Request For Depository Application/Depository Services Contract
Request for Proposal
Depository Application/Depository Services Contract
RFP #901-03-16-001
Selection Committee Summary
April, 2016
OnMarch 9, 2016,the El Paso Hospital District published a Request for Proposal(RFP)for a Depository Application/Depository Services Contract. UMC is requesting applications from eligible and qualified financial institutions to serve as the Depository Bank for UMC.
Courtesy RFP notification emails were sent directly to five firms, in addition to being posted on the UMC website onMarch 9, 2016. The notification was published in the El Paso Times on March 9, 2016 and a second time on March 16, 2016.
The Financial Institution selected will mainly provide banking services as described in the RFP published.
To assure that all necessary banking issues were addressed, we consulted with First Southwest to review the RFP for completeness.
The closing date for firm inquiries was set for March 28, 2016 with the Proposal due no later than 12:00 PM on April 4, 2016. All packets were reviewed for completeness of required information.
Evaluation Factors for Award
The Selection Committee evaluated the Proposals in accordance with the following best value criteria:
Reputation of bidder and quality of service 15 Points
Ability to perform the required and requested services10 Points
Cost of banking services 10 Points
Completeness and agreement to points outlined 10 Points
in the Depository Application
Interest rates paid on interest bearing accounts, time 5 Points
deposits and investments
Financial strength and stability10 Points
Earnings credit on average available account balances 10 Points
Funds availability 5 Points
Convenience of locations 5 Points
Previous service relationship with Hospital District15 Points
Vendor references 5 Points
Selection Committee
The Selection Committee consisted of:
Marina NavarroCash Management - Manager, UMC
Leticia FloresController, UMC
Max Amaya Fiscal Services-Accountant, UMC
Leticia VenzorAssistant Controller, UMC
Diana RamirezFiscal Services-Accounting Supervisor, UMC
Deborah QuinnRevenue Coordinator – UMC Foundation
Myron LewisPharmacy - Director, UMC
Scott McIntyreManaging Director – First Southwest Asset Management
RFP’s Received
The following Financial Institution submitted a qualified Proposal for the Work:
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. made an oral presentation to the Selection Committee on April19, 2016:
At the conclusion of the presentation, the Selection Committee scored and agreed to recommendWells Fargo Bank, N.A. mainly for the following reasons:
- Wells Fargo is a strong financial institution with a strong presence in the community;
- Wells Fargo is the existing financial institution that the Hospital District utilizes and they have provided all the services requested satisfactorily. The relationship established has always been positive;
- Cost of banking services are reasonable as analyzed by Scott McIntyre – First Southwest Advisor;
- The RFP was thorough and complete. The presentation to the team was well represented by bank personnel and they appear eager to help maintain and improve banking efficiencies ;
- All the other measuring categories met the team’s expectation;
The Selection Committee therefore recommends that the President and CEO be authorized to negotiate and execute the Agreement between UMC andWells Fargo Bank, N.A.