Michael Bieber
as of 10/27/04
Citation Count for publications: 461
Count of other references to me on the World Wide Web: 37
Total Count: 498
The citations listed here are drawn from several different sources. Therefore they are in several different formats.
They come from:
- Web of Science Citation Index (on-line, after 1994, up to September 2002)
- Science Citation Indexes (SCI) and Social Science Citation Indexes (SSCI) (before 1994)
- CiteSeer
- ACM Digital Library
- IEEE Digital Library
- search of the World Wide Web
- individual books, conference and workshop proceedings
- Masters theses and Ph.D. theses
I have been careful to exclude all citations made by co-authors or me to our own works.
Citations from the World Wide Web exclude all citations found through other sources, all listings of my articles in journal and proceedings listings, all listings of talks, and all calls for conferences and workshops including my name.
A2. Published Book Chapters
Bieber, Michael, “Advancing Information Comprehension through Hypertext,” in Advances in Intelligent Hypertext, J. Mayfield & C. Nicholas (eds.), Springer-Verlag, 1997. (1 citation)
•Evolutionary Web Development -- (c) Springer London, 2000
Arno Scharl
Evolutionary Web Development
Automated Analysis, Adaptive Design, and Interactive Visualization of Commercial Web Information Systems
© 2000 Springer London, Series: Applied Computing
Price: £24.50; ISBN: 1-85233-310-3
Bieber, M. (1997). “Enhancing Information Comprehension Through Hypertext”, Intelligent Hypertext: Advanced Techniques for the World Wide Web. Eds. C. Nicholas and J. Mayfield. Berlin: Springer. 1-11.
B1. Refereed Journal Papers
Bieber, Michael, Douglas Engelbart, Richard Furuta, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, John Noll, Jenny Preece, Edward Stohr, Murray Turoff and Bartel Van De Walle, “Towards Virtual Community Knowledge Evolution,” Journal of Management Information Systems, 18(4), Spring 2002, 11-36. (2 citations)
•ASIS SIG-DL: Resources
Bieber, M, et al, "Toward virtual community knowledge evolution." Journal of Management Information Systems; 18(4):11-35 Spring 2002
• Measuring the utilization of collaboration technology for knowledge development and exchange in virtual communities
Geib, M.; Braun, C.; Kolbe, L.; Brenner, W.;
System Sciences, 2004. Proceedings of the 37th Annual Hawaii International Conference on ,5-8 Jan. 2004
Pages:28 - 37
[3] Bieber, M., Engelbart, D., Furuta, R., Hiltz, S. R., Noll, J., Preece, J., Stohr, E. A., Turoff, M. and van de Walle, B., "Toward Virtual Community Knowledge Evolution", Journal of Management Information Systems, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2002, pp. 11-35.
Bieber, Michael, Harri Oinas-Kukkonen and V. Balasubramanian, “Hypertext Functionality,” ACM Computing Surveys, 31(4es), 1999. (4 citations)
•Author(s): Anderson KM
Title: Supporting software engineering with open
Source: ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS 1999, Vol 31, pp U104-U108
• author = "Cristina Cachero and Irene Garrigos and Jaime Gomez",
title = "Personalizacion de Aplicaciones en OO-H",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/551309.html"
M. Bieber, H. Oinas-Kukkonen, and V. Balasubramanian. Hypertext Functionality. ACM Computing Surveys, 31(4), 12 1999.
•author = "L. Bendix and A. Dattolo and F. Vitali",
title = "Software Configuration Management In Software And Hypermedia Engineering: A Survey",
editor = "S. K. Chang",
booktitle = "Handbook of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering",
pages = {523--548},
volume = 1,
year = 2001,
publisher = {World Scientific Publishing},
url = {
11. M. Bieber, H. Oinas-Kukkonen, V. Balasubramanian, Hypertext Functionality, ACM Computing Surveys Symposium on Hypertext and Hypermedia, 2000. - 23
• Roberto Galnares, Ph.D. Dissertation, CIS Department, NJIT, May 2001
Title: “Augmenting Applications with Hypermedia Functionality and Meta-information”
- Ashman, H., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Bieber, M., Hypertext Functionality, JODI 1(4) 1999.
- Bieber M. and Kimbrough S. MISQ 16(1), 1992, 77-93.
