

Single with no Children

This Last Will and Testamentisdesignedforsinglepersons (never married, divorced, widow, widower, etc.) whodonothavechildren, but wanttoleavetheir Estateto another beneficiary.


Therearetwostepsinmakingyour Last Will and Testament:

StepOne: Prepare the Last Will and Testament

Fill in the blanks in the Last Will and Testament form by either printing or typing in your information on to each blank line. For example, the Last Will and Testament starts, “I, ______,”. If you are making your own Last Will and Testament, print or type your name in the blank space. Then complete the Will by filling in all the other blanks on this form. It is recommended you complete this in your own hand, on a typewriter or a computer. Never allow a spouse, or beneficiary to fill in your Last Will and Testament, as this could be declared invalid.

Review your Last Will and Testament to see that it says what you want it to say and is kept updated. If you have any questions of any nature whatsoever, talk with a lawyer licensed in your state.

StepTwo: Signing the Last Will and Testament

You must sign your Last Will and Testament in full in front of two independent witnesses who should have no interest, or share in the Estate. This includes family members, beneficiaries, Executors, Trustees or appointed Guardians. Each witness must also sign in front of you and the other witness.

*If you nominate more than one beneficiary, add the additional names and bequests.

NOTE:This form is for completing a very simple Last Will and Testament. If your Estate and/or wishes will be complicated, you are advised to seek the services of a professional advisor who can assist you to draw up a valid Will.



DATED: ______


I,______,beingoffullageandsoundmind andmemory,dowillingly and under no constraint or undue influence,make,publishanddeclarethistobemyLastWillandTestament,herebyrevoking andannullinganyandall Last Will and TestamentsorCodicilsatanytimeheretoforemadebyme, or expressed by me.


Idirectthatallmyjustdebts,securedandunsecured,bepaidassoonasreasonableaftermy death. I direct myExecutorhowever, that anydebtmay be carried,renewedand refinancedforitsrepaymentasmyExecutormaydeemadvisabletakingintoconsiderationthebest interestsofthebeneficiarieshereunder.


Alloftherestandresidueofmyproperty,realandpersonal,ofeverykindanddescriptionand wheresoeversituate,whichImayownorhavetherighttodisposeofatthetimeofmydeath,Igive, devise,andbequeathto:



Shouldtheprecedingperson(s)diebeforeme,thenIgive,deviseandbequeathmy Estate to my nominated substitute beneficiary:



IdirectthatmyExecutor, Beneficiariesand Trustees abidebyanywrittenstatementorlistbyme directingthedispositionoftangiblepersonalpropertynotspecificallydisposedofbythis Last Will and Testament. This directiveismandatorytotheextentallowedbylaw.

Page 1 of 2 signed by Testator ______

Witness 1______Witness 2______

Theword ‘Executor’meansthesameas ‘Administrator’, ‘Executrix’,or ‘Personal Representative’andreferstothepersonwhoistoadministermy Estateandcarryoutthetermsofthis Last Will and Testament.



AnysuccessororsubstituteExecutorshallpossessallthe rights,powersandduties,authorityandresponsibilityconferreduponmyExecutornamedherein.



signmynametothisLast Will and Testament in the presence of the witnesses below

At (place) ______

onthis ______(day) of ______(month) ______(year)


We, the under-signed witnesses hereby declare that the above Testator signed this Last Will and Testament in our presence and that we willingly sign and attest to the Testator’s free will and signature on this Last Will and Testament.

WITNESS 1 Name in full: ______

WITNESS 1 Signature: ______ID Number: ______

WITNESS 2 Name in full: ______

WITNESS 2 Signature: ______ID Number: ______