Minutes of the Childcare Steering Group Meeting

16th June2015

Present: Dr Stephen Goss (in the chair),Dr Chris Ballinger,Joanna Barlow (on behalf of Emma Potts), Julian Duxfield,Jane Maharry, Anne Pearsall, Emily Sharp, Sam Shearn, Sara Smith

Apologies:Trudy Coe, Prof. Fara Dabhoiwala

  1. Welcome

The Chair welcomed Sam Shearn to his first meeting.

  1. Minutes of the previous meeting

The minutes of the meeting held on 26th February 2015were approved asan accurate record.

  1. Matters arising

Ref 6: Work to explorethe possibility of differentiation within the student priority group is being progressed by Childcare Services and OUSU

  1. Childcare Services update report

Jane Maharry provided anupdate on the following matters.

Sector News

Free educational funding for 3 and 4 year olds will increase from 15-30 hours a week for working families from 2017. Detailed qualifying criteria for the funding are yet to be published.

It was reported that an announcement of the implementation of tax-free childcare will be made as part of the budget on 8th July.

Development Activity

Heads of Childcare Network

A network has been established to share practice between those who head up childcare service areas in the UK HE sector. It is felt this will especially helpful given the number of changes in the external/political environment over the next few years. The first meeting will take place in July, hosted by Oxford.

Childcare Services Operations

3.1 Management Changes

There have been a number of changes within the management teams in University nurseries. Jane Maharry reported that she is working with Bright Horizons to get the right people appointed to take up vacant posts.

It was reported that other changes to management teams were in the pipeline. Jane Maharry stated that some of the changes were positive for the longer term;our aim in the short-term is to manage the transition and reassure parents that standards will be maintained.

It was reported that a new Regional Manager had been appointed to oversee the Oxford nurseries.

3.2 Service Level Agreement


University nurseries are now all comfortably above target occupancy. Childcare Services is working closely alongside Bright Horizons to ensure that levels are sustained during the summer turnover.

The Childcare Services team were thanked for their work in this area.


There had been a dip in staff qualifications at two nurseries – Bradmore and Woodstock – due to staff changes. However, it was noted that whilst current early year’sresearch suggested a link between quality provision and levels of qualified staff, it was not a simple case of cause and effect. For example, JSL is consistently outstanding, even though a number of staff are unqualified. Jane Maharry stated her view that the key driver for quality is a committed and driven manager who is able to model practice and support nursery teams.

3.3Nursery Waiting List

The waiting list has increased from 430 in February to just under 500. It was reported that there are 60 FTE (circa 75 children) leaving the nurseries this summer and the list is therefore expected to reduce to around 400 by the autumn. This is line with the pattern over the last three years.

3.4 Community places available to the University

Co-operative: It was reported that it will no longer be possible to offer places at the JR nursery. Places available to the University at the Train station are due to increase to 20FTE

Montessori: A new nursery will open in St Giles’ Church Hall from September. Places have been offered to parents who expressed a Montessori preference in line with standard policies and practice.

Childbase: A request has been made for an increase in the University’s FTE allocation at Julia Durbin and Sandfield nurseries. This is not possible at this time as priority for places at these nurseries goes to those working for the NHS Trust.

3.5 Parent Survey

Results from the February 2015 parent satisfaction survey showed a 99% approval rating, with 66% very satisfied.

A number of the areas for improvements – namely around staff wages and retention will be addressed via the implementation of the Living Wage.

3.6 Waterways Ofsted

Jane Maharry reported the recent ‘inadequate’ outcome to members. Response from parents with children placed at the nursery had been very measured; two families had requested a nursery re-allocation and are able to switch from the autumn as they were already on the waiting list with a priority status.

Jane Maharry will make unannounced visits to the nursery over the next few months to assess progress and will meet at least fortnightly with the Early Years team and Regional Manager regarding the Waterways action plan. The nursery will have another Ofsted inspection before end November 2015; if the outcome remains the same then the University will need to seriously consider whether places can continue to be offered.

