Thepurpose of a resume istomarket a candidatebypresentingtheirskills and achievements in thebestpossible light. But in difficultorstaticjobmarketsthereis more temptationthanevertobendthetruth a littletogetthejob. This can leavethecompanywithemployeeswhocan't do thejobtheywerehiredfororworsestill, onewhosemistakescostmoney and underminehard won customerrelationships.
Identifying "red flags" willhelpyouensurethatyou can identifycandidateswith a depth of experience and expertise. Here are a few pointers:
- Beforesortingthroughyour pile of resumes, have a checklist of essentialskills, qualificationsorattributesthat are the "benchmark" forfindingtherightperson. Theseincludeeducation, general and specificjobexperience, as well as skill and performance requirements.
- Look forunexplained time periodsthatmightindicateunemploymentor a jobtheapplicantdoesn'twantyoutoknowabout. Date-stretchingtocover gaps isnotuncommon. Checkreferencestodetectthis.
- Thoughemployeemobility has increased, as a general rule more time in once place shows loyalty. Youdon'twantto be hiringagain in sixmonths. However, eventhebestemployees can sometimeshave a short period in a specific role duetounforeseen, personal oruncontrollablecircumstances.
- Watchoutfor resume filledwith vague responsibilities and claims. Enhancingjobtitlesiscommonpractice. Checkforinconsistenciesbetweentitle, responsibilities and salary. Look forveryspecificdetails of achievements and outcomes.
- At thesame time, don't be "dazzled" byanachievement-basedstyle of resume. Gobehindittoconsider actual roles and responsibilities. Flagachievements and requirethecandidatetoelaborate in the interview.
- Salaryis a commonareaforembellishment. This can be hardtodetect, especiallywhenyoucan'tcheckwith a presentemployer. Ask forevidencesuch as a contract, pay slip orbankstatements. Ifyou are suspicious, aimtouncoverhalftruths in interviews byaskingprobingquestions.
- Checkreferences. Always! Flagspecificitemstocheckwith referees.
In today'smarket place employees can be highlymobile — bothdomestically and internationally. The internet has madeiteven more temptingto lie on a resume. Thereis no substituteforthoroughchecksoneverycriticalaspect of a resume.