- Bieber M. and Kimbrough S. DSS 11, 1994, 241-257.
- Bieber M. and Isakowitz T. (eds). CACM 38(8), 1995.
- Bieber M. and Kacmar C. CACM 38(8), 1995, 99-107.
- Bieber M. and Vitali F., IEEE Computer 30(1), 1997, 62-70.
- Bieber M. et al., IJHCS, Vol. 47, 31-65.
- Bieber M., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Balasubramanian, V., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Vitali F. and Bieber M., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., ACM Hypertext 2000 Proceedings.
Bieber, Michael and Joonhee Yoo+ “Hypermedia: A Design Philosophy,” ACM Computing Surveys, 31(4es), 1999. (4 citations)
• Author(s): Wills G; Sim YW; Crowder R; Hall W
Title: Open hypermedia for product support
Vol 33, Iss 6, pp 421-432
YOO J-2000-P-11-ACM-C-HYP-HYP-H-P181
• Anirban Bhaumik, Masters Thesis, CIS Department, NJIT, May 2000
- Bieber M. DSS 14, 251-267, 1995.
- Bieber M. and Kacmar C. CACM 38(8), 1995, 99-107.
- Bieber M. and Vitali F., IEEE Computer 30(1), 1997, 62-70.
- Bieber M. and Yoo J., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Wan J. and Bieber M., HICSS 1997, 160-166.
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., HICSS 2000 Proceedings.
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., ACM Hypertext 2000 Proceedings.
• Catanio, Joseph, Relationship Analysis: Improving the Systems Analysis Process, Ph.D. Dissertation, NJIT
- Bieber, M., “Hypertext and Web Engineering,” Proceedings of the Ninth ACM Conference on
Hypertext and Hypermedia, ACM Press, 1998, pp. 277-278.
- Bieber, M., and Yoo., J., “Hypermedia: A Design Philosophy,” ACM Computing Surveys
31(4es), 1999.
- Yoo, J., and Bieber, M., “Towards a Relationship Navigation Analysis,” Proceedings of the 33rd
Hawaii International Conference of System Sciences, IEEE Press, Washington, D.C.,
January 2000.
- Yoo, J., and Bieber, M., “A Relationship-based Analysis,” Hypertext 2000 Proceedings, San
Antonio, ACM Press, June 2000.
• Conceptual Navigation Analysis: a device and platform independent ...
Conceptual Navigation Analysis: a device and
platform independent navigation specification
Universidad de Alicante. Spain
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit¨at M¨unchen. Germany
Universidad de Alicante. Spain
Universidad Polit´ecnica de Valencia. Spain
Bieber, M. 1999. Hypermedia: A Design Philosophy. In ACM Computing Surveys (12 1999).
Yoo, J. and Bieber, M. 2000. Towards a Relationship Navigation Analysis. In Prooceedings of
the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (01 2000)
Turoff, Murray, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Michael Bieber, Jerry Fjermestad and Ajaz Rana “Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications,” Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 4(4), June 1999. (18 citations)
• author = "Online Collaborative Learning",
title = "An Exploratory Comparison of the Roles of Representations in Face to Face and",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/610317.html"
Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communications. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 4(4).
•Designing for pedagogical effectiveness: the TextWeaver/sup TM/
Xin, C.; Feenberg, A.;
System Sciences, 2002. HICSS. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on ,7-10 Jan. 2002 Pages:1090 - 1099
[31] M. Turoff, S. R. Hiltz, M. Bieber, J. Fjermestad, and A. Rana, “Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications, Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, Vol.4, No. 4, 1999.
• Democratic participation in the discursive management of Usenet
Paolillo, J.C.; Heald, D.;
System Sciences, 2002. HICSS. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Hawaii International Conference on ,7-10 Jan. 2002 Pages:1040 - 1049
Turoff, M.; S.R. Hiltz, M. Bieber, J. Fjermestad, and A. Rana. 1999. Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications. JCMC 4.4.
• Suthers, D. Collaborative Representations: Supporting Face-to-Face and Online Knowledgebuilding Discourse. Proceedings of the 34th Hawaii International Conference on the System Sciences (HICSS-34), January 3-6, 2001, Maui, Hawaii (CD-ROM), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE). 2001.
39. Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communications. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 4(4).
• Comparing the roles of representations in face to face and online collaborations
Suthers, D.D.; Hundhausen, C.D.; Girardeau, L.;
Computers in Education, 2002. Proceedings. International Conference Pages:311 - 315 vol.1
[13] Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communications. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 4(4).
•An exploratory comparison of the roles of representations in face to face and online collaborative learning
Suthers, D.D.; Hundhausen, C.D.; Girardeau, L.E.;
System Sciences, 2003. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Hawaii International Conference on ,6-9 Jan. 2003
Pages:35 - 44
[18] Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communications. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication 4(4).
• author = "Jacob Palme",
title = "Support for Decisions by E-mail",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/palme99support.html"
21. Turoff, M. et al 1999: Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications. A condensed version of this paper will appear in HICSS 1999.
•Author(s): Schoonenboom J
Title: A template for discussing large texts on the web:
the Pragglejaz site
Vol 33, Iss 1, pp 103-107
• Author(s): Burnett G
Title: The scattered members of an invisible republic:
Virtual communities and Paul Ricoeur's hermeneutics
Source: LIBRARY QUARTERLY 2002, Vol 72, Iss 2, pp 155-178
•VLearn 3D - Online Library: Case Studies
... Collaborative Hypermedia in Virtual Reality
Murray Turoff, Jerry Fjermestad, Ajaz Rana, Michael Bieber, Roxanne Hiltz
• Hypertext
“...The articles are:
Turoff, Murray, Rao, Usha, and Starr Roxanne Hiltz (1991), "Collaborative Hypertext in Computer Mediated Communications" (.pdf).
Murray Turoff, Starr Roxanne Hiltz, Michael Bieber, Ajaz Rana (1998), "Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications." ...”
•Design and Study of Innovative Learning Environments
The Design and Study of Innovative Learning Environments
Curriculum & Instruction 588 - Spring 2000
Dr. Philip Bell
WEEK 9 - Knowledge Representation Tools - May 25
* Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Communications.
•Design and Study of Innovative Learning Environments
Emerging Genres of Learning Technology
Curriculum & Instruction 511 - Winter 2001
Dr. Philip Bell
WEEK 5 - Knowledge Representation Tools - February 5
optional readings
* Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Communications.
•Laboratory for Interactive Learning Technologies: Research: ...
Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communications. Journal of Computer Mediated Communication, 4(4). Online:
•Term Paper Assignment for COMM 321
Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestad, J., & Rana, A. (1999). Collaborative discourse structures in computer mediated group communication. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication [On-line], 4 (4). Available:
• References, cont. - Nicole Francine Minnick
Turoff, M., Hiltz, R, Bieber, M., Rana, A. & Fjermestad, J. “Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications.” Hawaii International Conference on Systems Science, 1999, 32. Reprinted in a special issue of Journal of Computer Mediated Communications on Persistent Conversation, 1999, 4(4). Available:
•Author Guidelines for 8
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
E-discourses with Zeno
Angi Voss
Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., Fjermestadt, J. and Ajaz, R.
(1999): "Collaborative discourse structures in computer-
mediated group communications". Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication, 4.
•online articles
Turoff, M., Hiltz, S. R., Bieber, M., & Rana, A. Collaborative Discourse Structures in Computer Mediated Group Communications
Vitali, Fabio and Bieber, Michael, “Hypermedia on the Web: What Will It Take?,” ACM Computing Surveys, 31(4es), 1999. (4 citations)
•H. Weinreich, H. Obendorf and W. Lamersdorf, "The Look of the Link --- Concepts for the User Interface of Extended Hyperlinks". Proceedings of the Twelfth ACM Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia (Hypertext `01), Aarhus, Denmark, August 2001, pp. 19-28.
Vitali, F. and Bieber, M.: Hypermedia on the Web: What Will It Take? ACM Computing Surveys 31(4), Dec. 1999
• Timothy Miles-Board, Deveril , Janet Lansdale , Leslie Carr , Wendy Hall, Decentering the dancing text:from dance intertext to hypertext,
Conference on Hypertext and Hypermedia
Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia Pages: 108 - 119
Year of Publication:2003
7 Michael Bieber ,Fabio Vitali , Helen Ashman , V. Balasubramanian , Harri Oinas-Kukkonen, Fourth generation hypermedia: some missing links for the World Wide Web, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, v.47 n.1, p.31-65, July 1997
34 Fabio Vitali , Michael Bieber, Hypermedia on the Web: what will it take?, ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), v.31 n.4es, Dec. 1999
•Hypermedia on the Web: What Will It Take?
“Hypermedia on the Web: What Will It Take?
Fabio Vitali University of Bologna
Michael Bieber New Jersey Institute of Technology ...”
• Roberto Galnares, Ph.D. Dissertation, CIS Department, NJIT, May 2001
Title: “Augmenting Applications with Hypermedia Functionality and Meta-information”
- Ashman, H., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Bieber, M., Hypertext Functionality, JODI 1(4) 1999.
- Bieber M. and Kimbrough S. MISQ 16(1), 1992, 77-93.
- Bieber M. and Kimbrough S. DSS 11, 1994, 241-257.
- Bieber M. and Isakowitz T. (eds). CACM 38(8), 1995.
- Bieber M. and Kacmar C. CACM 38(8), 1995, 99-107.
- Bieber M. and Vitali F., IEEE Computer 30(1), 1997, 62-70.
- Bieber M. et al., IJHCS, Vol. 47, 31-65.
- Bieber M., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Balasubramanian, V., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Vitali F. and Bieber M., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., ACM Hypertext 2000 Proceedings.
Bieber, Michael and Vitali, Fabio, “Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web,” IEEE Computer 30(1), 1997, 62-70. (23 citations)
• IDM: a methodology for intranet design
Seung C. Lee
Proceedings of the international conference on Information systems December 1998
1 Michael Bieber , Tomás Isakowitz, Designing hypermedia applications, Communications of the ACM, v.38 n.8, p.26-29, Aug. 1995
2 Bieber, M., and Vitali, F. "Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web." IEEE Computer, 1997, pp. 62-70.
• Author(s): Watters C; Conley M; Alexander C
Title: The digital agora: Using technology for learning
in the social sciences
Source: COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 1998, Vol 41, Iss 1, pp
• Author(s): Ciancarini P; Rizzi A; Vitali F
Title: An extensible rendering engine for XML and HTML
Iss 1-7, pp 225-237
•Author(s): Balasubramanian V; Bashian A
Title: Document management and Web technologies: Alice
marries the Mad Hatter
Source: COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM 1998, Vol 41, Iss 7, pp
• Author(s): Cheung WM
Title: The use of the World Wide Web for commercial
98, Iss 3-4, pp 172-+
• Author(s): Schwabe D; Rossi G
Title: An object oriented approach to web-based
applications design
4, Iss 4, pp 207-225
•Author(s): Gallagher S; Webb B
Title: Paradigmatic analysis as a means of eliciting
knowledge to assist multimedia methodological
9, Iss 2, pp 60-71
•Author(s): De Oliveira MCF; Turine MAS; Masiero PC
Title: A statechart-based model for hypermedia
19, Iss 1, pp 28-52
• Roberto Galnares, Ph.D. Dissertation, CIS Department, NJIT, May 2001
Title: “Augmenting Applications with Hypermedia Functionality and Meta-information”
- Ashman, H., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Bieber, M., Hypertext Functionality, JODI 1(4) 1999.
- Bieber M. and Kimbrough S. MISQ 16(1), 1992, 77-93.
- Bieber M. and Kimbrough S. DSS 11, 1994, 241-257.
- Bieber M. and Isakowitz T. (eds). CACM 38(8), 1995.
- Bieber M. and Kacmar C. CACM 38(8), 1995, 99-107.
- Bieber M. and Vitali F., IEEE Computer 30(1), 1997, 62-70.
- Bieber M. et al., IJHCS, Vol. 47, 31-65.
- Bieber M., Oinas-Kukkonen, H. and Balasubramanian, V., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Vitali F. and Bieber M., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., ACM Hypertext 2000 Proceedings.
• Anirban Bhaumik, Masters Thesis, CIS Department, NJIT, May 2000
- Bieber M. DSS 14, 251-267, 1995.
- Bieber M. and Kacmar C. CACM 38(8), 1995, 99-107.
- Bieber M. and Vitali F., IEEE Computer 30(1), 1997, 62-70.
- Bieber M. and Yoo J., ACM Computing Surveys (forthcoming).
- Wan J. and Bieber M., HICSS 1997, 160-166.
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., HICSS 2000 Proceedings.
- Yoo J. and Bieber M., ACM Hypertext 2000 Proceedings.
• Title: Evaluation of Hypermedia Application Development and Management Systems
Author(s): S. Christodoulou, G. Styliaras, T. Papatheodorou
Volume: Hypertext’98 Proceedings, 1-10
• Title: Link Levels in an Open Hypertext View
Author(s): Watters, C.
Volume: Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Incorporating Hypertext Functionality Into Software Systems (April) 1997
• Title: Fusing the World Wide Web and Open Hypermedia System Technologies
Author(s): Chiu, C.
Dissertation: October 1997
• Evaluating HyperDisco as an infrastructure for digital libraries
Uffe Kock Wiil
Proceedings of the 1998 ACM symposium on Applied Computing February 1998
5 Bieber, M., and Vitali. F. 1997. Toward support for hypermedia on the World Wide Web. iEEE Computer, 30, 1, (January), 62-70.
•Aware: Useful Tech & Info: Video and Multimedia
“... Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web ( Michael Bieber, Fabio Vitali ; IEEE Computer Magazine 1997-01)
- As organizations rush to embrace the World Wide Web as their primary application infrastructure, they should not bypass the benefit of hypermedia support. ...”
•Original Proposal
cq-pan.cqu.edu.au/david-jones/Projects/ Masters/Proposal/original/
An alternative structure for Web development tools.
Dr Shirley Gregor
Teresa Lynch
Bieber, M., Vitali, F., Ashman, H., Balasubramanian, V. and Oinas-Kukkonen, H. (1997). Fourth generation hypermedia: some missing links for the World Wide Web, International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 47, 31-65.
Bieber, M. and Vitali, F. (1997). Towards Support for Hypermedia on the World-Wide Web, IEEE Computer, 30(1), 62-70.
•Web site reuse: cloning and adapting
Aversano, L.; Canfora, G.; De Lucia, A.; Gallucci, P.;
Web Site Evolution, 2001. Proceedings. 3rd International Workshop on ,10 Nov. 2001
Pages:107 - 111
[1] M. Bieber and F. Vitali, “Toward support for hypermedia on the World Wide Wed”, IEEE Computer, January 1997. York, pp. 116-128.
•author = "Phyo Kyaw and et al.",
title = "A survey of Hypermedia design methods in the context of World Wide Web
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/kyaw98survey.html"
Bieber, M. and Vitali, F. (1997). "Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web." IEEE Computer 30(1): 62-70.
•author = "A. Claßen and B. Steffen and T. Margaria and V. Braun",
title = "Tool Coordination in METAFrame",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/320510.html
M. Bieber, F. Vitali: "Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web", IEEE Computer, January 1997, pp. 62-70.
•author = "Gary J. Nutt",
title = "Software for Small, Communicating Computers",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/nutt97software.html"
Michael Bieber and Fabio Vitali. Toward support for hypermedia on the world wide web. IEEE Computer, 30(1):62--70, January 1997.
•author = "Faisal Amir and Samir M. Iqbal and M. Yasin",
title = "Effectiveness Of Cyber-Learning",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/amir99effectiveness.html"
Bieber, M and Vitali, F. "Toward support for hypermedia on the World Wide Web". Computer (Jan.
•author = "Phyo Kyaw and et al.",
title = "Case Study based evaluation of Hypermedia Design Methods",
url = "citeseer.ist.psu.edu/kyaw98case.html" }
Bieber, M. and Vitali, F. (1997). "Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web." Computer IEEE 30(1): 62-70.
•author = "Gustavo Rossi and Daniel Schwabe and Fernando Lyardet",
title = "Web Application Models Are More Than Conceptual Models",
booktitle = "{ER} Workshops",
pages = "239-253",
year = "1999",
Bieber, M; Vitali, F.;"Toward Support for Hypermedia on the World Wide Web" IEEEComputer 30(1), January 1997
Bieber, Michael, Fabio Vitali, Helen Ashman+, V. Balasubramanian+ and Harri Oinas-Kukkonen+, “Fourth Generation Hypermedia: Some Missing Links for the World Wide Web,” International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 47, 1997, 31-65. (57 citations)
• Author(s): Carrara P., Fresta G., Mussio P.
Title: SVG: More than a markup language for vector graphics