Boardman High School Symphony Orchestra

Mrs. Prokop / Mr. Amendol / Mr. Monaco

  1. Time schedule:

Symphony Orchestra will meet 5 days per week during 1stperiod.

7:44 – Attendance and tuning begins. You are expected to be in your seat and ready to tune by 7:44AM. This means… in your seat and instrument out and ready to tune. Remember, tardy to 1st period is considered a tardy to school.

8:45 – Dismissal

  1. Supplies you will need each day:

Instrument, music, pencil.

Not having these items each day will result in a less effective rehearsal and loss of participation points.

  1. Grading Policy (subject to change):

1st Nine Weeks (20% of final grade):

Private Teacher Form60 Points

Recital (1)15 Points

Auditions60 Points

Fall Dress Rehearsal100 Points

Fall Concert100 Points

Sectionals30 Points Each

Class Participation90 Points

Extra CreditTBD

2nd Nine Weeks (22% of final grade):

Private Teacher Form60 Points

Recital (1)15 Points

Auditions60 Points

Winter Dress Rehearsal100 Points

Winter Concert100 Points

Sectionals30 Points Each

Class Participation90 Points

Extra CreditTBD

3rd Nine Weeks (24% of final grade):

Private Teacher Form60 Points

Recital (1)15 Points

Auditions60 Points Each

State Contest (Alternate Assignment)100 Points

Sectionals30 Points Each

Class Participation90 Points

Extra CreditTBD

4th Nine Weeks (34% of final grade):

Private Teacher Form60 Points

Recital (1)15 Points

Auditions 60 Points Each

National Competition (Alt. Assign)100 Points

Spring Dress Rehearsal100 Points

Spring Concert100 Points

Commencement (those applicable)100 Points

Sectionals30 Points Each

Class Participation90 Points

Extra Credit TBD

A valid excuse is defined as an injury which prohibits you from playing, an emergency situation or severe illness. If you have an injury, which prohibits you from playing on a daily basis, I will need a note from a Doctor. If you cannot make a performance and have a valid excuse, you must properly fill out an excuse form.

“I had to work” is not a valid excuse, as you should request to not work on the above-mentioned dates. Any additional dates will be given to you at least 3 weeks in advance. (Enough time to request off work.)

Non-travelers: If you do not travel to state or national competition with the orchestra, you will be expected to complete an alternate written assignment for each event not attended.

  1. Lessons:

If you have a lesson during class, please sign out on the green sheet hanging on the orchestra office door. If you fail to sign out, you will be marked absent. Students not abiding by this rule may force us to not allow lessons during class!


First period attendance is also daily attendance. If you are not IN YOUR SEAT when the bell rings, you will be marked absent. Do not ask any orchestra staff to write you a pass to the attendance office or to state that you were in attendance on any particular day. If you are late, you must check in with the designated “tardy” person prior to entering the orchestra room. They will mark you as tardy and then you may enter the room. If the doors are closed, you must wait for the staff member taking attendance to open the doors for tardy entry.

  1. Important Dates: Refer to the pink “Commitments” sheet.
  1. Cell Phone Policy: Cell phone use is prohibited during class, after school rehearsals and performances. Inappropriate cell phone use will result in confiscation and it will not be returned to you until the end of the day. Repeated infractions will result in an office referral.
  1. Performance Dress Code: Full uniform, clean shaven, natural hair color, ear piercing only (no face/body piercing/visible tattoos).
  1. Make up assignments: anyone missing a dress rehearsal or any performance (trips included) will be required to complete a written assignment in order to earn credit for the missed event. It is your responsibility to turn in an excuse form and see Mrs. Prokop for your assignment.