Summary of issues reported by the complaints teams (types of services that get contracted out)

Case Reception (further detail in e-mail)

Housing Trusts Associations

Care Homes


Olympic Lottery Distributor

Team 1 - Health & Transport

Health :

Contracting out of core health services :

Private hospitals being used for NHS routine operations

Private companies providing GP out of hours services

NHS referrals to private health professionals (e.g. physiotherapist, chiropractor, consultant)

Medical Assessments for benefit purposes

Contracting out of related and/or support services :



Non emergency ambulance services

Call centres

Laundry /Uniforms

Transport :

Much public transport now accepted as private sector e.g. Buses, trains.

Private companies running toll roads

Airports – split public / private sector funding

Team 2 – Police & Education


Speed camera companies –owned by multiple PAs so not covered, but tend to get voluntary compliance with FOI (DN issued on the relevant police authority).

Parking enforcement functions

Recruitment/ HR functions contracted out to Capita

Uniforms & other purchasing (also applies to fire service)

Group 4 – transfer of prisoners/ custody

Catering & cleaning services


Some Ofsted school inspections get contracted out

Cleaning and catering

Academy Schools

University bursars (separate from the university)

Team 3 – Central Government

Private prisons

Transport of prisoners and custody services (Group 4)

Medical assessments for benefit purposes

MOD purchasing function

Regional Assemblies

New Deal training providers

Team 4 & 5 – Local Government

Waste contracts – always contracted out, not presented an access problem so far as most information either available under EIRs or through the councils (held by councils as well as private contractor or held by private contractor on behalf of local authority)

Management of sold off housing stock – many housing associations are wholly owned by council, problem arises where housing association owned by several councils.

Culture bodies – private companies set up by Councils with some council funding. As some funding also from other pas and private companies then outside FOI

Social services/ Childrens services – not been a source of complaint so far

Utility companies – Water, energy – general perception that providing a public function, but information often accessible via EIRs anyway.

Port Authorities



NI - Registered Housing Associations landlords – provision of housing in social context