Campaign Officer (Women’s Programme)

Electoral Reform Society

Campaign Officer

(with special responsibility for work with women’s organisations)

Background note

The Electoral Reform Society is an independent, voluntary organisation that campaigns for improvements in our democracy through changes to our voting system. We want a voting system that produces representative institutions and for that reason we want a broadly proportional system, but also one that leads to institutions that reflect the diversity of the communities they serve. We want a system that makes more votes count in the sense that electors have a greater chance of influencing the outcome of elections, and a system that offers voters a more sophisticated choice. For these reasons the Society’s preferred system is the Single Transferable Vote.

The Society is also concerned with other aspects of representative democracy. Its educational programmes seek to enhance the electorate’s understanding of democracy and to encourage participation in elections. It has also played an important role in debates on methods of voting and the need to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. In recent years the Society has played a leading role in the ‘Votes at 16’ campaign.

The Society has two subsidiary organisations. Electoral Reform Services conducts elections on a commercial basis, and its success provides the Society with much of the money it needs for its campaigning activities. Electoral Reform International Services provides election monitoring and supervision services and electoral advice to new democracies around the world. Associated with the Society is the McDougall Trust, a charity which publishes the journal ‘Representation’ and provides a library on all electoral matters.

For further information on the Society, please consult our website,


The postholder will work as part of the Society’s campaign team in promoting the Society’s objectives and implementing the campaign plans approved by the Society’s elected Council.

Each of the Society’s Campaign Officers, in addition to contributing to the general campaign work of the Society, has special responsibilities for particular type of work or for work with particular audiences.

For the position for which we are now recruiting, work with women’s organisations will be a major responsibility. This will involve identifying and taking opportunities to ensure that the Society’s programmes address relevant issues of concern to women. It may also involve developing new projects to promote the Society and its objectives amongst women electors, and particularly with women's organisations and organisations campaigning on issues of special concern to women. Such projects will aim to develop and present the case why electoral reform, and the use of the Single Transferable Vote (STV) in particular, should strengthen democracy in a way that should be attractive to the majority of women electors.

Other responsibilities will be assigned to the postholder depending on their knowledge and experience. However, the Society wants to develop its relationship with Liberal Democrat members and politicians and it is therefore desirable that candidates have a good understanding of the Liberal Democrat party.


General duties and responsibilities of Campaign Officers

  • Contribute to the general campaigning work of the Society by:

speaking at meetings;

attending and representing the Society at conferences and events;

contributing to the website and publications;

assisting with media work when required;

providing other forms of assistance, including administrative tasks and the preparation of mailings, which may from time to time be required.

  • For areas of special responsibility:

contribute to the development of campaign plans;

prepare reports for management and the Society’s Council;

maintain an overview of project expenditure against budget.

Duties and responsibilities for this particular post

  • Identify and develop arguments as to why electoral reform should be of concern to women, working in liaison with the Society’s research staff where appropriate.
  • Build the profile of the Society and electoral reform within the women’s sector, and especially within women’s political organisations.
  • Seek to involve such organisations in campaigns for electoral reform.
  • Plan and implement campaigns aimed at winning the support of women for electoral reform and the Society, and encouraging their membership of the Society – this is likely to include:
  • drafting leaflets aimed at women electors;
  • attending and organising events at women's conferences;
  • speaking at meetings;
  • writing and commissioning articles for relevant magazines and newsletters;
  • producing a regular electronic newsletter/bulletin.
  • Initiate and maintain good contacts with women's officers and sections within the main political parties.
  • Contribute to the Society’s analysis of election results with particular reference to the implications for women and women's representation.
  • Keep abreast of developments in gender equality in the field of politics and political research.
  • Assist with the general work of the campaign team and the Society’s work with political parties (and probably with the Liberal Democrat party in particular).
  • Undertake any other duties as may be required from time to time.

Outline terms of employment

This post will be offered on a full time basis.

The salary for this position will be on a scale that currently starts at £24,900 p.a. (new appointments are generally made at the lowest point of the scale unless there are special reasons for doing otherwise). Salaries are, however, adjusted on 1 January of each year, taking account of the increase in the retail price index.

Staff whose salaries are linked to the Society’s salary scales are, subject to satisfactory performance, also entitled to a scale increment on 1 January of each year, provided that they have been in post for at least 6 months, until they reach the top of the relevant scale.

Staff are entitled to 25 days paid leave in addition to statutory holidays in their first year of service, with an addition day of paid leave in each subsequent year, until they reach 30 days leave.

