Gulf Coast High School Advisory Council Meeting Minutes

Minutes / 24 April 2017 / 5:30PM / Media Center
SAC Chair / Kristan Welty
princpal / Joe Mikulski
notification of meeting / 13 April 2017, e-mail, email and web site
members present / Joe Mikulski, Myoung Kim, Dan Rogers, Annmarie Algigi, Valerie Anderson, Debbie Borowski, Joe Cleveland, Chris Mitchell, Beth Sommerfeld, David Teets, John Williams, Elaine Gates, Chuck Indelicato, Eric Maya, Kathy Macri, Liyah Courageux, Nicole Garcia, Kaileigh Rodriguez
members absent / Kristan Welty, David MacGregor, Luis Bernal, Bonnie Torres, Stephanie Garcia
quorum present? / Yes
welcome / Joe Mikulski opened the meeting at 5:30PM, in the absence of Kristan Welty (Chair) and David MacGregor (Vice-Chair.)
approval of minutes / Mr. Mikulski introduced the March minutes, which were reviewed by SAC members. John Williams made a motion to approve the minutes, and Valerie Anderson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously, 18 Ayes, 0 Nays.
changes to agenda / None
Agenda item 1 / Old Business: Mr. Mikulski introduced the February minutes for approval (they had been tabled for correct attendance information.) Ann Marie Algigi made a motion to approve the February minutes, and John Williams seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously, 18 Ayes, 0 Nays.
agenda item 2 / Presentation, Communications Tower:
John Daly, Collier County Government representative, introduced the county’s upcoming project which will replace the existing communications tower in the southeast corner of the GCH campus with a new updated tower. The new tower will allow Public Safety agencies to share communications resources and will meet modern specifications. The emergency communications coverage area will be greatly expanded over existing capacity. The project will be carried out over Summer, 2017, and will take 45-60 days to complete. The new tower will provide better 911 response time for this area. Currently, this tower serves as the redundant system for Internet access to Gulf Coast High School and other CCPS locations. No interruption of data access is projected. The project will be presented to homeowners in the GCH area in late April as well. The lifespan of the tower is 20 years.
Mr. Mikulski discussed other construction projects occurring in the future, including Air Conditioning upgrades, and Roofing replacement.
agenda item 3 / Mr. Mikulski introduced five Mini-grants for consideration. The SAC budget is $8150.31, which does not include the allocated EOC Prep salaries for teachers. Approximately $4000 is earmarked for Mini-grants.
1 – Mouse pads for Digital Design classes. SAC voted unanimously to decline to approve this Mini-grant, 18 to 0. Additional information on how this grant relates to the curriculum may be sought.
2 – LiveScribe pens for Foreign Language – Approved, 15 Ayes, 3 Nays.
3 – Field Trip to Conservancy -- Mr. Mikulski requested this request be tabled for additional information.
4 – RNA/DNA Lab – for Biology and Genetics, a new course next year. Valerie Anderson made a motion to approve, David Teets seconded. Motion to approve passed, 18 Ayes, 0 Nays.
5 – Genetics Lab – Biology and Genetics classes. Valerie Anderson made a motion to approve, David Teets seconded. Motion to approve passed, 18 Ayes, 0 Nays.
agenda item 4 / David Teets shared information received at a recent District meeting. The District stressed the need for SACs to understand the ByLaws of their School Advisory Council. CCPS serves students in more than 100 languages! The District shared a Social Media video, which had also been presented to all teachers during faculty meetings, which was very well received.
District communication information was discussed; it is critical for parents to maintain updated phone numbers and email addresses so the District can reach them in an emergency, such as the recent fires and a related school’s evacuation (Big Cypress Elementary to Oakridge Middle School). School Phone Dialers are less frequently used, now parents are encouraged to check their email and CCPS School Twitter accounts for school information. Analytics have shown that only 30% of intended recipients received phone dialer messages, and 85% of intended recipients received email communications.
A new high school is planned for 2023. Two parcels are being considered, one on Immokalee West of Livingston, and one on Vanderbilt extension East of Collier Blvd (951). Mr. Mikulski stated that this would relieve overcrowding at GCH; he is currently giving School Tours by pre-arrangement Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday of every week.
agenda item 5 / End of Year Activities –
Underclass Awards Night – May 1st
Academic Signing Day – May 4th Lunchtime
Prom – May 6th
Senior Awards Night – May 15th
Senior BBQ – May 16th – Football Stadium – 11:15am – 2 inflatables!
Graduation – May 26th
AGENDA ITEM 6 / Winter/Spring Activities Update
May 16th Spring Football Game against Sarasota
Girls Basketball will be collecting parking fees to raise money for travel next season.
Gulf Coast High received All County Athletic honors – the first time in school history.
Every GCH Girls’ sports team won their District Championship!
GCH had 11 District Championships overall!
Tennis teams are at State Championships at time of SAC Meeting.
open agenda / David Teets announced that he had attended Seussical the Musical by our Drama Department and that it was excellent. He encouraged all SAC members to attend.
next meeting: date / 22 May 2017
ADJoURNMENT / Debbie Borowski made a motion to adjourn the meeting, David Teets seconded. Motion passed, 18 Ayes, 0 Nays. Meeting was adjourned at 6:40.
next meeting: agenda topics / TBD
Minutes submitted by / Elaine Gates

*Pertinent Information:

1. Presenter of item 4. Action to be taken

2. Information or voting item? 5. Person responsible

3. Result of vote (# for, # against) 6. Follow-up?