People matter, results count.

Group Employee Survey Frequently Asked Questions

Table of Contents

Dates 2

Survey Purpose & Design 2

Your link to the survey 3

Taking the survey 3

Anonymity& Confidentiality 5

Survey content 6

Survey follow-up 6

Other 7

More information 7


1.  When does the 2016 Group Employee Survey run?

The Group Employee Survey runs from September 5 – 26, 2016

Survey Purpose & Design

2.  What is the survey for?

It is your opportunity to share your views on the organization and to play a role in making Capgemini and Sogeti great places to work. By participating, you will have the chance to contribute to the continued process of improvement of our company and leadership culture as well as enhancing our competitive edge.

3.  Who is ORC International?

ORC International is a global market research company and a leading provider of employee surveys, with offices in Europe, USA and Asia. ORC International collects all data and conducts all the analysis and reporting for us.

To find out more about ORC International, please go to:

4.  Who is being asked to participate?

To be eligible for the survey, you must be an employee of Capgemini or Sogeti (or companies owned by them). You must be employed by one of these entities on or before June 6, 2016

Contractors and Agency staff are not eligible for the survey.

However, employees on fixed term contracts paid by Capgemini or Sogeti (or companies owned by them) are eligible.

5.  I think I am eligible to take part and I have not received an invitation. What should I do?

If you are eligible for the survey, you will receive an invitation from this email id: in your Capgemini or Sogeti email account.

If you routinely use a client email address you may need to log on to your Capgemini/Sogeti mail to find the invitation. If your mailbox had exceeded its capacity on the date invites were sent, the invite would have bounced back. If so, please go to this website to request a fresh invite:

IMPORTANT: Please do not ask your colleagues to forward their survey invitation to you! The personal survey link in each invite is unique and meant only for the specific employee it is sent to. Please request your own survey link by going to:

If you still believe you have not been sent an invitation, please contact the ORC International Helpdesk

Your link to the survey

6.  Why is a personal survey link necessary?

A personal survey link sent directly to your mailbox is completely secure and is embedded with a unique identification that cannot be duplicated or disclose your identity. It ensures that each person can only take the survey once.

It is extremely important that you don't share or forward your link to your colleagues - your survey link must be used only by you to provide your own feedback.

7.  What if I lose the invitation email which contains my survey link?

You can go to this website to request a new link:

You will then need to provide your e-mail address and a new link will be sent to you via email.

Please do not ask a colleague to forward you their survey link as the links are unique and specific to an individual.

8.  How can I access the survey?

Your personal survey link can be accessed on your computer, tablet or mobile device

Taking the survey

9.  How long will it take to complete the survey?

A: It usually takes about 15 minutes if completed in one sitting.

10.  Do I have to answer every question?

The survey is voluntary, and so is each question. While you are encouraged to answer as many as you can, no question is mandatory.

11.  Can I save my answers and finish the survey at a later time?

Yes, the survey includes an option to save your answers and finish the survey at a later time. You will see a Save and Finish Later button at the bottom of each survey page. Clicking on this button will save the responses you have entered so far and exit the survey. To complete and submit your responses at a later time, you must reopen and finish the survey prior to September 26. Please note that when you re-open the survey, you will start at the beginning of the survey, and you will then be able to review and, if you wish, to amend the answers made in your previous session. If you change any of your answers, the new answer will be taken as your final response.

12.  If I take the survey at the start of the process and I change my mind before it closes, can I resubmit my answers?

This is possible if you have used the ‘save and finish later’ option. However, when you complete the survey and submit your responses you will see a completion notice and you cannot then make any further changes. Therefore, only submit your response to the survey when you are convinced you have answered all the questions and are satisfied with those responses.

13.  I have answered a question on the page, but now I have changed my mind and want to change my answer, can I do this?

Yes, you can select a different answer for the question, simply by clicking on the new answer you want to give. If it is a question that allows more than one answer to be selected, then you can ‘unclick’ the answers you no longer want to give and select the answers you do want to give. If you no longer want to give an answer to the question, then you can use the ‘Clear Page’ button and this will remove all responses to the questions on that page only and then you can resubmit your answers to the questions you want to on that page.

14.  Are the questions only available in English?

No, the questionnaire is available in the languages listed below. The language choices are determined either by the part of the organization you belong to or by the relevant language button you select as you enter the survey (accessed via the globe icon).

·  English (American)

·  French

·  German

·  Spanish (Latam)

·  Portuguese (Brazilian)Chinese (Simplified)

We provide a selection of languages so that you can answer in the language with which you are most comfortable. Please note that not all languages are available to everyone. When you click on the globe icon on the survey page, you will see which language options are available to you.

