Heritage Ohio Main Street Program Monthly Report

Report only those items completed in your project area.

Heritage Ohio 846-½ East Main Street Columbus, Ohio43205

Month and Year
Program Manager
July 2007
Main StreetKent
Mary Gilbert


Completed Façade Renovations(include any work completed on building storefronts)

Building Name or Address / Amount Invested / Source of Funds / Tax Credit

Other Completed Building Rehabilitation Projects

(include completed work other than façade, on buildings)

Building Name or Address / Amount Invested / Source of Funds / Tax Credit
Glory Days 132 South Water Street – Roof Deck and First Floor Renovations / $200,000 / Private
Backerei – 120 South Water Street – Add/Remove partition walls for new bakery / $17,000 / Private
Coleman Foundation – 265 West Main Street – electrical / N/A / Private
115 South Depeyster St. – Car Parts Warehouse – new HVAC unit and plumbing / N/A / Private

Other Completed New Construction

(include completed new construction other than facade, on buildings)

Building Name or Address / Amount Invested / Source of Funds / Tax Credit

Buildings Sold(list any property transfers in your project area)

Building Name or Address / Amount of Sale / Amount of Previous Sale

Public Improvements Completed Affecting District (list only permanent improvements)

Project Description / Cost of Project / Source of $


New Businesses Opened in District (FTE = Full Time Employee; PTE = Part Time Employee)

Name and Address / Type of Business / # FTE / # PTE
Mama’s Hip Hop Shop / Clothing Store / 1

Businesses Closed/Moved Out of District

Name and Address / Type of Business / FTE lost / PTE lost
Temporary Agency / Temporary Agency / N/A / N/A

Businesses Expanded in District

Name and Address / Type of Business / New FTE / New PTE
Leander’s Barber Shop – moved to larger, first floor retail space / Barbershop / N/A / N/A

New Housing Completed in District

Address / # Of Units Created / Completion Cost / Monthly Rent


District Promotions Completed (please indicate type of promotion {R = retail; SE = special event; I = image})

Event / Sponsors /



Total Cost

Heritage Festival – Annual festival held each year that draws thousands to downtown. / Kent United Service Organizations (KUSO) including Main StreetKent / SE / $27,000
Sidewalk Cinema/Festive Friday/Sidewalk Sales / Main StreetKent
Standing Rock Cultural Arts (DICE) / SE/R / $1200


Training Sessions Attended

Total Number of Trainings Attended / MS Manager (X) / Volunteer (X)

Volunteer Hours

Donated Hours
Total Volunteer Hours Donated / 514 Volunteer Hours
Total Hours Volunteered to Heritage Ohio

Fundraising Efforts

Event/Project / Source and Amount
Historic Post Card Sales / $318.00

Membership Efforts

Total New Members / Total Membership Amount Collected/Pledged
Membership Drive / 2 Individual/2 Corporate Memberships ($690)


Commentary by Committee
Design: The Design Committee continued to work on the Design Guidelines and the preparation of the trash can sponsorship drive / Promotion: The Promotion Committee continued to work on Festive Fridays/Retail Sidewalk Sales/Sidewalk Cinema Event. The majority of volunteer hours were spent on the Heritage Festival
Organization Committee: The organization committee continued to work on the membership drive and development of the web site. / Economic Restructuring: The Economic Restructuring Committee worked on two major projects this month. The Heritage Festival booth which highlighted the River and a full day meeting with a River Consultant (paid for by the City of Kent) to discuss a possible whitewater park in downtown Kent.
Program Commentary (list critical issues, challenges, and successes of the past month)
Completed a presentation to Kent City Council regarding the progress of Main StreetKent
Met with several developers and several potential new businesses interested in downtown Kent.
Created an Internal/External Communications Committee to improve communications within the community and between the various committees.
Suggestions for Heritage Ohio Staff (list suggestions on services or training topics; new resources; questions)

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