Hospice Committee Meeting

March 5, 2015


At the Michigan Association for Home Care Conference Room


I.  Call to order

II.  Minute approval

III.  Additions to agenda

IV.  Reports

a.  Executive Director

·  Legislative day is March 12, 2015 at 10:30am Thursday first floor of capital; legislators coming to see us; will have it broken out by areas of MI; 40 new house members out of 110. Senate – at least 1/3 new.

·  Federal Legislation Day Washing DC March 22-25 NAHC March on Washington. Barry attending – meets with his colleagues from other state association. NAHC has legislative conference. Barry has meetings scheduled with Debbie Stabenow and Garry Peters. Also meeting with house members. Anyone going to NAHC conference, Barry can set up appts for you

·  Scholarships available for annual conference – Spirit of Caring Award, applications on the back table. Michael Bartz Allied Health Scholarship – for a student in business health curriculum; second is Allied Health Scholarship, usually goes to a nurse or aspiring nurse $2,000. Very little applicants for these scholarships – please advocate and submit candidates.

·  Kelly Kendall– longtime member of association, good friend Rosemary Mayes family wants to donate money for a scholarship – this may be another $1,000 scholarship for allied health curriculum


·  Amy attended the last meeting; Barry to contact NGS representative to add Sherri Solomon as representative for MAHC.

·  Hospice CAP calculation – came out yesterday, Mary sent out to hospice committee

·  Sherri to begin attending (Barry will email Emily and cc: Amy and Sherry)


·  Met Tuesday this week

·  Rick Brummette was present

·  Casper report for state of MI – copy on the back table

·  145 active hospice's in state of MI

·  Report makes state of MI hospice look bad

  1. MI required to use this system, not all other states are….not good to compare MI to other states
  2. 12 hospice complaints in the past FY (since October) – 2 were high status (f/u within 45) 10 low (f/u next site visit)
  3. Past year 2 agencies licenses revoked – 1 will be closing, 1 will more than likely meet requirements and remain open
  4. IDR information dispute process – if agency gets conditional level, agency can go through this process to have issue looked into. If POC submitted and revisit within 45 days, if issues resolved, agency is good. If not in compliance after 45 day review, MI can enforce civil penalty.
  5. Deemed status – if agency does not meet, Rick gets letter
  6. Biggest concern on Casper report – POCs not being individualized
  7. Recent survey's – entire chart printed vs looking at EMR. Asking surveyors to review the EMR vs making agency print
  8. Complaint log – not a requirement per reg; complaint process is the requirement. Complaints must be investigated and follow-up to patient and family.
  9. Assessment of interactions of med and med recon communicated and documented with physician
  10. Separate entities document
  11. Psychotropic meds in SNFs causing survey issues for SNFs. Wants specific SNF tagged for hospice patient SNF meds – what F tag?
  12. Hospice licensure fee
  13. Can we get the names of the surveyors for hospice in the state of MI? Barry to obtain

d.  MPRO

·  No report this month

e.  Education

·  Covered in Barry's report

V.  DEA Medication Disposal Law & Hospice Implications with Elizabeth Buckley, Clinical Compliance Officer, Trinity Home Health Services

VI.  MI-POST Update: Carolyn Stramecki, Project Director, Honoring Healthcare Choices MI

VII.  Amy Gil

  1. Cost reporting changes for hospice (changes for free standing hospices only, not hospital based hospices)
  2. CBSA codes need to be listed out
  3. Pt days by loc by payer
  4. Duplicated/unduplicated eliminated
  5. Contracted
  6. Expenses by LOC
  7. 339 – questionnaire intermixed
  8. Worksheet G are now F
  9. Worksheet D is now C
  10. CAP reporting – any questions?
  11. Benchmark – Jessup Group does benchmarking for home health agencies. Would like more participation with hospice and private duty. Free to us as MAHC members. What kinds of things would we want? What would we want to look at from benchmarking?
  12. Currently using SHP
  13. Amy can get access to other benchmarking companies – what else is out there
  14. Mostly look at stats from a financial perspective; what's out there? What else would we want to do?
  15. Think about this and bring ideas to the next meeting. Would be personalized to those that attend this committee and for the state of MI
  16. Put out some questions on the listserv
  17. Add to agenda for next meeting

vii.  Reimbursement committee meeting schedule – Mary has

VIII.  New business – State Licensure Fee

·  Minimum 3 year surveys

·  State is looking at modeling this; annual surveys to ensure agency is in place

·  Looking at an annual license fee, proposed a $500 licensure fee per agency

·  Current hospice inpatient facility fee $200 per agency, $20 per bed – this is annual

o  Proposed fee increase for inpatient facility: $500 per facility, $5/bed

·  Implementing legislation has not been introduced, next step would be to do this

·  Hearing last week

·  Committee recommendations:

o  If deemed status, should not be subject to annual survey and fee for state licensure (pay thousands of dollars for deemed status)

IX.  Old business

  1. Annual Conference

·  Registration going well; need more people

·  Early bird before April 10, 2015

·  There's an entire hospice track – please participate and encourage others in your organization to participate!

·  Having hospice committee meeting there

·  Think of ideas for next year's conference and presenters!

X.  Open discussion

XI.  Next meeting April 2, 2015 via Teleconference or in person depending on guest speaker availability (communication will come from Association re: April meeting once finalized)