



PRE-REQUISITES: Introduction to Healthcare Science &

Applications of Therapeutic Services


This course is designed to provide students interested in the Therapeutic Services Pathway’s Career Specialty Nursing with entry level skills most commonly associated with the entry level career title Nursing Assistant. The students are required to meet both national and intrastate professional guidelines as designated by applicable regulatory agencies such as the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA), Center for Disease Control (CDC), the department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with a specific focus on the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act 1987 (OBRA), and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA). This course with pre-requisites meets the Certified Nurse Assistant curriculum content as specified by the Georgia Medical Care Foundation. Students meeting all academic, attendance, and age requirement may elect to sit for the Georgia Registry’s Examination. Successful completion of the Georgia Registry Examination allows students to seek employment in the state of Georgia as a Certified Nursing Assistant.


  • Prepare students for entry into and success in post-secondary programs that license or certify health professionals.
  • Develop the basic skill and knowledge base necessary to apply the principles or competencies performed in the health care industry.
  • Develop the ability to perform skills that are associated with the required competencies of the health care industry.
  • Develop attitudes consistent with those expected of an individual working in the health care industry and society in general.
  • Develop the ability to function as a citizen in a complex and modern society.
  • Reinforce and apply basic skills relating to reading, writing, science, mathematics and communication.
  • Complete the requirements necessary for Nursing Assistant certification.


State Approved Textbook: Nursing Assistant – A Nursing Process Approach

  • Healthcare Systems
  • Role of the Nursing Assistant: Interpersonal Skills
  • Environmental Safety: Emergency Procedures, Disaster Preparedness
  • Safety: Patient/Resident and the Nursing Assistant
  • Communications: Patients, Visitors, and Staff – Observing, Charting, and Reporting
  • Promoting Residents’ Independence: Residents’ Rights
  • Body Mechanics: Positioning, Moving, and Transporting a Patient
  • Assessment Measurements: Vital Signs and Height/Weight
  • Admission, Transfer, and Discharge: Assisting with Physical Examination
  • Patient Comfort Measures: Bathing and Personal Hygiene
  • Nutrition and Diet Modifications: I & O
  • Assisting with Elimination and Specimen Collection: Enemas and Catheter Care
  • Therapies: Warm and Cold Applications
  • Care of the Elderly: Rehabilitation
  • Surgical Patient
  • Special Care: Maternal Infant Nursing Care
  • Special Care: Mental Health and Social Services
  • Death and Dying: Postmortem Care
  • Trends in Home Health Care: Home Health Aides
  • Home Health Aide: Client Care Skills
  • Home Health Aide: Home Management Skills


Students must perform ALL skills with 100% accuracy to be eligible for certification.

The student's grade will be determined by: written test scores, written assignments, career portfolio, and class work.

Test Grades 20% (Tests/quizzes may be announced or unannounced

and will cover unit material and related terms)

Career Portfolio 10% (Guidelines for portfolio assignments will be given)

Classwork/Homework25% (Notebook checks will be unannounced)


The final exam 15% of your final grade.


All candidates are required to have 90 class hours and 30 clinical hours in order to be eligible to take the certification exam. The certification examination is two part. The written portion consists of 100 multiple choice questions and the skills portion requires the candidate to perform 5 random skills in 25 minutes. The certification exam is given by the NACES Foundation. The cost of the certification exam is $107. If a candidate wants to receive an oral exam the cost is $117. All candidates must have a photo ID and a social security card.

Make-up Policy

Due to the rigorous requirements set by the Georgia Medical Foundation for nursing assistant students, any student that misses more than 2 days will be placed on probation. More than 2 absences may result in inability to receive certification. If a student has an excused absence from class, he/she has three (3) class days to make up any missed work. It is the student’s responsibility to see the instructor before or after school to obtain make-up work. Work that is assigned before the student’s absence will be due on the day the student returns to school. Clinical time can not be made up.


Students will need a notebook with clips and pockets, a thumb drive information saver, a uniform of choice and clinical shoes.. You are expected to bring your text book and notebook to class every day. There will be a periodic check of your class notes. This will impact your grade and therefore have your notes for class every day. Be sure to bring paper and pen and pencil every day.


All students will be expected to compile a career portfolio. This portfolio will be kept for all Healthcare Science Technology courses. This portfolio will include the following sections: Introduction, Career Development, Skills, Academics, Evaluations, Achievements, and Self-Reflection. Information Sheets and Grading Rubric will be distributed and discussed in class.