15.  What does it mean if I received an error message containing the text "Proxy" or "Firewall"?

These errors are caused by your network settings. Please contact your network administrator or local IT team to resolve arising issues.

16.  My computer locked up while I was taking the survey. What will happen to my responses?

Your responses will have been saved up until (but not including) the screen you were on at the time your computer locked up. To restart, simply click on the survey link provided in your invitation. Please note that when you re-open the survey, you will start at the beginning of the survey and you will then be able to review and, if you wish, to amend your answers made in the previous session. If you change any of your answers, the new answer will be taken as your final response.

17.  Can I be ‘timed out’ when completing the survey?

There is no general time limit for completing the survey, but if you leave it inactive for 20 minutes then you may be timed out. Your responses will have been saved up until (but not including) the screen you were on at the time you timed out. To restart, simply click on the survey link provided in your invitation. Please note that when you re-open the survey, you will start at the beginning of the survey and you will then be able to review and, if you wish, to amend your answers made in the previous session. If you change any of your answers, the new answer will be taken as your final response.

18.  I have received a reminder to complete the survey with a survey link. Why is that?

We want to make sure as many people as possible take the opportunity to ‘Get Involved and voice their opinion’, so during the survey period we will issue some reminders. If you have not yet started the survey then ORC International will have sent you a reminder to complete the survey. Also, if you have started the survey, but not got as far as ‘submitting’ at the end, then ORC International will have sent you a reminder to complete the survey. Please make sure you reach the end of survey and click on the ‘submit’ button in order to complete the survey. You will not then receive any further email reminders with a survey link. The reminders come from ORC International (from the address) as only they know who has completed the survey, not anybody within Capgemini Group.

Please note that there is a time delay between the cut-off for deciding who receives a reminder and when they are issued, so you may still receive a reminder if you have only completed the survey in the past few hours.

Capgemini Group companies may well issue general reminder communications, but these will not contain your personal survey link.

Anonymity& Confidentiality

19.  Who in Capgemini or Sogeti will see my answers?

No one. Your answers are received by the external survey company, ORC International.

20.  How can I be certain that my responses cannot be identified?

The survey database that hosts your answers does not contain your name or employee number, only basic demographic data such as country of employment, gender, office and business unit. The data is protected under a Data Protection agreement between the Capgemini Group and ORC International.

For ORC International, their reputation as a survey company is dependent on ensuring strict anonymity.

21.  Can I be identified through the analysis and reporting of results?

The reporting tool that we use does not return any results unless there are at least 30 responses. In this way, we prevent individual respondents from being identified. Many large corporations go down to the level of 7 responses, but we decided to use 30, to provide extra confidence to all our participants.

Our Nordic countries - Norway, Finland and Sweden - , are permitted to analyse results for a team of 5 respondents. This has been a normal practice in the Nordics in previous surveys and is known to the Employee Works Councils.

Survey content

22.  How is this survey different from last year’s survey?

This year we have restructured the survey for a better user experience. Many questions have been modified or deleted to make the survey easier and quicker to complete and more relevant and interesting for you.

23.  Is everyone being asked the same questions?

Forall participants there is a core set of survey questions which are the same for everyone. In addition Capgemini Sweden, Norway and Finland have decided to ask some supplementary questions

24.  Are there any open questions?

Yes there is one open question and you can respond in your native language.

25.  My manager, my business area and company?

There are questions in the survey referencing “my manager”. When answering the questions on ‘my manager’ you should be thinking of the person who manages your performance and your career.

‘my business area’ is the team you and your manager report to.

‘Company’ includes all areas unless specified.

26.  There are a number of questions which relate to working with clients. How do I answer them if I am a support or enabling person?

For enabling and support staff, please answer client related questions either thinking of our external clients or for some questions thinking of your ‘internal’ clients whom you support or enable.

Survey follow-up

27.  What happens once I have completed the questionnaire?

Once you have gone all the way through the survey and seen the Completion Notice screen, your personal link will be closed and you will not be able to access the survey again.

28.  What will the business do with the answers?

The survey results will be used by each business unit to identify and drive improvement actions. We also analyze results at a Group level in order to identify common themes and areas for improvement.

29.  When and how will the results be published?

Results and analysis will be available from the end of October 2016 and will be communicated by your management teams through their normal communication channels.


30.  Has the International Works Council been informed about the survey?

Yes, they have been informed about this year’s survey.

More information

31.  I have a question that is not answered here OR I have not received my login details? Who can I contact?

You can either contact the ORC International Helpdesk or you can contact your local HR Business Partner

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