1.  We will RESPECT ALL people and ALL things at ALL times. This is our classroom, so let’s respect each other so that we all have a better experience.

2.  Be prepared for class each day—textbook (covered), workbook, sharp pencils, and a calculator. EVERYDAY!!

3.  Be in the room when the bell rings and ready to work. Second tardy each semester and each subsequent tardy results in a detention.

4.  Work quietly during the time that is allotted for homework.

5.  Advanced standing and credit may be received by NWTC for certain courses and programs if the student completes this course with a “B” average and meets required competencies.


1.  All assignments will be given a point value—usually 10 to 20 points depending on the length and difficulty of assignment. Assignments are weighted 25 percent of your grade.

Your daily work is very important! Each chapter builds on the preceding chapter—do not fall behind or you will be lost the entire year! Also, there are no short cuts in accounting—follow the steps that are given.

2.  Read each chapter! Don’t expect the instructor to give you all the answers. A lot of valuable information is included in each chapter and if you just skim through it, you will be missing out on a lot of material.

3.  Quizzes may be given any time, but are usually announced. Be prepared for at least one per chapter.

4.  Tests will be announced and will conclude each unit. Point value depends on the type of questions on the test. Both quizzes and tests are weighted 75 percent of your grade.

5.  At the end of the grading period, all points are added up and a percentage of the total points are determined.

A = 94-100% A- = 93%

B+ = 92% B = 86-91% B- = 85%

C+ = 84% C = 79-83% C- = 78%

D+ = 77% D = 71-76% D- = 70%

F = 69% or less

6.  In addition, you will be given a semester and final exam. Both exams will cover everything from day one. Semester exam equals 1/5 of your semester grade.

7.  Extra credit may be earned. Usually, one extra credit problem is given per chapter worth 2 points. Only one chance will be given to do the extra credit assignment correctly.


1.  Class attendance is important because of the class discussion and the “new” material that is presented.

2.  Be sure to check with instructor and/or fellow students for any missed assignments—THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY!