These rules are basic courtesies expected of anyone in polite society. It is important for a vocational/technical/career prep course to encourage behaviors that promote success on the job.

1. Be present.

2. Be punctual.

3. Behave.

4. Display honesty and integrity.

5. Have a kind, courteous, and friendly attitude toward others. Ask before

borrowing school or classmates belongings.

6. Assume responsibility for behavior in the classroom, as well as, the clinical


7. Accept instruction graciously and use it for self-improvement.

8. Consistently use good manners.

9. Always respect yourself, the teacher, and your peers. Use a respectful tone

of voice and appropriate language (no profanity).

10. Actively participate in class discussions and activities. Exhibit interest and

remain attentive to topics being studied.

11. Clothing and shoes should meet the school’s dress code in the building and

clinical uniforms are to be worn at the clinical sites.

12. Personal grooming is to be done in private, not in the classroom. Do not apply

any makeup or nail polish during class-time.

13. Begin work as soon as the bell rings without being told.

14. Stay awake and keep head off the desk.

15. Refrain from idle talk, whispering, and distractive behaviors.

16. Use equipment properly and safely, no playing with lab equipment. Report

broken items and nonfunctioning equipment.

17. Keep classroom skill areas or room in proper order.

18. Sit in desks, not on top of desks, tables, beds or wheelchairs. Keep feet on

floor and not in chairs, desks, or tables.

19. Take care of personal needs between classes and ask to use the classroom


20. Request permission before entering the kitchen, dispensary or behind


21. Stay in your desk until dismissed by the teacher (NOT the bell).

22. Cellular phones are not allowed.


  1. Do not use any equipment until you have been properly instructed and have demonstrated competency in its use.
  2. Use proper body mechanics.
  3. Do not use damaged equipment.
  4. Notify the instructor of an broken equipment or of any safety hazards observed in the classroom.
  5. No “horseplay” in the classroom.
  6. Wash your hands before and after performing a procedure using a classmate as “patient”/lab partner.
  7. Follow clean-up procedures as directed by the teacher.

Classroom and Clinical Attendance Policy

Students missing 2 days of classroom time must make up time missed in class before or after school. Arrangements must be made by the student to make up this time. It will have to be made up on the student’s and instructor's own time. Due to this, a student missing more than 2 days will be strongly encouraged to repeat this course before attempting to complete CNA certification.

All students must sign in and out daily on an attendance sheet. No student will be allowed to take the written exam and skills exam for certification with less than 90 hours classroom and 30 hours of clinical time.

Criteria for Passing Course

In order to become eligible to take the nursing assistant course, the student must have a passing clinical grade, passed the final exam with a 75% and 100% mastery forall skills performances in the Georgia Nurse Aide Candidate Handbook.

Skills List

Students will need to perform the following skills in the class lab with 100% accuracy. The final skills test will be taken randomly from this list. This list will be given to the student at the beginning of the course.

1.Vital signs8. Assisting with eating and hydration

a. temperaturea. preparing food tray

b. pulseb. feeding techniques

c. respirationc. assisting with feeding

d. blood pressure d. syringe feeding

2. Bathinge. types of diets

a. bed bathf. intake and output

b. partial bathg. forcing fluids

c. showersh. NPO

d. whirlpooli. symptoms of dehydration

3. Grooming

a. mouth care

b. brushing teeth

c. denture care

d. hair care

e. nail care (fingernails and toenails)

4. Dressing

a. with injury or paralysis on one side (or IV)

5. Toileting

a. bedpan/urinal

b. bedside commode

c. bowel and bladder training

d. collection of specimens

e. providing privacy

6. Skin care

a. observations of abnormalities

b. back rubs

c. perineal care, including catheter care

d. use of lambskin and egg-crate

e. skin care for diabetic client

7. Transfers, positioning, and turning

a. ambulation with or without assistance

b. use of gait belts

c. lifting and body mechanics

d. mechanical lifting device

e. positioning the resident in bed or chair

f. positioning devices



Clinical Internship Agreement and Permission Form

To give the Nursing Assistant student a more complete and realistic picture of health care and a health care worker's responsibilities, the health occupations program has developed an extended laboratory concept that uses health care facilities within our community.

The health care facility worker maintains responsibility at all times for the patients assigned to the student. The Nursing Assistant teacher assigns the student to the specific clinical sites and work-stations and checks frequently with the student and health care personnel on the student's progress.

With constant supervision, this concept provides the student the opportunity to practice basic clinical skills and principles learned in the classroom with real patients and health care personnel. This also allows the student to observe the more advanced and complex procedures and techniques. It exposes the student to real-life working situations that will help make constructive career decisions.

