SSaEU2016 Košice template (title of article
in English)
Abstract:Abstract in English. This note is to explain the use of the MS Word template to produce an article in the format required for the SSaEU 2016 Košice conference papers.
Keywords:Keywords in English. Document preparation, text processing, MS Word (max 5 words)
Abstract: Abstract in other language. This note is to explain the use of the MS Word template to produce an article in the format required for the SSaEU 2016 Košice conference papers.
Keywords: Keywords in other language. Document preparation, text processing, MS Word (max 5 words)
This paper gives an example of SSaEU 2016 Košice template. In order to enable the publisher to develop the conference proceedings in a uniform layout and style, authors are kindly requested to follow the suggestions as follows.
All articles have to be written in English or other languages(with English and other languagesAbstract and Keywords). The maximum length of the article should not exceed 10 pages.
Use the size of page A4 (210 x 297 mm). The margins must be as follows: left margin 2.5 cm, right margin 2.5 cm, top margin 2.5 cm and the bottom margin 2.5 cm. Use only asingle column layout. Do not start a new page for new sections or subsections. Do not insert page numbers; they will be assigned by the editor. Also notice that no forms of running headlines are allowed. Use footnotes only if it is unavoidable.
2.1Title Material
2.1.1Using styles
Use the Title of article in English: Times New Roman, size 16, centred, Bold.Title of article in other languages: Times New Roman, size 12, centred, Bold. Author:Times New Roman, size 10, centred, Italic. Append academic titles, institution, address of institution, contact email and phone numberof authors using insert footnote command with a marker following the sequence First1, Second2, Third3: Times New Roman, size 8, Italic.
The title and authors should be followed by an abstract and a keyword section, as shown in this template. Use the style Abstractfor your own text of abstract and key words: Times New Roman, size 10. Text body:Times New Roman, size 10.
2.2Section Names and Numbering
Sections are numbered (for sections use styles Heading 1, Heading 2andHeading 3).
2.2.1Using formulas, figures and tables
The formulas align at the centre. Have figures and tables centred between the margins without any text flowing around them. Use figures of high quality that can be reproduced. Use coloured pictures and the coloured photographs. Figures in the CD version of Proceedings will be in original quality and colour, in the book version of Proceedings the will be grey scaled. Use the style Figure for the figures, style Title of the figure for titles of the figures and style Title of the table for titles of the tables.
Fig. 1Title of the figure
Tab. 1Title of the table
Please send the final versions of your papers with the file name ’1st author SURNAME_Title of article.doc’later than 4th of November, 2016via e-mail to:.
(For example):
This work has been supported by the Grant Agency of YY"Name of the grant" No. xxx/xx/xxxx.
Style Referencesis used only for the title of references. Please follow the styleRef itemfor the items in the reference list. All the sources should be listed in order they have appeared in main text. Never include references to Abstract. Do not list sources not referenced to in the article main text.
Please create your reference list according to the following examples:
- Monograph (book, textbook, course)
Surname, N., SURNAME2, N2. Title of monograph or book. Place : Publisher, year. Number of pages p. ISBN.
[1]HUGHES, M., FRANKS, I.M. Notational Analysis of Sport. London : Routledge, 2007. 304 p. ISBN 978-0-415-29005-0.
- Contribution in monographs or serials (book of proceedings)
Surname, N., SURNAME2, N2. Title of article, contribution or chapter in proceedings, monograph or serial. In Title of book of proceedings, monograph or serial. Place : Publisher, year. pp. first pagelast page. ISBN/ISSN.
[2]BOJDA, P., DUB, M., MAKULA, P. Multiple Source Navigation Signal Generator. In MOSATT 2011 Modern Safety Technologies in Transportation : Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference. Zlata Idka : Suprema, Ltd., 2011. pp. 41-46. ISBN 978-80-970772-0-4. ISSN 1338-5232.
- Journal paper
Surname, N., SURNAME2, N2. Title of journal paper. In Title of journal, year, vol., No., pp. first page-last page. ISBN/ISSN.
[3]HARRIS, M.L. A factor Analysis study of flexibility. In Research Quarterly, 1969, vol.40, No. 4, pp.62-70.
- Bibliographic references to master thesis, dissertation, habilitation etc.
Surname, N. Title of thesis. Type of thesis. Place : School, year. Number of pages p.
[4]SOTÁK, M. Integrated Navigation System – System Design and Algorithm Implementation in Real Time. Habilitation thesis. Kosice : TechnicalUniversity of Kosice, 2011. 160p.
- Bibliographic reference to www page, electronic monograph
Surname, N., SURNAME2, N2. Title[online]. Place : Publisher, date (if known) [citied YYYY-MM-DD]. Available from: <source>.
[5]DUNBAR, Brian. The 16 most frequently asked questions about NASA [online]. Published 19960329. [cited 1996-08-14]. Available from:
prof. Ing. Name SURNAME, PhD.- address of institution, e-mail
prof. Ing. Name SURNAME, PhD. - address of institution, e-mail
[1] -first author’s name with academic titles, address of institution, contact e- mail
[2] -second author’s name with academic titles,address of institution, contact e- mail