BCTC Rules Meeting

October 13, 2017

Officers: Jamie Clark, (Chair),Lauren Campbell (Secretary/BCIS Rep.)
Ex-Officio Members: Marilyn Akins (Parliamentarian of the Faculty/AHNS), Becky Harp Stephens (Associate Dean/SDEM)
Division Representatives: Andy Ball (HUM), Jeff Herrin (MS), Hossein Motamedi (CHLSS), Lise Roemmele (Nursing), Steve Stone (AS), Kathy Swango (KCTCS Rules Rep.), Crystal Hacker (AHNS)
Absent:Dixie Hayes (AMT)
Item / Discussion / Action
Approval of Agenda / No additions were made / Lise Roemmelemoved to accept the agenda.The motion was seconded by Jeff Herrinand the agenda was approved with no objections or abstentions.
Approval of August 13, 2017 Minutes / Hossein Motamedi moved to accept the minutes as submitted.The motion was seconded by Steve Stone and the minutes were approved with no objections or abstentions.
Exam Window on Academic Calendar / Jeff Herrin said that the math department is interested in setting midterm dates on the academic calendar. This could help guide the Testing Center schedule so they can adequately allocateresources as students and faculty have had a hard time finding slots around midterms. There are many reasons why this occurs including some faculty get a last minute class whereas others wait too long to get slots.
Midterm dates would not affect anybody that doesn’t give proctored midterms, or mandate you have to give a test then. If you haveaproctored midterm the midterm dates would offer a suggestion for faculty as to the best time to test because the Testing Center has the most resources at that time.
We discussed that we are not sure if all divisions are having this problem or certain ones. We discussedoptions including creating a three day window for 16 week classes and a two day window for 12 week classes.One issue is some faculty give midterms before and others after the eight-week mark, which could prove difficult as to when to set midterm dates. We also discussed if it was a better discussion for ALT, that we need to talk with the Testing Center, and if it is better used as “best practices” instead of rules since rules can quickly become obsolete. The biggest concern is with regional campuses. The Committee decided to table the discussion for now and talk with our divisions to better understand who this impacts.
KCTCS Rules Report / Kathy Swango said the KCTCSRules met November 3, 2017. They approved two rules from last meeting, but didn’t approve the request made by BCTC as other colleges had opposition without explanation. KCTCS Rules Committee has been charged withwriting a rule about the KCTCSRules Committee to clarify some issues including how colleges select representatives to the Committee. Tuesday, October 17, 2017 is the deadline for college proposals and to date no one has turned any in.
Approving KCTCS Curriculum / If we approve curriculum in May, we are supposed to approve it again when it receivessystem approval. There currently is not a way to approve the curriculum KCTCS approves at their May meeting. We discussed using a motion to work around the 10 day objection period if there are simple editorial tweaks.
Changes to Admission Requirements that Reference Compass Test / Marilyn Akins discussed that we need to clean up Compass testing language in rules.
Rules Change Proposed by PN Faculty / On hold because there are a couple of changes that need to be made.
Rules Change Regarding Summer Specially Called Faculty Council Meetings as Charged by Faculty Council / Faculty Council charged BCTC Rules with modifying or creating a rule that when curriculum needs approval Faculty Council must meet over the summer. The issue is that businesses are going elsewhere for workforce development and SACS needs something formal for faculty approval of curriculum.
One potential issue is faculty do not check email and some are not here over the summer. The Faculty Council alternate could attend if the representative is not here. It could be held via Skype, which would require a change in rules in meetings section. We also need to look at term dates for Faculty Council and discussed possible dates of July 1st - June 30th or August 1st –July 31st. Jamie Clark wants to have subcommittee to look at this. Greg Feeney would like a resolution at end of the spring semester. Jeff Herrin, Marilyn Akins, Kathy Swango and Jamie Clark (as needed) volunteered for the committee.
Additions / No additions to the agenda.
Adjournment / Hossein Motamedi moved to adjourn the meeting.The motion was seconded by Steve Stone and all approved with no objections or abstentions at 1:50 p.m.