Normal office hours are 9.30 am to 5.30 pm with a hours break for lunch. When staff are required to work outside these hours, time off in lieu may be taken by arrangement with the staff member’s manager.

All posts are based at the Society’s offices at 6 Chancel Street, LondonSE1 0UU.

Full terms of employment will be given in the contract letter provided to the successful candidate.

Person specification

Essential / Desirable
Knowledge / Education to degree level or evidence of equivalent intellectual ability.
Broad knowledge of Britain’s political system at national and local level.
Understanding of current issues and debates on gender and politics.
Good understanding of the case for electoral reform.
Acceptance of the objectives of the Society. / Qualification in politics or a related subject.
Understanding of the workings and cultures of Britain’s main political parties and especially the Liberal Democrats.
Knowledge of a range of women's organisations and their concerns.
Experience of campaigning for electoral reform.
Knowledge of alternative voting systems.
Understanding campaign techniques
Skill / Ability to write articles and reports with clarity, accuracy and style.
Demonstrable ability in speaking at public meetings and debates, ability to present arguments at meetings and to engage in debate.
Good verbal communication skills, face-to-face and by telephone.
Ability to work both independently and as a member of a team.
Ability to plan and organise one’s own work.
Ability to understand, work with and gain the respect of women and men of different cultures and with different political views.
Word processing ability.
Familiarity with the internet.. / Ability to communicate with politicians and civil servants.
Abilities in use of spreadsheets and databases.
Proficient Internet user.
Experience / Solid experience of working (paid or voluntary) in an office or research environment with an organisation involved in campaigning, lobbying or public affairs.
Commitment to equal opportunities.
Willingness to participate in the general work of the Society. / Work experience in a women's organisation or an organisation campaigning on issues of particular relevance to women.
Work experience in a political environment, e.g. with a politician or political party or lobbying organisation.
Experience of political research.
Experience of work in a cross-party
organisation or campaign.
Other / Commitment to equal opportunities.
Willingness to work irregular hours.
Willingness to participate in the general work of the Society. / Dexterity in stuffing envelopes when required!

Electoral Reform Society


CAMPAIGN OFFICER (Women’s programme)

Please complete this form in black or dark ink or type and return, in an envelope marked “Campaign Officer (Women’s Programme)", to:

Daniel Vince-Archer, Electoral Reform Society, 6 Chancel Street, LondonSE1 0UU.

Alternatively, if you want to receive an application form by email, please contact . Applications may also be submitted by email to the same address.

The closing date for the receipt of applications is midday on Tuesday 05 January 2010.



First names:



Education and qualifications

Dates / Establishment / Courses / Qualifications

Additional training: details of any short courses which you believe are relevant to your application:

Work experience

Please give details of your work experience, including part-time and voluntary work, starting from your most recent employment

Dates (to/from) / Employer
and nature of business / Position held and responsibilities

Do you require a work permit? Yes / No (delete as appropriate)

Why do you want this job?

Please tell us below why you want this particular job and why you believe you have the skills and experience to do it. You may use a continuation sheet if necessary, but you should not use more than 400 words.

Other experience

Please give details of any other experience and interests which might be relevant to your application

Where did you hear of this vacancy?


Please give names of two referees who know you and can assess your abilities and work:

Telephone no.:
Capacity in which the referee has know you:
Telephone no.:
Capacity in which the referee has know you:

Referees will not be contacted without your assent.



The Electoral Reform Society is committed to equal opportunities and to encouraging diversity amongst our workforce. To do this, we monitor applicants for employment, so that we can check we are attracting and recruiting a diverse group of people. Please complete this form. It will be separated from your application form on receipt and will not be taken into account when we shortlist applicants or choose who we appoint.

Post applied for:

Gender: Male Female

I would describe myself as:

WhiteMixed Asian or British Asian

British White and Black Caribbean Indian

Irish White and Black African Pakistani

Other white background, White and Asian Bangladeshi

please state:

Other mixed background, Other Asian background,

please state: please state:

BlackChinese or other ethnic group

African-Caribbean Chinese

African Other ethnic background,

please state:

Other Black background,

please state:


What is your age range?

16 -19 20 -29 30 - 39 40 -49 50 – 59 60+

Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes No

Please indicate the nature of your disability and outline any adjustments to the workplace you may need to assist you for (a) the interview, (b) the job.

Thank you for completing this form. Please return it with your application form.