A member asked whether we should be concerned about other nurseries managed by Bright Horizons. Jane Maharry reported that the Oxford Business Park nursery (previously on ‘Requires improvement’)had just had an Ofsted inspection and was now classed ‘Good’. All other nurseries where we have places are also securely ‘Good’ or better.

It was reported that the Chief Operating Officer from Bright Horizons had been in a dialogue with the University following the outcome, outlining his clear commitment to improvements at the nursery.

3.7 Database Upgrade

It was reported that the upgrade was now nearly complete and that this would bring a number of benefits to Childcare Services – both in respect of time savings but also in terms of quality of information, data storage and reporting.

Thanks were offered to Cath Astbury for leading the project so well on behalf of Childcare Services

3.8 Sponsored Places

It was reported that Childcare Services has received applications for 75 places thus far.

Jane Maharry shared with members that there had been some concerns raised around the equity of the scheme based around whether a College/Department has the ability to pay or not. These concerns will be picked up as part of the scheme review in 2016.

3.9 Fee increases

Outcomes from the fee negotiations round were shared with members. Overall, fee increases had been kept to an appropriate level, with the University securing smaller fee increases

Jane Maharry reported that there had been only 5 responses to the letter regarding the 6% fee increase to be applied to University nurseries from August; 3 of which had been positive.

3.10 Financial update

The expected surplus for the end of financial year 2015 is £62K; this is down on the forecast primarily due to increases in JSL rent.

It was noted that 150K of Childcare Services’ reserves had been allocated to support the development of increased nursery provision in Headington.

Update on Triangle Nursery

Julian Duxfield provided members will an update on the work that had been undertaken to progress the development of the Triangle Building as the fifth University nursery.

It was reported that planning permission had been secured, much later than hoped, in mid-May from the City Council. Members noted that a nursery provider to run the operation has been identified as a result of a tender process along with a construction company to undertake the works.

Members were also informed that very recently, an alternative to the Triangle had come up which potentially could be available for a longer-term and with a greater number of spaces. This was being investigated very swiftly by Estates to consider matters of feasibility and design.

Members confirmed that they were happy for this matter to be resolved over the long vacation.

Childcare Services Strategy proposal

Jane Maharry presented the key elements of the strategy proposal to members. A wide ranging discussion ensured with the following points made:

  • The Vision/Aims/Purpose reflected well previous discussions;
  • Information on how extensive Oxford’s provision is could be further enhanced. However, it is noted that given the emotion for parents involved in securing a nursery place, it is not always easy to hear the message that Oxford offers better provision than other HEIs when you have not got a place for your child;
  • Should we be aiming for Ofsted outstanding given there is an element of chance with external assessments? Response: We should be aiming for outstanding nurseries and should not be satisfied with just good provision;
  • The target to remain to offer at least twice as many places as the sector average was supported. It was noted that this target will need to remain under close review as staff and PG student numbers increase;
  • Work should be undertaken to look at differential fees for staff and students; these would need to be considered as part of their contribution towards our strategic aims and not as an end in themselves. Action: Jane Maharry
  • It was noted that there is no dependant’s grant for UK students; however, they have access to benefits. This was a gap for overseas students. Action: Sara Smith to feed into review on Student Hardship Funds

The draft strategy proposal will be revised following discussion to go to Personnel Committee in Week 2 Michaelmas Term.


Members discussedfeedback from a parent concerning lack of flexibility in notice periods and use of ad hoc sessions.

Jane Maharry shared with members that whilst waiting lists are long, there are a number of factors impacting upon the time it takes to allocate nursery places and that it can be a complex process. It was reported that whilst parents have only 3 days to respond to an offer, they are typically given a working week. Somewhat surprisingly, 30% of offers are declined. If this happens, then the processing of offering needs to start again.

It was noted that there was no existing data on the ‘average’ time it takes to fill a place. In the light of feedback it was suggested that if this is consistently less than two months then there could be an argument for a reduction in the notice period.

Jane Maharry agreed to action an analysis as part of the review of the summer turnover in the University nurseries this year and would work on producing some data with Bright Horizons. Action: Jane Maharry

Date of future meeting

MichaelmasTerm, 12 November 2015, Wellington Square

Jane Maharry

Head of Childcare Services

June 2015