Minutes Of The Annual General Meeting Held At C.A.C.A. on Thursday 11 March 2010 commencing 7.30pm.


Mr D Pink, Chairman, Mr N Chedzey, Mr G Lynch, Mr R Moore, Mrs J Rea, Miss F Rozzell, Mrs E Tallyn, Mrs H Matthews, Secretary, Mr R Field, Mr Griffiths, Mr P Taylor, Mr P Wakefield Mrs C Moyes, Mrs V Taylor and Mrs V Wakefield, members of the Residents’ Association.


Mr M Droney, Mr D Foyle, Mr B Jones and Mr K Tallyn


The minutes of the last Annual General Meeting were circulated and read. Acceptance was proposed by Mrs Tallyn and seconded by Mrs Rea.

Matters Arising From Minutes

a) 34 Milton Road: Mr Pink felt that there was, regrettably nothing further to be done but would keep all correspondence on file.

b) Waterlooville Town Centre Liveability Project: Stone features showing abstract designs in relief have been erected but some ground levelling work will be carried out.

c) Padnell Grange: Redevelopment has been halted and the existing property is being used for seminars.

d) Padnell Road Surgery: Funding is now available and the plans have been approved.

Chairman’s Report

This was published in the March edition of the Ratepayer Magazine. Acceptance was proposed by Mr Moore and seconded by Mrs Rea.

Treasurer’s Report

Mr Chedzey reported an excess of income over expenditure amounting to almost £74.00. The cost of hiring premises for meetings has increased slightly for the Waterlooville venue but remained unchanged at the Cowplain venue for which we receive a discounted rate. Secretarial expenses have remained consistent.

Subscriptions have increased by 41% with membership almost doubling since the previous year. In response to a question, Mr Chedzey confirmed that the Residents’ Association Magazine subsidised the costs of the Association.

Mr Pink thanked Mr Chedzey for his report and, on behalf of the Members, expressed his thanks for the work he undertook.

Acceptance of the Treasurer’s report was proposed by Mr Lynch and seconded by Mrs Tallyn.

Ratepayer Magazine Accounts

Mr Lynch reported an income from advertisers of £12,150.00, but a large percentage of this is offset by printer’s costs, which are increasing. The Magazine has received a rebate of £796.00 of which £577.00 was for refunded libel insurance. Only the Distribution Manager takes an Honorarium and the Deliverers receive a small Christmas gift in appreciation of their efforts. For the fourth year running, there is no liability for Corporation Tax. It is anticipated that the earned interest will be considerably lower for the 2009/2010 period. Mr Lynch also drew attention to the fact that the accounts were the last to be audited by Mr Palmer who after twenty-seven years had decided to stand down.

On behalf of the Committee, Mr Pink expressed thanks to Mr Lynch for his hard work and continued dedication to the Magazine.

Acceptance of the Accounts was proposed by Mr Pink and seconded by Mr Field.

Ratepayer Magazine

Mr Lynch reported that 9,100 copies of the Magazine were printed and distributed each month. He reported that one of the long-standing items, Re-Action, Tools For Self Reliance would no longer appear as Mr Ginger was standing down. An article is anticipated for the May Magazine detailing the work of the project from its early years.

Thirty-four potential advertisers are awaiting available space and enquiries are received almost weekly.

Election Of Officers, Committee Members and Appointees

Post Nomination Proposed Seconded

President Mr D Foyle Mr D Pink Mr R Moore

Vice President Miss F Rozzell Mr N Chedzey Mr G Lynch

Chairman Mr D Pink Mrs J Rea Mr N Chedzey

Vice Chairman Mrs J Rea Mr D Pink Mr G Lynch

Treasurer Mr N Chedzey Mrs E Tallyn Mrs J Rea

Committee Members Mr B Jones Mr G Lynch Mr R Field

Mr R Moore Mr G Lynch Mr R Field

Mr K Tallyn Mr G Lynch Mr R Field

Mrs E Tallyn Mr G Lynch Mr R Field

Business Manager Mr G Lynch Mr D Pink Mr N Chedzey

Editor Mr M Droney Mr D Pink Mr N Chedzey

Distribution Manager Mrs M Walker Mr D Pink Mr N Chedzey

Secretary Mrs H Matthews Mr D Pink Mr N Chedzey

Auditor Position Vacant

Proposed Amendment To The Constitution

Rule 16 specifically states that all payments from the Magazine Account shall be by cheque signed by the Business Manager and one other of the authorised Management Committee Officers. As many Bank branches are being closed and cheques will eventually be phased out it was proposed the Constitution be amended to cover electronic transfers.

The proposed amendment, to be added to the end of this sentence reads ‘except in exceptional circumstances when the Chairman may authorise payment by electronic transfer.’

After some discussion, the sentence was further amended to include the words ‘or Vice Chairman’ to be added after Chairman.

The revised rule will now read ‘except in exceptional circumstances when the Chairman or Vice Chairman may authorise payment by electronic transfer.’

A show of hands carried the proposal unanimously


Although it was originally anticipated that building would start opposite ASDA, economic circumstances have caused construction to start at the Hambledon Road end of the site. Forty houses have already been built and occupied.

Milton Road Liveability Scheme

The scheme is still only partially completed with further works due to be undertaken when funding becomes available from the sale of the garage site.

Passenger Transport Forum

The Forum, covering the whole of Hampshire meets twice a year. Mr Pink and Miss Rozzell attend regularly.

Rockville Drive Stream

Following Mr Pink’s letter to Ms Hopkins, the stream has finally been cleared of rubbish. Mr Pink has written again to Ms Hopkins thanking her for the final resolution but expressing dissatisfaction that it took her intervention to produce a result. Mr Field reported that despite a waste bin being provided, more rubbish was already being thrown into the stream.

Pedestrian Crossing In Cowplain

After protracted correspondence it has finally been established that the audible beeper has not been replaced, as a further crossing will be installed across Durley Avenue. This would be close enough to the existing crossing to cause possible confusion as to which the beeper controls.

Any Other Business

a)  Mr Moore reported that the recently refilled potholes near Dryden Close are already sinking.

b)  Mr and Mrs Taylor asked if a mosque was due to be built in Waterlooville. Mr Pink was able to confirm that there was no current planning application but he would continue to monitor the situation.

c)  Mr and Mrs Wakefield asked for the latest details of development of the MDA. Mrs Rea gave a brief resume of the situation and advised them that the next meeting would be held at the Deverell Hall on 31st March.

d)  Mr Field enquired as to the progress of the planning application for a Sainsbury’s to be erected on the Caetano site. Mr Pink has written expressing dissatisfaction that the disabled toilets are to be sited on the first floor rather than the ground floor. To date he has received no reply to his letter. Mrs Rea reported the traffic surveys are to be carried out prior to any decision.

e)  Mr Field also said that he had heard that the Mr Cheap shop in Waterlooville is to become a Wetherspoon’s public house. He expressed concerns as to its proximity to The Heroe’s and possible problems with parking.

f)  Mrs Tallyn asked if there was truth in the rumour that McDonald’s wished to open a ‘drive thru’ restaurant in Wellington Retail Park. The Sofas And Rooms store was rumoured to be closing and she wondered if they intended to relocate there.

g)  A Member who lived near to the Rainbow in Milton Road raised problems concerning the considerable noise both from the car park and the recycling skips sited in the car park. This has been raised with the Environmental Health Department at Havant Borough Council. Mr Pink undertook to write a letter.

The being no further business, the meeting concluded at 8.55 pm.

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