1. Citation

2. Definition

3. Prohibition of the working of certain minerals

4. Prohibitions in relation to prescribed substances

5. Offences


- REG 1


1. These Regulations may be cited as the Atomic Energy (PrescribedSubstances) Regulations.

- REG 2


2. In these Regulations, "Act" means the Atomic Energy Act 1953-1973.

- REG 3

Prohibition of the working of certain minerals

3. (1) The working, in a Territory., of the minerals specified in theSchedule is prohibited except under and in accordance with a licence in forceunder section 38 of the Act.

(2) The Minister is, where it is necessary so to do for the purposes of thedefence of Australia, authorized to prohibit, by notice published in theGazette, the working, elsewhere than in a Territory, of any minerals specifiedin the Schedule except under and in accordance with a licence in force undersection 38 of the Act.

- REG 4

Prohibitions in relation to prescribed substances

4. (1) The acquisition, production, treatment, possession, use and disposal,in a Territory, of a prescribed substance is prohibited except under and inaccordance with a licence in force under section 38 of the Act.

(2) The Minister is, where it is necessary so to do for the purposes of thedefence of Australia, authorized to prohibit, by notice published in theGazette, the acquisition, production, treatment, possession, use or disposal,elsewhere than in a Territory, of a prescribed substance except under and inaccordance with a licence in force under section 38 of the Act.

- REG 5


5. (1) A person shall not, except under and in accordance with a licence inforce under section 38 of the Act-(a) work, in a Territory, any minerals specified in the Schedule; or (b) work, elsewhere than in a Territory, any minerals specified in theSchedule while a notice referred to in sub-regulation 3 (2) is in force.

(2) A person shall not, except under and in accordance with a licence inforce under section 38 of the Act-(a) acquire, produce, treat, possess, use or dispose of, in a Territory, anysubstance that is a prescribed substance; and(b) acquire, produce, treat, possess, use or dispose of, elsewhere than in aTerritory, a prescribed substance while a notice under sub-regulation 4 (2) isin force.


SCHEDULE Regulations 3 and 5

Item No. Minerals

1 Pitchblende

2 Uraninite

3 Renardite

4 Uranium ochres

5 Gummite

6 Saleeite

7 Sklodowskite

8 Torbenite

9 Autunite

10 Uranophane

11 Saddyite

12 Boltwoodite

13 Beta uranophane

14 Betafite

15 Euxenite

16 Thucolite

17 Urano, phosphate

18 Carnotite

19 Davidite

20 Monazite

21 Thorianite

22 Thorite

23 Blomstrandine

24 Cheralite

25 Samarskite