Tallebudgera Outdoor & Environmental Education Centre

Expression of Interest Form

Complete and return electronically/fax by the end of August to Tallebudgera OEEC

- Fax 55209325

Dear Teachers,

Thank you for choosing Tallebudgera Outdoor & Environmental Education Centrefor your school camping experience. Expressions of interest for placement in our camping program will be made as per the criteria in the table below.

Priority / Booking Criteria
1. / Preference given to Year 6students (our traditional client group)
2. / Preference given to Monday to Friday - 4 Night Camp requests
3. / Preference given to schools that have submitted a booking form for the following year by the end of August

Priority will be given to schools that are committed to working with the Beach School to enhance student learning.

Booking Deposit

Tallebudgera Outdoor & Environmental Education Centre operates as a tenant of the Gold Coast Recreation Centre (GCRC). The site tenancy agreement requires TBS to pay for all accommodation each school week regardless of actual program attendance. As such TBS will require a part payment of accommodation for staff and students from participating schools when bookings have been finalised and confirmed in October.

School Name:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Coordinator's Name: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

School Phone No ……………………………………………. School Fax No…………………………………………………..

School Email’s …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..

Postal Address …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Student Numbers ………………… Level ………………….. No of Teachers……………………………….

(TBS experience indicates when booking use 90% of your cohort numbers as a guide)

Accompanying Schools ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Please number your preferences for duration of camp. Eg: 1 and / or 2

(If you only indicate one preference, then you will not be considered for the other)

4 Nights (Monday - Friday)


3 Nights (Student free or public holiday week only)

Please indicate the time of year you would like to attend camp by term / month of the year.

Term MonthYear

Term MonthYear

Term MonthYear

When did your school last attend Tallebudgera Beach School?

Term ………………………………………… Month ……………………………………………… Year ………………………………