Conference Call Agenda
Friday, August 26, 2011 Conference Call Meeting
2pm Eastern; 1pm Central; 12pm Mountain; 11am Pacific; 8am Hawaii
1-866-485-7855 or 1-719-457-6899
participant pass code: 846500
The Practice Group is grateful to SCRA for supporting the costs of our conference calls. Thanks.
Tom Wolff
Greg Meissen
Bill Neigher
Carolyn Swift
Al Ratcliffe
Bill Berkowitz
Susan Wolfe
Chris Corbett
Dyana Valentine
Sharon Hakim
Jim Cook
Gloria Levine
Mike Lemke
Sheetal Pandya
1)  Practice Council Representative to the Executive Committee update (Bill N, Susan & Jim Cook)
·  Moving toward hiring of Executive Director (ED)
- Two days/week
- Consultation relationship
- Knowledgeable about the field
·  What to do about membership with or without current consulting group especially to keep students?
·  Considering an event manager for the Biennial
·  Some Practice Council members voiced concerns that 2 days/week not much time but EC is still working toward how to approach the work to be done in the Outreach Proposal beyond the ED
·  Continuing to consider the 50+ components of the Outreach Proposal to determine priority
·  Guided by a strategic planning approach working to a higher level of activity with the hiring of the ED
·  ‘SCRA financially sound and planning for the future when fewer paper copies of AJCP will be sold
·  How can Practice Council be helpful to moving this forward?
·  Already being helpful as EC has “sorted” & prioritized tasks in the Outreach Proposal
2)  Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice (Vince, Victoria, Liesette, Dyana, Tom)
Need/Opportunity: Recruiting submissions from abroad
·  Need to include tools – if anyone has a tool please consider submitting
·  Moving forward with conference proceedings from 3rd & 4th International and Chicago Biennial
·  Getting a good number of submissions but need more international submissions
·  Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice is doing great!!!!
3)  CP Practice Book (Susan & Victoria)
·  Still working on the revised proposal getting ready to submit to Sage sometime in the fall
·  SCRA Book Series editors are not as interested as Sage
4)  Material for next TCP (Susan Wolfe, Jim Dalton)
·  Upcoming issue done
·  Next issue - U-Mass, Lowell on how they have integrated the competencies written by Meg Bond
·  Issue after that will be on another of the competencies to be determined with CEP/Jim Dalton
·  Issue after that will be on another “work domain” (e.g., Govt, Program Evaluation)
·  Current issue is on the work setting of Foundations which is interesting
·  TCP articles are automatically put on “members” section on SCRA website
·  We could post articles from TCP on the Practice section of website?
·  A number of us cannot find TCP
-  Sharon reports that you have to sign on, go to Research section and find the TCP
-  Can also get to TCP through Membership Center
·  Jim will ask Roger Mitchell, Chair of Publications Committee, to make TCP easily accessible
(Here is what Roger said: “Yes, we did decide to make all but the most current TCP available to everyone. TCP's from 1990 through Winter 2011 are currently available to the general public without having to be a SCRA member. The URL is:
You can get to the URL by:
a.) Googling TCP or "The Community Psychologist"; or
b.) Going to the SCRA Home Page:
* clicking "SCRA Publications" under the SCRA Quick Links column at the bottom right
* clicking on "The Community Psychologist"
Perhaps we need to make the TCP link more prominent on the SCRA home page.
