Procedural Checklist:Initial Evaluation for Students in a Nonpublic School or Registered Home School

Student Name: Case Manager:

 / Tasks / Person(s) Responsible / Date
Request for special education evaluation is madeby the parent in writing and the district documents receipt (date) of request or request is made by staff. / School Secretary
Communication between the district and the parent (preferably a meeting) occurs within 10 school days to:
Discuss current problem solving activities and progress, and
Confirm the need for evaluation for a suspected disability / Special Education Team
Team completes REED and Evaluation Plan to document previously collected information and to determine the evaluation plan. Obtain signature of parent/guardian and provide the Special Education Parent Handbook and Procedural Safeguards. At least 2 attempts to obtain a signature need to be documented. / Special Education Team
Prior to the IEP, the Multidisciplinary Team (MET) completes the following:
Complete the evaluation
Complete the Eligibility Recommendation (ER)
Develop a PLAAFP on the ER (if eligibility is recommended)
Additional documentation, if necessary, is attached in Tienet
Finalize the ER1
Communicate the ER to the parent and the other members of the IEP Team 3-5 days prior to the IEP meeting / MET
The IEP meeting is scheduled and must be held within 30 school days of receipt of the signed REED2. Invitations are sent and finalized in Tienet. The following persons should be invited to the IEP/Service Plan meeting:
  • Parent/guardian(s)
  • Student, if appropriate
  • Resident district designee
  • Ancillary service provider
  • General education teacher
  • Someone who can interpret the educational impact of the evaluation results
  • Representative of the nonpublic school
For students attending a nonpublic school not in their district of residence, the invitation should be extended to a representative of the student’s resident school district. Please note: Parent permission is required in order to invite the student’s resident district representative. If consent is not obtained or refused, the Team should proceed without resident district participation. / Case Manager
A draft IEP is created and the purpose is an initial IEP.
Ineligible: If a student is found ineligible, only the Participants and Profile section and the Notice section are completed.
Eligible Pre-K: If the student is found eligible for ancillary services, the IEP will serve as the plan for implementing services.
Eligible K-12: If the student is found eligible to receive special education services and is a student in Kindergarten-12th grade, a draft of the Nonpublic Service Plan is created, with the purpose identified as initial. / Special Education Service Provider(s)
The IEP meeting is held and draft versions of the IEP and Nonpublic Service Plan are bothpresented to parent/guardian.
IEP(FAPE offer) may be declined if the parent/guardian intends to keep the student at the nonpublic school. The Nonpublic Service Plan is signed by the parent/guardian.
  • On the “Services and Signatures” section of the IEP, under “Options Considered and Rejected,” indicate that the parent declined the IEP and that the student will remain at the nonpublic school.
  • The parent should check “Decline to give consent to the initial provision of special education programs/service.”
  • Notice is provided within 7 school days.
If the parent consents to the IEP (FAPE offer), it indicates the parent’s intention to move the student from the nonpublic to the public school.
  • Notice is provided within 7 school days.
  • Resident designee should assist the family in enrolling the student and ensuring that the IEP is implemented.
/ Special Education Team
Regional Supervisor is notified to finalize the IEP and the Nonpublic Service Plan within 7-10 school days. / Case Manager


1The ER needs to be finalized prior to creating the IEP in Tienet or else in the PLAAFP will not flow correctly to the IEP.

2 If after the REEDis finalized, additional time is needed to complete the evaluation, use the Agreement to Extend Evaluation Timeline.