Minutes of meeting held on 14th April 2014 in Dores Parish Hall 7.30pm

1. Members Present: Ella MacRae, Chair (EMacR); Gavin Finlay, Vice Chair (GF);

Sarah Hartley (SH); John Hedger (JH); Steve Feltham (SF);

In Attendance: Clare Cuthbertson, Minute Secretary; 4 members of the public

2. Apologies: Duncan Manson, Roslyn Mackay, Cllr D Hendry

3. Adoption of Previous Minute (10th March 2014):

Minutes approved Proposed: Steve Feltham Seconded: Sarah Hartley

4. Matters Arising from Previous Minute:

Fish Farm – ongoing

Winter Resilience - leave until next winter now.

Church of Scotland – ongoing

Throw in buoys – Still to decide which model is best suited. Ongoing Action: SF

Bus shelter clearance – ongoing

Dores Road drainage – scheduled by Highland Council for late May/June. Currently working at LochNess Lodges

Japanese Knotweed – too early for action but Iain Cameron & Alastair Grant will take action.

5. Correspondence

Highland Council have new Service Centre structure and names

Peoples Millions – email re next deadline for community groups to apply 16th May

Etape LochNess – Sun 4th May. Details re road closures now on website

LochNess Rotary Club – Charity cycle Sat 17th May. @20 cyclists starting at Dores Inn - Inverfarigaig – Errogie – Dores Inn. Candy Cameron expressed concern that organisers must have marshalls to stop cyclists speeding past any horses that may be out at same time. Ensure good signs on roads

Gerry Grant (Loch Ness Rotary Club) also congratulated Heritage Group on excellent booklet

6. Treasurer’s Report

No movement of funds. Have received invoice from Hall. Also need to refund Development Trust at least some of money outstanding.

7. Planning & Development

Iain & Candy Cameron propose to demolish existing Drummond Farm and rebuild on same footprint . No plans available for consultation. Neutral response.

8. Water, Sewage, Roads

Loch Ness View – need to follow up progress of road adoption by council Action: SH

Signs in Village – Council have started to rationalise signs and will trial new temporary signs.

Highland Council closing B862 at Loch Tarff for 6 weeks 7am-7pm for ‘improvements’ for Wind Farm development with no consultation with local businesses and communities. There was a poorly advertised drop in session but no opportunity for any feedback – completely unacceptable. Letter to go to William Gilfinnan (Roads Dept) Action: SH


RockNess – confirmed will not be held in 2014.

SSE – work on Knochnagael to Foyers section during Spring and Autumn 2014 and 2015 to replace single pylons with double ones (same height) to cope with increased loads from new windfarms. Will involve tree felling and groundworks at pylons. Works traffic should be using top road. To request more detailed works schedule. To request works traffic takes account of school traffic. To request liaison with Community Council, Cllr M Davidson and C Cameron with possibility of retaining some of temporary roads required for works. Action: SH

Broadband – JH reported that HIE publication states that Digital roll out has been planned for July 2015-December 2015.Confirmation of this to be sought. Action: JH

LEADER – cannot be finalised until HC pay agreed ‘inkind’ donation for cycle shelter. C Cuthbertson to supply SH with copy of letter from Neil MacRae confirming that this would be done.

Meeting closed at 8.35pm

Next meeting - Monday 2nd June 2014 at 7.30pm in Dores Parish Hall

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