I am setting up a publications committee meeting and will keep you posted - Roger”)
5)  Early Career Initiative (Tiffeny)
·  No new information today but this initiative has begun
·  Gloria is also part of this group
·  TCP has great article & example on how Gloria was helpful to Maria in her getting tenure
6)  Engaging More Practice Council Members in our Work Groups (Bill B)
Need/Opportunity: Reach out to less active Practice Council members
·  Bill B points out that there are 20 or so “core members”
·  Another 20 or so who are “intermittently involved”
·  Another 20 or so who were “involved at an earlier time” but are not currently involved
·  Another 20 or so who were “involved with a specific issue” at an earlier time but not active now
·  Another 20 or so like to stay “informed/cc’d” but usually don’t join us unless for a specific issue
·  Bill asked if reaching out to the intermittently involved as well as some of those involved at an earlier time or involved with a former issue would generate interest in our newer tasks and initiatives
·  There are actually 99 people on our distribution list at this time
·  Tom suggested that we personally reach out to these folks with needs/opportunity
·  Bill B offered to draft a note to these folks that would include “needs & opportunities”
·  Gloria pointed out that some might be interested but cannot be on call due to work/time restraints
·  Susan suggested that we identify current and past SCRA members especially those working in practice settings and reach out to them to see if interested
·  Jim noted that many of these people may not be getting info from listserve (1357 vs 850+)
·  Also lots of recently formerly members who might be interested
·  Jim will ask Scot to identify these 500+
7)  Taking “Great Ideas” Session at Chicago Biennial to the TCP (Bill B)
Need/Opportunity – Coordinate the TCP column
·  Possible work group from larger Outreach Initiative
·  Beyond the TCP Practice Column
·  Is there someone(s) willing to coordinate this column
·  A starting point would be to enlist those who participated at “Great Ideas” sessions at Biennial
·  Bill B write note to Practice Council members & those at Great Ideas sessions seeking volunteers
8)  SCRA Membership Committee (Susan, Jim Cook)
Needs/Opportunity: Join the SCRA Membership Committee with Susan
·  Much action at the EC level especially as it moves toward the ED
·  Anyone from Practice Council interested in the Membership Committee let Jim Cook or Susan know
·  High on Jim’s priority list
·  Some efforts underway
·  Going to look at graduates of community programs
·  Reviewing biennial list for following up
·  Looking at old membership lists
·  Want to ask why they left SCRA and what would it take to bring them back
·  SCRA does not know what universities members graduated from
·  If anyone has questions that we want to ask member let Jim or Susan know
9)  Organized outreach - Community Psychology Practice (Bill B, Bill N, Susan, Sharon)
Need/Opportunity: Group needs someone to step up to take the leadership from Bill Berkowitz who cannot continue to commit this – or at least agree to coordinate one outreach project -Great need and terrific opportunity for leadership
·  Accomplished much but time to regroup, reorganize and recharge to move forward
·  Do we want to continue this overall organizing group that helps support work groups?
·  Dyana offered to be part of a specific work group as it might form
·  Is there anyone interested to phase into Bill’s coordination role?
·  Are there people interested in coordinating work groups?
·  Maybe we can push this forward with independent work groups w/o an coordinating group
·  Bill will draft a piece to move this forward to develop the independent work groups
10) Community Psychology Competencies & Standards (CPPC/CEP)
Need/Opportunity: Form/reform joint CPPC/CEP work group
·  9/2 the CEP is meeting to discuss this issue
·  Consensus to develop an agreed upon list of competencies
·  Hopefully CEP will go to departments to get their input
·  What does CEP need from CPPC?
·  There was a panel at Portugal Conference on how different countries are addressing competencies
- Greg & Todd Shagott were part of that session that included a number of countries
11) International Community Psychology Conference Barcelona, Spain
·  Need/Opportunity – Coordinate a Practice Council proposal
·  Deadline for proposals is September 30
·  Take a look at the website (
·  Is there anything we want to work on together to submit?
·  We would have to figure this out on our next call
12) Profiles Project (Jim C, Bill B, Susan, Alexis, Victoria, Kyrah, Dyana, Al, Rachel, Tiffeny, Rachel S.)
Need/Opportunity: All of us need to add our profiles!
·  Jim updated that more profiles are coming in but still a small number
·  Jim also cannot continue on this due to EC President role
·  Infrastructure in place to accept profiles but not a recruitment effort to get more profiles
·  Rachel just finished PhD and has moved to Baltimore
·  Greg will ask Kyrah if she could contact Rachel & Alexis to see if the 3 or a 2/3 could take the lead
·  Susan suggested that reaching out to the 500+ to contribute profiles
·  Everyone on call promised to get their Profiles by next call
13) SCRA Webpage – Online Forums and Blog (Sharon, Kyrah, Gina & Zach)
·  5000 visitors since we launched
·  Zach Bartuch has offered to be Blog Guru
·  Is currently a Vista volunteer getting ready to go to graduate school soon
·  Will be a call for new Bloggers soon so be prepared
·  After US, Taiwan most often visitor to blog
·  Gina will start double blogging with same info on SCRA & Google
·  If we post our stuff on SCRA website it goes to everyone
14) CEP Collaboration/Changing Community Psychology Graduate Training
(Tiffeny, Judah, Al, Jim Dalton, Gregor, Greg, Bill &Tom)
Need/Opportunity: Help with implementation of funded consultation intervention- encourage your
program to apply
·  Five consultant applications submitted
·  One program application submitted
·  Still waiting for programs to apply so please encourage your program by 9/15
15) Value Proposition Proof of Concept (Bill Neigher, Sharon Hakim)
·  Still analyzing and working on the data
·  Need continuing education in certain areas
·  Ranking of these 17 areas in terms of use and proficiencies
·  Working on article for Global Journal
·  Al wondered if any universities offered CEUs
·  Greg reported that WSU has done them for community partners
·  Sharon reported that the Student Group is developing some plans for Online CEU offerings
·  Most get the skills through “on the job training”
·  Such products could serve our students/members and others (like Conn Institute?)
