Human Services Council of Indiana County


January 12, 2012

Attendance: Janeen Love (Senior Corp RSVP), Robin Rinehart (Community Guidance Center), Carole Reed (Family Promise), Patty Drew (Beacon Ridge), Luann Williams (Alice Paul House), Bonni Dunlap (Dept of Human Services), Janine Maust (Aging Services), Judy Sylvester (Aids Coalition of SW PA), Donna Hagen (Catholic Charities), Lisa Snyder (Justice Works Youth Care), Maureen Pounds (Dept of Human Services), June Stewart (VNA and Hopeful Hearts), Pepita Jiminez Jacobs (League of Women Voters), Steve Olish (AIDAC) Mila Simpson (Community Living & Learning Inc.) Sandy Harber (ICCAP)

1.  Call to Order by Sandy Harber, president.

2.  Minutes (from December 2011)

Moved to accept: Patty, Seconded: Judy; motion carried.

3.  Treasurer’s Report

Starting Balance 2523.18

Deposits (dues, luncheon) 129.00

Expenses (Christmas Luncheon 215.50

Mail box rental 46.00

Ending Balance 2390.68

Move to accept: Pepita, seconded: Lisa; motion carried.

4. Committee Reports

a. By Laws, Nancy Smith, chair, no report

b.  Community Connections, Maureen Pounds, chair, no report

c.  Finance, Patty Drew, chair, no report

d.  Legislative, Bonni Dunlap, new chair

e.  Nominating Cathy Williams, chair, no report

f.  Community Education and Fellowship June Stewart, new chair

Judy reported that she would be retiring soon and thanked everyone for the good turn out at the last picnic.

g.  Volunteerism, Janeen Love, chair, looking for members

5.  Old Business: none

6.  New Business: none

7.  Introductions and Announcements:

·  Judy announced the new name for her agency: AIDS Coalition of SW PA.

·  Pepita spoke about the upgrade of the pollution control equipment at the power plant. It is a balancing act between the environment and economics/jobs.

·  Steve mentioned that the Alcohol and Drug Commission is now also providing services to Clarion County. He and Sasha explained the Oxford House concept. We agreed that we would like a more detailed explanation at a future meeting.

·  Janine announced that Senior Care would be taking over the Adult Day Care and that they would be closing their program.

·  June announced that Hopeful Hearts is now a program of VNA. They hope in the near future to include Care Net.

·  Bonnie announced that there is a 5% freeze on the homeless assistance program. The funding for HSDF has dropped dramatically over the last few years. Seven years ago it was $300,000 and now is $99,000. Six new housing units are being constructed in Chevy Chase for homeless veterans. National Volunteer week is April 15 to 24.

·  Sandy explained that ICCAP has turned down 150 homeless people in the last year and that there are over 300 people waiting for help through Section 8. ICCAP has had to reduce their help with rental assistance to either first month rent or security deposit. They can no longer do both. In some places the rent has increased 4 times in the last 10 years. Some of the homeless problem is due to the fact that the low income housing is being used up by the Marcellus Shale employees. People are having trouble affording housing if they live on minimum wage.

·  Donna says they are getting a lot of requests for fuel assistance.

·  There are many vets with families attending Wyotec.

·  A housing bank is being established through PHFA to off-set housing affordability.

·  On March 9 Rep.Dave Reed will be hosting a breakfast meeting for HSC.

8.  Adjournment by Sandy Harber

9.  Program: Reorganization of the Council for 2012. Each committee met to discuss plans for the year.