Steve Clark, MIDD, Welcome / 9:00-9:05
Cell and Molecular Neurobiology
Jim Cook, Chemistry “BZR/GABA(A)ergic subtype selective ligand approach for new drugs” / 9:10-9:30
Fred Helmstetter, Psychology "Neurobiology of memory" / 9:35-9:55
Karyn Frick, Psychology “This is your hippocampus on estrogen” / 10:00-10:20
Break / 10:25-10:35
Devin Mueller, Psychology "Reducing the drive to seek drugs: pharmacological and behavioral approaches in rat models of drug use" / 10:40-11:00
Chris Quinn, Biological Sciences "Wiring the brain: Regulation of axonal connections by microRNAs" / 11:05-11:25
Nina Yina Yuan (Alexander Arnold lab), Chemistry "Automated Patch Clamp: High-throughput Electrophysiological Assay for Neuropharmacology Research in Mammalian Cells" / 11:30-11:50
Lunch (Pizza will be provided) / 11:55-12:30
Steve Clark, MIDD “Overview of collaborative grant opportunities” / 12:30-12:40
Novel Imaging Approaches in Neuroscience Research
Carol Hirschmugl, Physics “Non-destructive 2D and 3D chemical imaging of neurons using contrast provided by functional groups in biomolecules” / 12:45-1:05
Vali Raicu, Physics "Spectroscopic methods for probing macromolecular and cellular interactions in vivo" / 1:10-1:30
Ramin Pashae, Engineering TBA—Optogenetic-brain interfaces” / 1:35-1:55
Whitney Linz (Mahsa Ranji lab), Engineering "Optical imaging of live tissue metabolism" / 2:00-2:20
Break / 2:25-2:35
Zebrafish in Neuroscience Research
Ava Udvadia, Biological Sciences "Gene regulatory networks driving successful CNS regeneration in zebrafish" / 2:35-2:55
Jennifer Gutzman, Biological Sciences “Using the zebrafish to understand brain morphogenesis and myh9-related diseases” / 3:00-3:20
Kurt Svoboda, School of Public Health “The Zebrafish Rohon-Beard neuron: A model cell in a model organism for studying programmed cell death” / 3:25-3:45
Note change of venue to EMS 190 / 3:50-4:10
Doug Stafford, MIDD and Center For Excellence in Applied Chemistry "Overview of new analytical chemistry resources at UWM" / 4:10-4:20
Bob Classon, PhD, Shimadzu “Leveraging Unique Mass Spec and Imaging Technologies for Life Science and Environmental Research” / 4:20-5:20

Experimental Instrumentation and Models in Interdisciplinary

Neuroscience Research

July 30, 2014, Room 197 CHEM, UWM Campus

There is no cost to register for the workshop. Please send an email to to register. Include your affiliation and name.

For directions go to Visitor parking is available in the Student Union underground lot that can be accessed off Kenwood Blvd.