·  Sharon will talk to Todd Bottom and report next month on progress
16) Mini-Grants (Bill N, Sharon, Al)
Need/Opportunity: Reviewers Needed - Community Mini-Grant is looking for 2-3 more members to round out our review committee. Commitment time varies, depending on applicant volume.
Need/Opportunity: Encouraging applications
·  Good progress
·  Phase 1/pre-application = yes, then full application
·  14 reviewers
·  15 applications
·  About ½ involved in developing 3 pager for Phase 2
·  1 ready to be funded but pending notice
·  Notices in Global Journal encouraging International Applicants
·  All will have to do a 1 page final report for dissemination and posting on SCRA website
17) Community Tool-Box Ask an Advisor
Need/Opportunity: Need volunteers for the coming year
·  Four have signed up for 2012 including Rhonda Lewis’s WSU Practicum Class, Al, Gina, Dyana
·  If interested please e-mail Bill B
·  Sheetal Pandya offered to be an Advisor so will contact Bill B
18) SCRA Policy Committee
·  Tom & Chris are on this group
·  Judah is organizing this group
·  Many ideas including quickly deciding on important issues and what SCRA could speak out on
·  About 20 people involved
·  Another group on Environmental Issues getting started
19) Practice Council Process Suggestions from Biennial
·  How to engage those on our Practice mailing list to participate in our tasks – lots of opportunities
·  Are there some simple/easy ways to engage people
·  Feature 1 or 2 things/month to go out to the SCRA listserve that very specifically provides the opportunity – exactly what we are looking for and some commitment of time
·  Say openly that people can participate as they are able & welcomed back as schedule allows
·  Seek out ambassadors at every graduate programs
·  Elevator speech on what is CPPC that regularly is posted on meeting notes, listserve & other places
·  Regular blurb to the SCRA student listserve/
·  Can we leverage technology to enhance our monthly meetings?
20) Schedule next meeting
·  Friday, September 16, 2011 @ 2pm Eastern;1pm Central;12pm Mountain;11am Pacific; 8am Hawaii
Who / Past Meeting Agreements / By When
Susan & Victoria / Practice Book proposal to Sage / 9/30/11
Susan / Practice material from Biennial in TCP / 1/1/12
Bill B & Chris / Check with Maria, editor of TCP, about article on “great ideas” / 9/16
Chris / Will more fully develop the idea for the TCP article / 9/16
Anyone / Volunteer to edit article on “great ideas” contact Chris Corbett / ASAP
Bill B / Call next meeting of Outreach Group to determine structure, roles & next steps / done
Sharon / Work with Scot to create a “double blogging” set up and monitor traffic to determine if we move the blog to the SCRA website / done
Zach & Sharon / Zach offered to be “blog guru” & Sharon will coordinate to transition role / done
Tom, Susan, Monika & Sheetal / Volunteered to be reviewers of mini-grants / done
Vince / Offered space in Global Journal for call for proposals for mini-grants / done
Anyone / Volunteer to be Community ToolBox “Ask an Advisor” / done
Jim Dalton / Will find out about new SCRA scheduler to get us on that agenda / done
August 26, 2011 Meeting Agreements
Jim / ask Roger Mitchell, SCRA Publications Chair, to make TCP easily accessible / done
Bill B / draft an e-note to intermittent and previous members that will include “needs & opportunities” / 9/16
Jim / ask Scot to identify the 500+ who are SCRA members but not on SCRA listerve / 9/16
Bill B / write note to Practice Council members & those at Great Ideas sessions seeking volunteers to do Great Ideas TCP column / 9/16
Anyone / Questions or Interested in participating in the Membership Committee let Jim Cook or Susan know / 9/16
Bill / draft a piece to describe and to move Outreach Group forward by developing independent work groups / 9/16
Everyone / Take a look at the Barcelona website ( to consider going and to see what we want to work on together to submit / 9/16
Greg / Ask Kyrah if she could contact Rachel & Alexis to see if the 3 or a 2/3 could take the lead on the Profiles Project / done
Everyone / Complete profile for SCRA website / 9/16
Sharon / Talk to Todd Bottom and report next month on progress on Online CEU idea / 9/16