Meetings and other activities for 2013 v3 (discussed at Feb’s meeting)

Focus / Month / Who / Comments
Group AGM / With business meeting / Feb / Val
1 short film on DVD (publicise it but not worry if not many people come) / No business meeting unless wanted / March / Bee /
  • Find a DVD - all
  • Book TV from Meeting House - Virginia
  • Ensure someone brings DVD player – Bee?
  • Publicity - ??

Discussion of resolutions for AGM / With business meeting / April / Bee & Nikki / Bee & Nikki
Feedback from AGM / With business meeting / May (2nd week) / Bee & Nikki & Val
Churn Project / May / Nikki
Letter writing / No business meeting / June / Val
1 workshop / With business meeting / July / Ros will let us know as soon as she knows what workshops are available
Social get-together instead of a meeting / No business meeting / August / tbc
1 main speaker event – perhaps together with another group or another local organisation / No business meeting / Sept /
  • Tibet? – Marina will find out more
  • Approach other groups to see if any are interested
  • Consider the venue – book it etc
  • Invite, agree arrangements with speaker
  • publicise

1 event eg quiz night; music evening; / No business meeting / Oct /
  • Val probably has a check list!

1 main film – in conjunction with another organisation eg with film club at the OFS; or separately / No business meeting / Nov /
  • Ask Caroline Butler for any tips re renting films, showing them etc – Ros / Bee
  • Contact Film Club or other organisation
  • Ask OFS how much to use film-showing facilities if going it alone
  • Book venue
  • Publicise

1 ‘lesser’ speaker – from AI HQ or someone not too distant (publicise it but not worry if not many people come) / With business meeting / Nov /
  • Identify speaker
  • Invite, agree arrangements with speaker
  • Publicise

Greeting card writing / No business meeting / Dec / Val & Virginia
business meeting / Jan 2014

Other activities tbc:

  • Flag Day – Sept or Oct; Virginia & Chris will organise
  • Brewery Arts Choir event – Nikki will organise & confirm when