I, ______, parent of ______give permission for CoffeeRegionalHospital to administer a PPD skin test to my child to check for exposure to tuberculosis. This test is required to be able to continue in the Health Occupations III and IV clinical at the hospital. I realize this test must be read by a nurse within 48 hours after administration.

Signature ______Date______

My son/daughter, ______, has my permission to participate in the extended laboratory activities and we agree to the following guidelines set by the clinical facility/instructor.

The Nursing Assistant Trainee will:

1. Purchase his/her own scrub top and pant, and soft soled shoes which can be

worn to lab at all times.

2. Adhere to the professional code of ethics as expected of all health care workers.

3. Maintain patient/resident confidentiality and uphold patient/resident’s rights.

4. Act in a courteous, respectful manner toward supervising personnel and co-workers at all


5. Wear hair in a simple, clean style that is off the collar.

6. Refrain from wearing heavy makeup and strong perfumes

7. Keep their nails trimmed, clean and without colored nail polish (clear only).

8. Provide own watch with a second hand.

9. Refrain from wearing excessive jewelry.

10. Provide transportation to and from the assigned clinical site.

11. Adhere to the student guidelines for clinical experiences.

I understand that failure to comply with these guidelines will result in immediate termination of the lab activities and inability to achieve certification as a nursing assistant.



Student's signature Parent/Guardian signature

The hands of HOSA mold the health of tomorrow!

HOSA – Health Occupations Students of America or

HOSA Meetings will be held during school hours. We are recruiting new members to join us for leadership activities, community service opportunities, and state/national competitions. Dues are $20 for the year. We will travel to Atlanta, Georgia for the Fall Leadership Conference andthe spring state competition will be announced. You must be a paid member of HOSA to attend these activities.

If you are interested in joining HOSA, please fill out the next page and return.

HOSA - Health Occupations Students of America


Advisors: Mrs. Christensen and Mrs. Harris-Haggan

Name: ______

Address: ______


Phone #: Home:______

Cell: ______

Parent /Guardian: ______

First Block Teacher: ______

Second Block Teacher: ______

Third Block Teacher: ______

Fourth Block Teacher: ______

Career Goal: ______

Extracurricular Activities (job, sports, clubs, etc) ______

Are you interested in community service activities? ______

An effective successful student organization requires dedicated student officers. If you would like to run for office, please indicate which one. If you know someone that would make a good leader, please nominate him/her.


Vice-president (in charge of committees):

Secretary: (takes the minutes at meetings) ______

Treasurer: (collects dues and writes receipts)

Parliamentarian: (keeps meetings orderly; assists with program) _____

Public Relations Coordinator: (puts up posters, maintains website) ______

HOSA Parent Support Group/Booster Club

The hands of HOSA mold the health of tomorrow!

Healthcare Science Technology Education

Instructors: A. Day, RN, MS; J. Kirkland RN, BSN

2007 - 2008

I have read the HSTE syllabus and understand the expectations for the Nursing Essentials course.

Career Goal:______

First Block Teacher: ______

Second Block Teacher: ______

Third Block Teacher: ______

Fourth Block Teacher: ______

Advisor: ______

Extracurricular Activities (job, sports, clubs, etc) ______

Instructor Name Printed: ______


HSTE Lab # 912-383-4136

Parent/Guardian Name Printed: ______

Signature & Date ______

Contact Address ______

City ______

Home Phone Number ______

Work Phone Number ______

E-mail ______

Student Name Printed: ______

Signature & Date: ______

*Sign this page of your syllabus. Place this copy in the front of your course notebook and give the second copy to your instructor after you and your parent/guardian have read and signed.

Healthcare Science Technology Education

Instructors: A. Day, RN, MS; J. Kirkland RN, BSN

2007 - 2008

I have read the HSTE syllabus and understand the expectations for the Nursing Essentials course.

Career Goal:______

First Block Teacher: ______

Second Block Teacher: ______

Third Block Teacher: ______

Fourth Block Teacher: ______

Advisor: ______

Extracurricular Activities (job, sports, clubs, etc) ______

Instructor Name Printed: ______


HSTE Lab # 912-383-4136

Parent/Guardian Name Printed: ______

Signature & Date ______

Contact Address ______

City ______

Home Phone Number ______

Work Phone Number ______

E-mail ______

Student Name Printed: ______

Signature & Date: ______

*Sign this page of your syllabus. Give this copy to your instructor after you and your parent/guardian have read and signed.