UNCG Standard Course Syllabus Format

Course Number: CSD 773

Course Title: Practicum in Communication Sciences and Disorders Teaching

Credits: 3 hours

Prerequisites/corequisites: doctoral standing in CSD. Completed or concurrently taking CSD 771

For whom planned: This practicum course is planned for doctoral students in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Future collaboration may include doctoral students in ESS and PHE

Instructor information: Celia R. Hooper, Ph.D., 342 Ferguson Building, 336-256-1499,

Catalog Description: Practicum in teaching in communication sciences and disorders. Student is mentored by a CSD faculty member.

Student Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this practicum course, students will be able to:

a.  Apply discuss current knowledge in pedagogical theory to an undergraduate college-level basic CSD course. Advanced students with teaching experience and a graduate degree may apply this knowledge to practicum in a graduate class.

b.  Practice at least one course delivery systems, with choices including traditional classroom delivery, synchronous distance education, asynchronous distance education, and blended systems.

c.  Develop clearly written and well organized content and methods.

d.  Apply course design from CSD 771 to this practicum assignment

e.  Apply principles of course planning to one course in CSD.

f.  Practice technology applications for traditional coursework or distance education in CSD as appropriate to the practicum course.

g.  Solve potential problems that may occur in the classroom or online and solutions to each one.

h.  Apply legal and ethical standards in classroom teaching

i.  Apply a variety of instructional methods used to address each learning style.

j.  Identify differences in students, based on age/generational differences, education and socioeconomic differences, gender differences, and racial/ethnic/geographic differences, and address these differences in teaching methods

k.  Identify resources for continuous quality improvement the class as it is progressing, including student feedback, mentor feedback and self feedback.

l.  Include formative and summative assessment information from this practicum in the Teaching Portfolio for use and adaptation throughout the academic career.

m.  Exhibit good communication skills, oral and written, as applicable to course format.

Teaching Strategies:

a.  Group meetings with all students registered for 773, support, discussion and information exchange at beginning, mid and end of semester

b.  Blackboard discussion forums and information exchange during the semester

c.  Individual meetings with faculty mentor

d.  Responses to written and oral feedback from faculty mentor observations

e.  Plan for course improvement at completion of practicum

Evaluation Methods and Guidelines for Assignments

20% - contributions to class discussions of 773 doctoral peer group, online and live, based on experiences in the course and questions posed by faculty mentors, based on Student Learning Outcomes (a,d,f,g,h,i,j,k,l)

20% - Syllabus and individual content unit construction and application, evaluation of sample syllabus and content units, based on Student Learning Outcomes (c,d,e,k,l)

20% - Distance and online teaching demonstration, faculty mentor observation, and student evaluation, based on Student Learning Outcomes (b,f,k,m)

10% - Continuation of the Teaching Portfolio from CSD 771, evaluated by instructor, based on Student Learning Outcome (a,c,e,f,g,h,i,j,k.)

Guidelines for the assignments and criteria will be posted on the Course Blackboard site and discussed during the first class period. Rubrics for instructor and peer evaluation will be used and class members will help create them or adapt them from available tools during the first three weeks of class.

Grading Scale

Course will be taken S/U

Required Texts

Specific readings will be posted on blackboard and discussed at the beginning of the semester. Student will use some (but not all) of the texts previously used CSD 771, listed below

1.  Required Texts

·  Nilson, L. (2003) 2nd edition. Teaching at Its Best: A Research-Based Resource for College Instructors. Bolton, MA: Anker Publishing Company, Inc.

·  *Palmer, P. (1997) The Courage to Teach: Exploring the Inner Landscape of a Teacher’s Life. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

·  *Angelo, T. & Cross, P. (1993) 2nd edition. Classroom Assessment Techniques. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass Publishers.

·  Hooper, C. R. & Johnson, A. F., Eds. (in press). Teaching in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Detroit: Wayne State Press. Prepublication copy provided to students.

·  Selden, P. The Teaching Portfolio

Topical Outline

The topics to be covered include:

1.  Pedagogical theory

2.  Teaching/Learning strategies

3.  Creating a syllabus

4.  Classroom management

5.  Student assessment

6.  Use of instructional technology

7.  Methods of evaluating teaching

8.  Legal and ethical standards for teaching and learning

Academic Integrity Code: Students are expected to adhere to the UNCG Academic Integrity Policy, discussed in the first class and linked from the syllabus. See http://studentconduct.uncg.edu .

Attendance Policy: The student is expected to contribute to the online discussions at least weekly and attend all meetings of the doctoral teaching practicum group.

Additional Requirements:
