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User Support / Quick Reference Guide

Create a Temporary/Limited Opening

In this example, we will create one Job Opening for three hires as Limited, Part-TimeMuseum Preparators who will be working for approximately three months installing art exhibits for our department, the Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive.

1.  / Your HCM (Human Capital Management) Home page might look different, depending upon your personal access.
Click the Recruiting link.
2.  / Click the Create New Job Opening link.
3.  / Notice the Job Opening Type and Business Unit have defaulted.
Do not change these values.
4.  / If you did not know the Job Code you could use the Search Feature to the right of the field. In this example, we know the Job Code.
Enter the desired information into the Job Code field. Enter a valid value e.g. "9632C". Press [Tab].
5.  / When you tab from the field,the official Payroll Title displays to the right of the Job Code field and it also appears in the Posting Title field.
Please modify the Posting Title in order to make it more user-friendly. If you modify the Posting Title field, make sure that it is a title that is familiar to the average applicant and is a good indicator of the job..
6.  / In this example, we will modify the Posting Title to clarify the title.
Click in the Posting Title field. and change the posting title to “Museum Preparator
7.  / The modified Posting Title reflects the more user-friendly title, "Museum Preparator".
Click the Continue button.
8.  / We are on the Job Details page as shown by the greylink,"Job Details".
Above the grey Job Details link, summary information from the prior page appears which cannot be modified.
Below the Job Details link, the first three fields ("Created by", "Created Date", "Openings to Fill") display default settings and should not be changed.
9.  / The "Openings to Fill" field does not refer to Appointment Type.
This field refers to the fact that your department is posting a limited number of Job Openings.
This field must remain "Limited".
10.  / Target Openings defaults to "1". If you are posting this job for more than one opening, you would enter the appropriate number and tab out of the field.
At the time of the initial posting, Available Openings will match Target Openings.
As the recruitment progresses, the number of Available Openings will update with each new hire. For example, if a departmentposts five positions and three people have been hired,the Available Openings would be two. In this example, we will change the default.
The total Available Openings should be less than or equal to the Target Openings.
11.  / In this example, we plan to hire three people to the same Job Opening.
In this example, we want to create1 Job Opening for multiple hires.
12.  / Enter the desired information into the Target Openings field. For this example, we will enter a valid value e.g. "3" and
press [Tab].
13.  / Notice that when you tab out of the Target Openings, the Available Openings number changes to "3", to reflects the number of your Target Opening(s).
14.  / Enter the desired information into the Department field. Enter a valid value e.g. "knbam". Press [Tab].
15.  / Notice when you tab out of the Department field, the department title displays.
Notice also, that the Affirmative Action Recruiting Goals (AA Goals) display. These are recruiting goals based upon the Job Code and Department Code.
This information displays only for the Job Opening Originator and is not seen by applicants, hiring managers or interview team.
This is not a quota, it is a request that you attempt to diversify your applicant pool.
16.  / Enter the desired information into the Location field. Enter a valid value e.g. "campus". Press [Tab].
17.  / Notice that both the Location and Recruiting Location display, "Main Campus-Berkeley."
18.  / Scroll down the page to continue.
The "Status Date" defaults to the day you create the Job Opening and cannot be changed.
The "Desired Start Date", "Projected Fill Date", "Date Authorized", "Referral Program ID" and "Recruitment Contact" fields are not used at UCB.
If this opening is to fill a position being vacated, you can enter the departing employee's name in the Employees Being Replaced Section.
In this example, this is a new position, no one is being replaced.
19.  / Select Part-Time from the Schedule Type drop-down list.

20.  / Select Temporary from the Regular/Temporary drop-down list.

21.  / We expect these employees to work for approximately three months. The exact begin and end dates may vary.
22.  / Enter the desired information into the Begin Date field.
Enter a valid value e.g. "5/01/09".
23.  / Enter the desired information into the End Date field. Enter a valid value e.g. "8/01/09".
24.  / The Appt Type drop-down list appears.
By selecting the Limited appointment type,you are indicating that this position will exist for a limited period of time.
Click the 3 - Limited list item.
25.  / Click the 900 Hours box.
By selecting the 900 Hours box, we are stating that we understand the restricted hours for limited employees and will be monitoring these people’s hours. Clicking this box also waives the mandatory 14 day posting period, allowing the department to see applicants as soon as the applicant applies.
This is only used for Limited Job Opening(s) where there is an immediate need and the pay status will be less than 1,000 hours in a 12 month period.
26.  / We need to indicate the expected average number of hours of work per weekfor this part-time Job Opening.
Enter the desired information into the Hours field.
In this example, the employees will work an average of fifty percent time, so we will enter "20.00".
27.  / In this example,we have followed the best business practice and have had Compensation review this position before creating this Job Opening.
Click the Yes option.
If you have nothad Compensation review this Job Opening, you are only able to Save as Draft, you will not be able to submit your job opening.
28.  / The Comments Text box can be used to communicate any other necessary information to the Department Authorizer and Employment Services.
Examples of information to include:
- if you select “Other” from the non-UCB listing choices, please give the name and contact information/URL for the “other” option
-  the chartstring that will be charged for any non-UCB postings
information about the waiver
After filling in comments, we will continue with the Job Opening process.
We can either click on the Next Step button or on one of the links. For this example, we will click the Job Postings link.
29.  / The Job Postings page appears (as shown with the grey font).
We need to add a number of required Job Posting Descriptions.
Click the Add Job Postings link. to go to the Job Postings sub-page.
30.  / This sub-page contains vital information concerning the job responsibilities and the minimum qualifications.
Information entered on this page will display to the applicants as they view the job posting. Take care to provide complete and accurate information.
The requiredJob Posting Descriptions are: "Departmental Overview", "Responsibilities", "Required Qualifications", "Preferred Qualifications", "Salary & Benefits" and "Equal Employment Opportunity".
Important Note: If the Job Opening has been designated as "sensitive",you must also include the "Criminal Background Required" description.
If the Job Opening will be affected by the furloughs,you must also include the "Furlough statement" description type..
31.  / The Job Descriptions section appears.
The Visible field determines which applicants (Internal and/or External) will be able to view this information.
The system will default to Internal & External view. Please confirm that your descriptions have defaulted to this view. Do not change this, except in the very rare instance when this is an internalJob Opening that is approved by the Staff Affirmative Action & Compliance Office.
Warning: As an example of why this is so important, if you select External Only, no internal applicants will be able to see the posting on the jobs page.
32.  / Select Departmental Overview from the Description Type drop-down list.
33.  / The Departmental Overview Description field should contain a short introduction to the department. Type directly into this field or cut and paste from another source.
In this example, we have typed an abbreviated sample of text directly into this field.
Take care with accuracy and spelling and use the Spell Check to the right of the Description field.
34.  / Click the Add Posting Descriptions link to add the next Description type.
Another Posting Description section opens.
35.  / The Description Type drop-down list appears.
Select Responsibilities from the Description Type drop-down list.
36.  / The Responsibilities Descriptionis a short summary to let applicants know what kind of job they are applying for. This should not be a comprehensive listing of every action the person might do.
You may type or use the cut and paste method to provide this information.
37.  / In this example, we have typed an abbreviated sample of Responsibility text directly into this field.
Remember to review the Description for accuracy by using the Spell Check.
Click the Add Posting Descriptions link.
38.  / The Description Type drop-down list appears.
Select the Required Qualifications from the Description Type drop-down list.
39.  / Required Qualifications are attributes, knowledge and/or experience a person will need to do the job. These are the qualifications that will be used to screen for minimally qualified applicants.
40.  / We have typed an abbreviated sample in the Required QualificationsDescription and used the Spell Check.
Click the Add Posting Descriptions link.
41.  / Select Preferred Qualifications from the Description Type drop-down list.
42.  / Preferred Qualifications are the "nice to have" attributes, knowledge and experience.
For example, it would require less department training if the applicant has experience handling artwork.
43.  / We have typed an abbreviated sample of text in the Preferred Qualifications Description field and done a Spell Check.
Click the Add Posting Descriptions link.
44.  / The Description Type drop-down list appears.
Select Salary & Benefits from the Description Type drop-down list.

45.  / Notice that the full salary range for this Job Code displays above the Description field.
This default salary range information will not automatically display in the job posting for applicants.
We need to enter the salary information we wish applicants to see.
Because this job will not be offering career benefits we will not include the pre-written benefits language in the Description ID field. We will only be providing hourly salary information.
46.  / We typed in the Salary information we want applicants to see.
Click the Add Posting Descriptions link.
47.  / Select Equal Employment Opportunity from the Description Type drop-down list item.
48.  / Previously we have manually entered text in the Description field.
Some Description Types have language which has been written and vetted (reviewed by appropriate departments) and should not be altered. The Equal Employment Opportunity is such a Description Type.
Click theDescription ID:drop-down list to check for pre-written language.
49.  / Select the EEO/AA choice.
50.  / The Equal Employment Opportunity pre-written language appears. Do not change it.
51.  / In this example, we have added all the Job Posting Descriptions that we want the applicants to see.
We need to continue to indicating where the posting will be listed.
In this example, we know we want two Job Posting Types (External and Internal) and will use the Add Posting Destinations link to open two rows (for the job to be seen by External and Internal applicants).
52.  / Click the Add Posting Destinations link.
53.  / Notice there are now two Job Posting Destinationrows.
Job Posting Destinations refers to where the job will be posted.
This step must be completed in order for the applicants to see the job opening.
If this step is not completed, the job will not post anywhere, including the UCB job site: http://jobs.berkeley.edu/
54.  / In order for this job to post on the UCB job website, select the first item on the Destinationdrop-down list: *Berkeley Job Site
55.  / The Posting Type drop-down appears. Most jobs must be posted for both External and Internal viewing.
This system requires you to post both External and Internal destination types separately.
Select External from thePosting Typedrop-down list.
56.  / Select Approve Dt from the Relative Open Datedrop-down list.
Always select Approve Date (unless you wish your posting to be delayed for a certain number of days).
57.  / Once the Relative Open Date field is populated, the system will assign today’s date as the posting date. The posting date begins the day Employment Services authorizes the Job Opening.
Due to the authorization and approval process, the job will not necessarily going to be posted today but will be posted as soon as the Department Authorizer and Employment Services approve the job.
58.  / Posting Duration is the length of time a Job Opening will be open. There is a 14 day mandatoryposting period. You can post the job up to 90 days.
Because this is a Temporary/Limited Job Opening and the 900 Hours box has been checked, the Posting Duration may be shortened to less than 14 days and you may view applications as they arrive.
If your post your job and the posting has not been filled within the initial number of days, you can work with Employment Servicesto extend the posting period.
The Posting Duration calculation begins the day Employment Services authorizes the Job Opening.
You can also choose to enter a specific End Date.
59.  / Now we must fill out the 2nd posting destination row, in order for Internal applicants to be able to view the opening.