Minutes of the Ocean Grove Barwon Heads RSL Sub-Branch General Meeting

Held at the Ocean Grove Bowling Club

On 10 April 2017

1.  Opening. The Chairman declared the meeting open at 1430hrs.

2.  Silent Tribute. The Chairman asked all present to stand to observe a minutes silence for those who had fallen in the service of their country or who had died since the last meeting. The Ode was also recited in accordance with tradition.

3.  Present. Chairman G. Fisher, K. Arnott, J. Dickinson, D. Wilkinson, L. Fisher, Minute Secretary T. Wheal and 35 members

4.  Apologies. D. Gilroy, H. Deane, B. Clarke and 13 members.

5.  Previous Minutes. The previous minutes were read to the meeting and were carried on a motion proposed by K. Hankin and seconded by K, Arnott.

6.  Business Arising from the Previous Minutes. Nil

7.  Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer circulated the report for March 2017 noting that some $2,900 of expenditure was attributable to the purchase of the trailer and payment for the Pipes & Drums and bus hire for ANZAC Day. Most of the income was derived from a repayment of the loan to the Colac RSL Sub-Branch. A total of $2,100 has now been repaid. Acceptance of the Treasurer’s Report was moved by M. Barry and seconded by K. Arnott. Carried.

8.  Correspondence. The Minute Secretary listed the correspondence:

a.  In.

Email from Latrobe University – Health Study.

OBON Society letter – return of Japanese flags removed from bodies during WW II.

RSL Circular No. 8 – Defence Ceremonial Closing.

Australian Vietnam Veterans War – Sitrep 3.

Creswick RSL Sub-Branch – Golf Day 30 April 2017.

Letter from La Mama Theatre.

Letter re Reserve Forces Day 1 July 2017 – Donation requested.

Advocacy News – Issue 4.

War Heritage Roadshow.

RSL Appeals – March Update.

Minute from DVA – 2017 Education Resource.

Boer War Memorial Despatch.

You Tube link to Vietnam War film footage.

2017 Invitation to Schools.

Email Response to ANZAC Day.

b.  Out.

DVA Survey Response.

Email Request – Token Sales Woolworths.

9.  Reports.

a.  Welfare. Since she had just returned from holiday, the Welfare report was necessarily short:

Volunteers had performed 240 hours of veteran support.

A total of 256 clients had been visited.

A total of 535 km had been travelled.

b.  Appeals. D. Wilkinson reported that the ANZAC Day sales stock included a new and quite attractive $30 badge. He further reported that a total of 22 sales boxes would be required this year including an additional four for the CoGG. The four major sales boxes, Woolworths, Pharmacy, and Liquorland in Ocean Grove and APCO in Barwon Heads had been stocked, and the remaining boxes would be stocked over before Easter.

P. Cail reported that vacancies still existed in the rosters. Barwon Heads, which commenced selling that day had 12 positions vacant while Woolworths had nine vacancies and Liquorland 12.

c.  Publicity. Nil report. However, J. Dickinson advised that all the information relating to ANZAC Day was available on the website.

d.  Memorabilia. Nil report.

Acceptance of the Reports was moved by K. Arnott and seconded by P. Cail. Carried.

10.  General Business.

a.  (ANZAC Day Arrangements) The Chairman discussed the arrangements for the various ANZAC Day services in Ocean Grove and advised that the breakfast after the Dawn Service would be held in the old Fire Station. In answer to a question from M. Klabbers, the Minute Secretary advised the Barwon Heads march would commence at 0845hrs with a service to follow at the Community Hall at 0900hrs.

b.  Unknown Soldier Ceremony. I. Lee reminded the audience of the “Unknown Soldier” ceremony on 12 April 2017 commencing at 2000hrs.

c.  Leopold War Memorial. D. Wilkinson reported that the Leopold War Memorial Committee planned to dedicate the memorial on 21 April at 1530hrs and asked that as many members as possible attend. Medals are to be worn by those entitled to do so at the dedication. The Memorial is situated at the corner of Melaluka and Singer Roads.

d.  Edinburgh Shield. B. D’Elton reported that Ocean Grove had won Section 5 of the Edinburgh Shield to progress to the next stage.

e.  Raffle. A total of $114 was collected from the raffle and $57 was handed to the winner, A. Drewett who immediately donated the sum to Welfare. After $10 was withheld for next month’s float the amounts were forwarded to the Treasurer for banking in the Welfare Patriotic Fund and the General account

11.  Next Meeting. The next General meeting for Monday 15 May 2017 commencing at 1430hrs.

12.  Closure. There being no further business the Chairman declared the meeting closed 1455hrs.

J.A. (Tony) Wheal

Minute Secretary