Intermediate Work At Work Worksheet 8: Hazards in the workplace


Intermediate Work At Work Worksheet 8: Hazards in the workplace

Intermediate Work At Work Worksheet 8: Hazards in the workplace


IntermediateWorkAt Work

Worksheet 8: Hazards in the workplace


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Worksheet 8: Hazards in the workplace

Look at the pictures and discuss.

All workplaces have some health and safety hazards. The types of hazards vary from one workplace to another. Some hazards are minor and some are more serious. For example, a factory would have many more dangers to health and safety than an office.

Some safety hazards can be:

Things that can fall / Work practices
(e.g. sitting at a computer all day)
Things to trip or slip on / Lifting heavy loads
Sharp objects
(e.g. knives, box cutters, sharp corners on shelves) / Electrical problems

Can you think of any other hazards that you may find in the workplace or at home?