San Elijo Middle School

PTO Board Meeting

May 13, 2011

Attendees: Keith Castiglione (President), Teresa Greger (Co-President), Lori Gorzynski (Vice President), Shole Abou-Nasseri (Treasurer), Darcy Smith (VP Fundraiser), Nanette Muirhead (Secretary), Cindy Baudler (Passive Fundraising), Heather Schweitzer (Volunteer Coordinator).

Guests: Prospective PTO Board Members: Stephanie Shumate (New Magazine Sales Coordinator/Parent), Leslie Martindale (New Treasurer/Parent).

Meeting called to order by Keith Castiglione at 9:02 AM.

Motion for Acceptance of PTO Minutes for April15, 2011 by Keith Castiglione 2nd by Lori Gorzynski 3rd by Shole Abou-Nasseri.

President’s Report (Keith Castiglione)

1.  Warm welcome to board and guests.

2.  Albertsons/SEMS partnership was a huge success.

a. Albertsons will donate $1,000.00 back to SEMS.

b. “Get Your Kids Cooking” recipe contest to promote good health. 21 students

turned in their completed recipes. Top three winners to win gourmet cookware

and/or Albertsons gift cards with the overall winner to receive an ipod touch

from Keith Castiglione of Hometown Realty San Elijo.

3.  2011/2012 SEMS PTO Executive Board.

a.  Christine Hamparyan and Kami Chergosky are interested in the position of

Tri-Chair VP of Fundraising with Darcy Smith.

b. Stephanie Shumate is interested in the Magazine Sales Coordinator position

and Leslie Martindale is interested in the Treasurer position.

c.  Transition from current PTO board to new PTO board on June 7th @ 5:30pm.

d.  California State law requires all students entering grades 7th-12th in the

2011/2012 school year must be immunized with pertussis (whooping cough)

vaccine booster called Tdap.

1. Ralphs Community Contribution Program is offering a $5.00 donation to

SEMS for each student who receives their vaccine at a Ralphs Pharmacy

by providing the name of their school.

2. Info will be provided to SEMS families.

President’s Report (Teresa Greger)

1. Magazine Sales

a. Stephanie Shumate and Teresa Greger had a meeting with the Magazine Company, the theme for 2011/2012 is Un-frog-gettable.

b. Reach-out Books

1. Special Frog for reach-out book turn-in.

2. 6th graders will receive their books on Sept. 6th and turn-in @ lunch Sept 8th

c. Sept. 9th – School wide assembly

d. Sept. 13th 7th and 8th grade reach-out book turn-in @ both lunches.

e. Sept. 15th Frog Day @ both lunches.

f. Sept. 20th Frog Day @ both lunches.

g. Sept. 22nd Magazine Sales turn in Day.

2. Teacher Appreciation

a. Teachers enjoyed lunch and the spinning wheel on Wednesday.

b. Cards w/ Barnes & Nobles gift card and take 5 candy bar given to all teachers.

3. Board discussed a new PTO web-site vs. link on SEMS web-site.

4. Lori Gorzynski to chair spirit wear.

a. Students and families may purchase t-shirts and pre-order sweat-shirts @

student orientation in August.

Treasurer’s Report (Shole Abou-Nasseri)

1.  Online with 2011 Budget.

2. PE department received a $500.00 donation.

Principal’s Report (Doug Hall)

1.  No report

Vice Principal’s Report (Virginia Kim & Gary DeBora)

2.  No report

Vice President’s Report (Lori Gorzynski)

1. No report

Fundraising (Darcy Smith)

1. No report

Passive Fundraising’s (Cindy Baudler)

1. No report

Teacher’s Rep (Kathy Tuttle)

1.  No report

New Business

1.  Tea Cup Planter Tiles will be painted @ Colorful Universe in San Elijo.

a. Lori Gorzynski is the Coordinator.

Open Forum and Questions

No report

Meeting adjourned at 9:57 AM

Next Meeting Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 5:30pm

Respectfully submitted by Nanette Muirhead