presentation to the Department of Political Science
Peer Reviewer- State Politics and Policy Quarterly, Legislative Studies Quarterly, Public Administration Review, State and Local Government Review, Political Research Quarterly, and Southeastern Political Quarterly
C. Grants and Contracts
1. Funded External Grants and Contracts:
Sumners Foundation Grant, Project on American Constitutionalism, Total funding- $29,760, October 1996-2001.
The U.S. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Total funding of $98,096 was awarded September 30, 1989. Funding was for summer institute to be held in the Political Science Department at Southwest Texas State, June 11-June 29, 1990. Theme: Federal Judiciary
The U.S. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Total funding of $87,570 was awarded April 1, 1989. Funding was for summer institute held in the Political Science Department at Southwest Texas State, July 24, 1989- August 11, 1989. Theme: American Presidency
The U.S. Commission on the Bicentennial of the Constitution. Total funding of $87,993 was awarded April 8, 1988. Funding was for summer institute held in the Political Science Department at Southwest Texas State, June 21, 1988- July 1, 1988. Theme: U.S. Congress
2. Submitted, but not Funded, External Grants and Contracts:
3. Funded Internal Grants and Contracts:
Research Enhancement Grant (with Hassan Tajalli), “Latino Partisanship in the United States,” Total funding- $1,365, December 2005.
Research Enhancement Grant, "Assessing the Impact of State Legislative Term Limits," Total funding- $4,600, December 1992.
Research Enhancement Grant, "A Survey of Professional Versus Citizen Legislators," Total funding- $4,300, January 1, 1990.
4. Submitted, but not Funded, Internal Grants and Contracts: