June 16, 2016

Dear Parents/Guardians:

It is my pleasure to welcome incoming and returning students, parents, and community members to Clark-Pleasant Middle School – a very proud “A” and Four Star School. We hope that your family is enjoying the warm summer weather.

Our teachers, counselors, support staff, and administrative team are eagerly preparing to help all students during the transition and start of another great middle school year with minimal stress and anxiety. Our two most important goals are ensuring students are safe and helping students grow in all areas of school and life.

The following reflects our summer events and welcome back activities:

·  Week of July 11: All returning CPCSC families must update their demographic information and complete required forms by going to the registration tab

on the bottom left of our CPCSC main webpage. On the next screen choose the first link and then login as a returning user to update your demographic and student information. If you don’t have an account, then please create one to complete the process. Call if you need assistance. If you don’t have online access, please consider accessing this site at the library or CPMS will have computers available during registration.

·  Monday, July 11: CPMS phone calls at 535-7121 will be answered.

·  Monday, July 18: Our office will reopen from 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.

·  Wednesday, July 20: All incoming 6th, 7th and 8th grade CPMS students, parents, and guardians must attend Registration Day sometime between 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. During this event, families will receive schedules, take/order school pictures, talk with the nurse if applicable, tour the building to locate classrooms and open lockers, pay book rental, deposit lunch account money, purchase PE uniforms as needed, etc…. CPMS staff will be available to answer questions and assist throughout the day. If you are unable to attend because of vacation then please plan to visit after July 20 but before the start of school.

·  Wednesday, July 27: First day of school with no early release J

·  Thursday, August 11: All CPMS parents/guardians are strongly encouraged to attend our Back to School Night beginning promptly at 6:00 p.m. This is a valuable opportunity to meet your student’s teachers, learn more about the exciting activities planned throughout the year, receive 21st Century Scholars information, signup for our parent outreach group (formally PTO), and 6th grade parents/guardians can learn more about scales and growth-based report cards.

The following school supplies have been recommended for the 2016-2017 school year. Individual teachers may also request students have additional items to be shared at the start of school.

6th Grade:

Pens and pencils Hand sanitizer

Loose leaf paper Folders

Colored pencils Elmer’s glue and glue stick

Crayons (small box) 2 boxes of Kleenex/tissue

2 packages of Expo brand dry erase markers

7th & 8th Grade:

Homeroom: box of tissues and 2 packages of Expo brand dry erase markers

General: pencils (regular & colored), glue stick, lined paper, and highlighters (4 dif. colors)

Science: 1.5” three ring binder with dividers and composition notebook

7th grade E/LA: 1.5” three ring binder with dividers and composition notebook

8th grade E/LA: 1.5” three ring binder

Math: composition notebook and scientific calculator (recommend TI30xs or TI30IIS)

Please remember to save all pop tabs and Box Tops for Education icons from all General Mills products to support Riley hospital and our Best Buddies program respectively. We also appreciate your effort to promote these philanthropies within your extended family and at work if appropriate. We will hold several fun competitions to see which homerooms/classes can collect the most with rewards at the end of the year.

To add money to your student’s lunch account, please go to our website at www.cpcsc.k12.in.us. Click on the school meals tab on the left, then meal payments, then the RevTrak Online Store. In order to access this site, you must have an account. If you need to set up an account or have any questions, please call the CPCSC Information Services Help Desk at 535-3466 Monday through Friday from 8:00-3:30.

We look forward to your attendance at our mandatory registration day on Wednesday, July 20 as we continue to work together in living our school motto, Exploring . . . Excellence! If you have any questions about the process, upcoming dates/times, or office hours please call the school at 535-7121. If it’s before July 11 then please leave a message or if you need immediate assistance, call our central office at 535-7579.

Thank you and enjoy the remainder of your Warrior summer.


Tim Rinehold

Proud Principal

Clark-Pleasant Middle School